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Displaying 41 to 50 of 1137 total results
The next two sections contain information about MySQL server system and server status variables which are specific to the Group Replication plugin.
This section provides information about the statements used to control servers running the MySQL Group Replication plugin.
This section presents details about some of the services that Group Replication builds on.
This section explains how to use the available configuration options to gain the best performance from your group.
This section provides more technical details about MySQL Group Replication.
There is nothing preventing Group Replication from operating over a virtual private network. At its core, it just relies on an IPv4 socket to establish connections between servers for the purpose of propagating messages between them.
--defaults-group-suffix Command-Line Format --defaults-group-suffix=string Introduced 5.7.18-ndb-7.6.2 Type String Default Value [none] Also read groups with concat(group, suffix). ndb_import imports CSV-formatted data, such as that produced by ...
The group needs to achieve consensus whenever a change that needs to be replicated happens. This is the case for regular transactions but is also required for group membership changes and some internal messaging that keeps the group consistent. In ...
This section discusses current restrictions and limitations on MySQL partitioning support. The following constructs are not permitted in partitioning expressions: Stored procedures, stored functions, loadable functions, or plugins. For a list of ...
MySQL supports the following static probes, organized into groups of functionality. To identify each argument within the definitions they are provided with a descriptive name, but you must access the information using the corresponding argN ...
Displaying 41 to 50 of 1137 total results