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Displaying 261 to 270 of 996 total results
When the date argument is a TIMESTAMP column, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() returns the internal timestamp value directly, with no implicit “string-to-Unix-timestamp” conversion. If you want to subtract UNIX_TIMESTAMP() columns, you might want to cast them ... This section describes the functions that can be used to manipulate temporal ...
You might create additional secondary indexes on tables that are frequently used to generate reports using SQL. This is because InnoDB performs best for large-scale insertions if primary key values are added in sorted order (as they are with ...
Two of them, fixed and dynamic format, are chosen automatically depending on the type of columns you are using. The third, compressed format, can be created only with the myisampack utility (see Section 4.6.5, “myisampack — Generate Compressed, ...You can decompress (unpack) compressed MyISAM tables using myisamchk --unpack; see Section 4.6.3, “myisamchk — MyISAM Table-Maintenance Utility”, for more ...
Idle Instrument Elements The idle instrument is used for idle events, which The Performance Schema generates as discussed in the description of the socket_instances.STATE column in Section, “The socket_instances Table”. Memory ... An ...
mysqlshow A client that displays information about databases, tables, columns, and indexes. See Section 4.5.7, “mysqlshow — Display Database, Table, and Column Information”. Later sections provide a more detailed description of each one, with ...
The following two sections provide basic information about the MySQL command-line options and system variables applicable to replication and the binary log. Replication Options and Variables The command-line options and system variables in the ...
With respect to replication, the server generates warnings that it succeeded in reconnecting after a network or connection failure, and provides information about how each replication thread started. The replication SQL thread continues to run, and ... This section explains the server options and system variables that apply to replicas and contains the following: Startup Options for Replicas Options for Logging Replica Status to Tables System Variables Used on Replicas Specify the options either on the command line or in an option ...
Stored programs (procedures, functions, triggers, and events) and views are defined prior to use and, when referenced, execute within a security context that determines their privileges. The privileges applicable to execution of a stored object are ...
To create a database such that its tables use a given default character set and collation for data storage, use a CREATE DATABASE statement like this: CREATE DATABASE mydb CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; Tables created in the database ...
As of MySQL 5.7.2, a warning is generated when the WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT clause is ignored. Because of this, SHOW PROCESSLIST displays Rolling back in the State column for the session, not only for explicit rollbacks performed with the ROLLBACK ...SET autocommit disables or enables the default autocommit mode for the current ...
Displaying 261 to 270 of 996 total results