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Displaying 541 to 550 of 1137 total results
The discussion in the following paragraphs does not apply when binlog_format=ROW because, in that case, temporary tables are not replicated; this means that there are never any temporary tables on the replica to be lost in the event of an unplanned ...
Views are filtered by their own name, not by the tables they refer to. This means that a view can be replicated to the replica even if the view contains a table that would normally be filtered out by replication-ignore-table rules. Care should ...
A multi-source replication topology requires at least two sources and one replica configured. In these tutorials, we assume you have two sources source1 and source2, and a replica replicahost. The replica replicates one database from each of the ...
MySQL multi-source replication enables a replica to receive transactions from multiple immediate sources in parallel. In a multi-source replication topology, a replica creates a replication channel for each source that it should receive ...
The following sections contain information about mysqld options and server variables that are used in replication and for controlling the binary log. Options and variables for use on sources and replicas are covered separately, as are options and ...
When evaluating replication options, the replica begins by checking to see whether there are any --replicate-do-db or --replicate-ignore-db options that apply. When using --binlog-do-db or --binlog-ignore-db, the process is similar, but the options ...
The administrative interface to semisynchronous replication has several components: Two plugins implement semisynchronous capability. There is one plugin for the source side and one for the replica side. Some examples: rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled ...
There may be situations where you have a single source and want to replicate different databases to different replicas. For example, you may want to distribute different sales data to different departments to help spread the load during data ...
Replication enables data from one MySQL database server (the source) to be copied to one or more MySQL database servers (the replicas). Replication is asynchronous by default; replicas do not need to be connected permanently to receive updates from ...
RESET MASTER Warning Use this statement with caution to ensure you do not lose any wanted binary log file data and GTID execution history. For a server where binary logging is enabled (log_bin is ON), RESET MASTER deletes all existing binary log ...
Displaying 541 to 550 of 1137 total results