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Displaying 311 to 320 of 1137 total results
If you query data and then insert or update related data within the same transaction, the regular SELECT statement does not give enough protection. Other transactions can update or delete the same rows you just queried. InnoDB supports two types of ...
As described in Section 5.4, “MySQL Server Logs”, MySQL Server can create several different log files to help you see what activity is taking place. However, you must clean up these files regularly to ensure that the logs do not take up too ...
Shared access to the key cache improves performance but does not eliminate contention among sessions entirely. They still compete for control structures that manage access to the key cache buffers. To reduce key cache access contention further, ...
To obtain a description of a MyISAM table or statistics about it, use the commands shown here. The output from these commands is explained later in this section. myisamchk -d tbl_name Runs myisamchk in “describe mode” to produce a description ...
Before starting a backup, make sure that the cluster is properly configured for performing one. If an existing backup_id value is used, the backup fails with the error Backup failed: file already exists. If used, the backup_id must follow START ...
This section outlines the procedure for starting NDB Cluster replication using a single replication channel. Start the MySQL replication source server by issuing this command, where id is this server's unique ID (see Section 21.7.2, “General ...
The mysql client can do these types of logging for statements executed interactively: On Unix, mysql writes the statements to a history file. By default, this file is named .mysql_history in your home directory. To specify a different file, set the ...
This is a variant of LIST partitioning that enables the use of multiple columns as partition keys, and for columns of data types other than integer types to be used as partitioning columns; you can use string types, DATE, and DATETIME columns. In ...
MySQL users should use the following guidelines to keep passwords secure. When you run a client program to connect to the MySQL server, it is inadvisable to specify your password in a way that exposes it to discovery by other users. The methods you ...
The Performance Schema provides instrumentation for prepared statements, for which there are two protocols: The binary protocol. This is accessed through the MySQL C API and maps onto underlying server commands as shown in the following table. C ...
Displaying 311 to 320 of 1137 total results