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Displaying 331 to 340 of 1137 total results
A trigger is a named database object that is associated with a table, and that activates when a particular event occurs for the table. Some uses for triggers are to perform checks of values to be inserted into a table or to perform calculations on ...
The following restrictions apply to use of MySQL on the Windows platform: Process memory On Windows 32-bit platforms, it is not possible by default to use more than 2GB of RAM within a single process, including MySQL. This is because the physical ...
To control activation of X Plugin, use this option: --mysqlx[=value] Command-Line Format --mysqlx[=value] Introduced 5.7.12 Type Enumeration Default Value ON Valid Values ONOFFFORCEFORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT This option controls how the server loads X ...
--defaults-group-suffix Command-Line Format --defaults-group-suffix=string Type String Default Value [none] Also read groups with concat(group, suffix). In some cases, this can be much faster than DELETE or even TRUNCATE TABLE. Usage ndb_delete_all ...
--defaults-group-suffix Command-Line Format --defaults-group-suffix=string Type String Default Value [none] Also read groups with concat(group, suffix). Usage ndb_drop_table -c connection_string tbl_name -d db_name Options that can be used with ...
--defaults-group-suffix Command-Line Format --defaults-group-suffix=string Type String Default Value [none] Also read groups with concat(group, suffix). Usage The program is invoked with the names of the source and target tables; either or both of ...
NodeGroup Version (or later) NDB 7.5.0 Type or units unsigned Default [...] Range 0 - 65536 Restart Type Initial System Restart: Requires a complete shutdown of the cluster, wiping and restoring the cluster file system from a backup, and then ...
Table statistics are based on value groups, where a value group is a set of rows with the same key prefix value. For optimizer purposes, an important statistic is the average value group size. The average value group size is related to table ...
Group Replication enables you to create a highly available distributed MySQL service across a group of MySQL server instances, with data consistency, conflict detection and resolution, and group membership services all built-in. MySQL supports an ...
Floating-point numbers sometimes cause confusion because they are approximate and not stored as exact values. A floating-point value as written in an SQL statement may not be the same as the value represented internally. Attempts to treat ...
Displaying 331 to 340 of 1137 total results