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Displaying 241 to 250 of 1137 total results
This document is published by The Open Group and available at A global transaction involves several actions that are transactional in themselves, but that all must either complete successfully ... Support for XA transactions is available for the InnoDB storage ...
With the COLLATE clause, you can override whatever the default collation is for a comparison.
For example: SELECT MIN(key_part2),MAX(key_part2) FROM tbl_name WHERE key_part1=10; To sort or group a table if the sorting or grouping is done on a leftmost prefix of a usable index (for example, ORDER BY key_part1, key_part2). See Section ...
Tables that contain information about replication group members: replication_group_members: Provides network and status information for group members. replication_group_member_stats: Provides statistical information about group members and ...This ...
Each statement summary table has one or more grouping columns to indicate how the table aggregates events. (The DIGEST_TEXT column contains the corresponding normalized statement digest text, but is neither a grouping nor a summary column.) The ...
This occurs if the WHERE, ORDER BY, or GROUP BY clause refers to an expression that matches the definition of some indexed generated column. For example: CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT, gc INT AS (f1 + 1) STORED, INDEX (gc)); The generated column, gc, is ...
It is very fast to reference the primary key columns in WHERE clauses, ORDER BY clauses, GROUP BY clauses, and join operations. InnoDB tables have the following benefits: If the server unexpectedly exits because of a hardware or software issue, ...
The InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA buffer pool tables provide buffer pool status information and metadata about the pages within the InnoDB buffer pool. The InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA buffer pool tables include those listed below: mysql> SHOW TABLES FROM ...
You can set the prompt option in the [mysql] group of any MySQL option file, such as /etc/my.cnf or the .my.cnf file in your home directory. mysql sends each SQL statement that you issue to the server to be executed. There is also a set of commands ...
In general, an event could be a function call, a wait for the operating system, a stage of an SQL statement execution such as parsing or sorting, or an entire statement or group of statements. The MySQL Performance Schema is a feature for ...
Displaying 241 to 250 of 1137 total results