Changes in MySQL Shell 8.2.0 (2023-10-25, Innovation Release)

Deprecation and Removal Notes
  • The following are deprecated in this version and subject to removal in a future version of MySQL Shell:

    • ociParManifest and ociParExpireTime: these dump utility options have been superseded by more efficient methods of creating and using Pre-Authenticated Requests.

    • --import: superseded by the importJson utility, which is also available from the command line.

    • --recreate-schema: no longer required.

    Deprecation warnings will be displayed when any of these are used. (WL #15863)

  • AdminAPI support for MySQL Server 5.7 is deprecated and subject to removal in a future version. AdminAPI commands will emit a deprecation warning if run against a 5.7 instance.

    The following AdminAPI methods are deprecated in this release, and subject to removal in a future version:

    • dba.configureLocalInstance(): this method is only required by MySQL versions which did not support remote persisting of variables. MySQL Server 5.7 is currently the only supported version with that limitation.

    • Cluster.checkInstanceState(): the checks implemented by this method are now integrated into methods which require it, such as Cluster.addInstance(), Cluster.rejoinInstance(), and so on.

    The following AdminAPI options are deprecated and subject to removal in a future version:

    • interactive is deprecated on all AdminAPI methods which use it.

    • password is deprecated on the following methods:

      • dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage()

      • dba.configureInstance()

      • dba.configureLocalInstance()

      • dba.configureReplicaSetInstance()

      • Cluster.checkInstanceConfiguration()

      • Cluster.removeInstance()

      • Cluster.addInstance()

      • Cluster.forceQuorumUsingPartitionOf()

      • Cluster.rejoinInstance()

    • waitRecoveryis deprecated on all AdminAPI methods which use it, use recoveryProgress instead.

      The recoveryProgress option is also added to Cluster.addInstance(), ReplicaSet.addInstance(), and ReplicaSet.rejoinInstance().

    • clearReadOnly option is deprecated in dba.configureInstance(), dba.configureLocalInstance(), and dba.dropMetadataSchema.

      super_read_only is checked, and automatically disabled.

    Deprecation warnings will be emitted in MySQL Shell 8.2 for each of these deprecated features, methods, and options. (WL #15862)

AdminAPI Added or Changed Functionality
  • AdminAPI now supports the configuration of the following replication options:

    • SOURCE_CONNECT_RETRY can be configured using the following options:

      • clusterSetReplicationConnectRetry of clusterSet.createReplicaCluster() and cluster.setOption().

      • replicationConnectRetry of replicaSet.addInstance() and replicaSet.setInstanceOption().

    • SOURCE_RETRY_COUNT can be configured using the following options:

      • clusterSetReplicationRetryCount of clusterSet.createReplicaCluster() and cluster.setOption().

      • replicationRetryCount of replicaSet.addInstance() and replicaSet.setInstanceOption().

    • SOURCE_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD can be configured using the following options:

      • clusterSetReplicationHeartbeatPeriod of clusterSet.createReplicaCluster() and cluster.setOption().

      • replicationHeartbeatPeriod of replicaSet.addInstance() and replicaSet.setInstanceOption().

    • SOURCE_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS can be configured using the following options:

      • clusterSetReplicationCompressionAlgorithms of clusterSet.createReplicaCluster() and cluster.setOption().

      • replicationCompressionAlgorithms of replicaSet.addInstance() and replicaSet.setInstanceOption().

    • SOURCE_ZSTD_COMPRESSION_LEVEL can be configured using the following options:

      • clusterSetReplicationZstdCompressionLevel of clusterSet.createReplicaCluster() and cluster.setOption().

      • replicationZstdCompressionLevel of replicaSet.addInstance() and replicaSet.setInstanceOption().

    • SOURCE_BIND can be configured using the following options:

      • clusterSetReplicationBind of clusterSet.createReplicaCluster() and cluster.setOption().

      • replicationBind of replicaSet.addInstance() and replicaSet.setInstanceOption().

    • NETWORK_NAMESPACE can be configured using the following options:

      • clusterSetReplicationNetworkNamespace of clusterSet.createReplicaCluster() and cluster.setOption().

      • replicationNetworkNamespace of replicaSet.addInstance() and replicaSet.setInstanceOption().

    For more information on the replication options and their values, see CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO Statement.

    cluster.options and replicaSet.options are extended to display these options and their values for each instance in the cluster.

    clusterset.status is extended for Replica Clusters to display an error in the clusterErrors array for any replication channel which is not correctly configured according to the Cluster's metadata. Similarly for cluster.status if the Cluster is a Replica Cluster in a ClusterSet. (WL #13687)

  • The following methods are extended to include information on the MySQL Router Read/Write Splitting Port, rwSplitPort:

    • cluster.listRouters()

    • clusterSet.listRouters()

    • replicaSet.listRouters()

    (WL #15552)

  • cluster.setRoutingOption() is extended with the option unreachable_quorum_allowed_traffic. This option enables configuration of MySQL Router's routing policy in the event of a loss of quorum on the only reachable Cluster partition.

    See Routing Options.

    cluster.routingOptions() is extended to list the value of unreachable_quorum_allowed_traffic. (WL #15842)

AdminAPI Bugs Fixed
  • Using -- clusterset listRouters on the command line, without providing a parameter for listRouters, resulted in the following error in MySQL Shell 8.0.34:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    ERROR: Argument #1 is expected to be a string

    (Bug #35747208)

    References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #35068427.

  • If multiple Read Replicas are added with the same label, only one of the Read Replicas was listed in the Cluster.status() output.

    As of this release, Read Replica labels must be unique within the Cluster and can only contain alphanumeric values, or _ (underscore), . (period), - (hyphen), or : (colon) characters. If the label is not unique within the Cluster, or invalid characters are detected, an error is returned. (Bug #35739776)

  • If memberAuthType was set to CERT_ISSUER or CERT_SUBJECT, the values defined for the ClusterSet option clusterSetReplicationSslMode and ReplicaSet option replicationSslMode were ignored and automatically set to VERIFY_CA. (Bug #35621465)

  • Cluster.setPrimaryInstance() did not check if the target instance was the primary of a Replica Cluster, resulting in a misconfigured replication channel. An error similar to the following was returned:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    WARNING: The Cluster's Replication Channel is misconfigured or stopped, topology changes will not be allowed on the InnoDB Cluster 'clusterName' NOTE: To restore the Cluster and ClusterSet operations, the Replication Channel must be fixed using rejoinCluster()

    As of this release, Cluster.setPrimaryInstance() checks if the target instance is a configured primary and stops if it is, returning an error to the user. (Bug #35594376)

  • If a switchover occurred in a ClusterSet where one of the replica clusters was entirely offline, attempting to reboot the cluster produced errors relating to rejoining the offline cluster to the ClusterSet.

    As of this release, no attempt is made to rejoin the offline cluster to the ClusterSet and warnings are displayed to advise the user that the replica cluster is invalid and must be rejoined manually. (Bug #35548072)

  • replicationSslMode was not returned by ReplicaSet.status() or ReplicaSet.options(). (Bug #35523549)

  • If a Replica Cluster with Read Replicas had a major outage, ClusterSet.status({extended:1}) showed the Read Replicas as Cluster members with the memberRole of SECONDARY. (Bug #35449470)

  • If a Cluster was rebooted using the dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() method, without specifying the switchCommunicationStack option, the Cluster was rebooted using the defaults for the xcom communication stack, even if the Cluster was configured to use mysql. As a result, recovery accounts were not recreated and mysql-specific checks were not performed.

    As of this release, dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() checks the configured communication stack and proceeds using the configured value. (Bug #35444206)

  • ReplicaSet.forcePrimaryInstance could not use an instance with the applier state OFF as a potential primary. An error similar to the following was returned:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    ERROR: Replication applier is OFF at instance instanceName:3306. ERROR: Replication applier is OFF at instance instanceName:3306. ERROR: Replication errors found for one or more SECONDARY instances. Use the 'invalidateErrorInstances' option to perform the failover anyway by skipping and invalidating instances with errors. ReplicaSet.forcePrimaryInstance: One or more instances have replication applier errors. (MYSQLSH 51145)

    It was not possible to use such an instance even if invalidateErrorInstances was set to true.

    As of this release, ReplicaSet.forcePrimaryInstance treats such instances as valid candidates for promotion. invalidateErrorInstances is not required and the command does not wait for transactions to be applied to the instance. (Bug #35434959)

  • It was not possible to retrieve a Cluster handle, using dba.getCluster(), from a Read Replica connected to a Cluster which had lost quorum. An error similar to the following was returned:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    Dba.getCluster: Dba.getCluster: Unable to find a cluster PRIMARY member from the active shell session because the cluster has too many UNREACHABLE members and no quorum is possible. Use Dba.getCluster(null, {connectToPrimary:false}) to get a read-only cluster handle. (RuntimeError)

    As of this release, dba.getCluster() establishes a connection to a Cluster member and returns the Cluster handle. (Bug #35391093)

  • It is not possible for an instance to join a Cluster if the instance's local address, as generated by the AdminAPI or defined in localAddress, is not compatible with the automatically-generated Group Replication allow list.

    As of this release, dba.createCluster() and cluster.addInstance() verify the local address (supplied or generated) is compatible with the automatically generated allow list. If the list is manually defined, no test is performed.


    This only applies if the communication stack is XCOM.

    Additionally, on Windows platforms, if the allow list is not automatically generated, a warning is issued regarding the server trying to connect to itself. (Bug #31357039)

Utilities Added or Changed Functionality
  • Instance dump utility now excludes the mysql_firewall schema if ocimds: true. (Bug #35805866)

  • MySQL Shell was updated for compatibility with the privilege changes made in MySQL HeatWave Service.

    The following privileges were added to MySQL HeatWave Service:








    The following privileges were removed from MySQL HeatWave Service



    For more information on MySQL HeatWave Service privileges, see Default MySQL Privileges. (Bug #35668544)

  • Operations resulting in the curl errors 52: CURLE_GOT_NOTHING and 56: CURLE_RECV_ERROR are retried for all supported cloud vendors, for all utilities which support them. (Bug #35659057)

  • MySQL Shell utilities which connect to Object Storage now use dedicated endpoints.

    For more information, see OCI Object Storage Dedicated Endpoints. (Bug #35561100)

  • util.checkForServerUpgrade() has been updated to check for columns which have foreign keys referencing columns in tables using different database storage engines, such as MyISAM. (Bug #35155064)

  • The @.done.json generated by util.dumpSchemas() now includes the number of rows dumped for each table, in the tableRows field. (Bug #34904657)

  • As of MySQL Server 8.2.0, SET_USER_ID is deprecated and subject to removal in a future version. SET_USER_ID is replaced by SET_ANY_DEFINER and ALLOW_NONEXISTENT_DEFINER. This change impacts the way MySQL Shell handles dumps for use in MySQL HeatWave Service (ocimds: true) because the administrator user will have the SET_ANY_DEFINER privilege and is now able to execute statements with the DEFINER clause. This was not possible in previous versions and users had to use the strip_definers compatibility option.

    As of this release, a new option, targetVersion is added to the util.dumpInstance(), util.dumpSchemas(), and util.dumpTables() methods. You must use this method to manually define the version of the target MySQL instance, in n.n.n format. Such as 8.1.0, for example. If the value is not set, the MySQL Shell version is used.

    The compatibility checks are adjusted depending on the value of targetVersion.


    This option is not required by the util.copyInstance(), util.copySchemas(), and util.copyTables() methods, which can detect the version of the target instance automatically.

    If ocids:true and targetVersion is set to a version which supports the SET_ANY_DEFINER, the compatibility option strip_definers is not required.

    If the compatibility option strip_restricted_grants is used, and targetVersion is set to a version which supports the SET_ANY_DEFINER, SET_USER_ID is replaced by SET_ANY_DEFINER instead of being stripped. (WL #15887)

Utilities Bugs Fixed
  • When dumping an instance, with ocimds: true, MySQL Shell reported warnings relating to users with privileges on system schemas. As these schemas are always present in both source and target, the warnings were unnecessary and have been removed. (Bug #35680824)

  • Under certain circumstances, when loading a file larger than maxBytesPerTransaction, (or 1.5 * bytesPerChunk if maxBytesPerTransaction was not used) a memory leak could occur. (Bug #35600174)

  • When loading a very large file with util.importTable(), the progress was displayed as 100% complete although the process was not yet complete and the server continued to process the imported data. This could lead a user to believe the process had failed and result in manual attempts to cancel the process.

    As of this release, thread activity is now displayed for the commit process, and an animated hyphen (-) is used to indicate progress. (Bug #35590038)

  • Importing a large file to a non-existent schema, using util.importTable(), took a long time to return an unknown database error. This was caused by MySQL Shell chunking the entire file into smaller chunks without checking for errors until the entire file was chunked.

    As of this release, errors generated by other threads are checked during the chunking process. (Bug #35541522)

  • util.debug.collectDiagnostics() failed if run on an InnoDB Cluster created with an older version of MySQL Shell. An error similar to the following was generated:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    An error occurred during data collection. Partial output deleted. debug.collectDiagnostics: ClassicSession.run_sql: Table 'mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata.v2_cs_clustersets' doesn't exist (MySQL Error 1146)

    As of this release, util.debug.collectDiagnostics() collects diagnostics information even if tables are missing. (Bug #35468106)

  • Exporting to a bucket using a prefix with util.exportTable(), required the prefix to exist in the target bucket. The following error was returned if the prefix did not exist:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    ValueError: Util.export_table: Cannot proceed with the dump, the directory containing 'prefix/filename' does not exist at the target location table-export.

    As of this release, this requirement has been removed. If the prefix does not exist, it is created. (Bug #35462985)

  • util.debug.collectDiagnostics() threw an exception if the server was configured to write error logs to stderr. For example, if mysqld was started with --console. (Bug #35318770)

  • Under certain circumstances, util.importTable() failed when importing a single, uncompressed file due to how the chunking algorithm handled unescaped sequences of characters used by fieldsTerminatedBy.

    As of this release, if a single file is imported, additional threads read the file in fixed-size blocks, then the blocks are scanned sequentially for row boundaries. Once read, the file data is stored in memory until loaded by the server. This also applies to compressed files which are now also chunked.

    Additionally, chunking and sub-chunking is disabled if linesTerminatedBy is set to an empty string or the same value as fieldsTerminatedBy. (Bug #35279351)

  • The MySQL Shell upgrade checker utility flagged views as corrupt in MySQL 5.7 versions up to 5.7.39. This issue occurred for views whose from clause contained a table schema prefix with a group by clause. (Bug #111813, Bug #35635009)

  • util.dumpInstance() generated an empty .pre.sql file for invalid views.

    As of this release, invalid views are detected and generate an error. Such views must be corrected or excluded from the dump using the excludeTables option. (Bug #111092, Bug #35415976)

  • The utility, checkForServerUpgrade, did not recognize INTERSECT as a reserved word.

    INTERSECT was reserved in MySQL Server 8.0.31. (Bug #110824, Bug #35335813)

Bugs Fixed
  • It was not possible to enter a full-width 8 (unicode 0xFF18) using copy and paste or a Japanese input method. (Bug #35782407)

  • Running redirected commands similar to

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    mysqlsh.exe --pym pip install --upgrade pip > out.log

    resulted in an exception containing the following:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    File "C:\path\mysql-shell\lib\Python3.10\lib\site-pack ages\pip\_vendor\rich\", line 1990, in _check_buffer self.file.fileno() in _STD_STREAMS_OUTPUT AttributeError: module 'mysqlsh.shell_stdout' has no attribute 'fileno'

    As of this release, a fileno() method is exposed in MySQL Shell's stdout and stderr where it can also be found by redirected commands. (Bug #35528045)

  • If an empty string was passed on the command line, MySQL Shell returned stoi or invalid stoi argument, depending on platform. For example:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    >mysqlsh root@localhost?connect-timeout= MySQL Shell 8.1.1-commercial ...... Creating a Classic session to 'root@localhost?connect-timeout=' invalid stoi argument

    As of this release, if parameters such as connect-timeout are provided without values on the command line, an error similar to the following is returned:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    Invalid URI: Invalid value '' for 'connect-timeout'. The timeout value must be a positive integer (including 0).

    (Bug #35130320)