If the sources in the multi-source replication topology have existing data, it can save time to provision the replica with the relevant data before starting replication. In a multi-source replication topology, cloning or copying of the data directory cannot be used to provision the replica with data from all of the sources, and you might also want to replicate only specific databases from each source. The best strategy for provisioning such a replica is therefore to use mysqldump to create an appropriate dump file on each source, then use the mysql client to import the dump file on the replica.
If you are using GTID-based replication, you need to pay attention
to the SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged
statement that
mysqldump places in the dump output. This
statement transfers the GTIDs for the transactions executed on the
source to the replica, and the replica requires this information.
However, for any case more complex than provisioning one new,
empty replica from one source, you need to check what effect the
statement has in the version of MySQL used by the replica, and
handle the statement accordingly. The following guidance
summarizes suitable actions, but for more details, see the
mysqldump documentation.
SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged
adds the GTID set from
the dump file to the existing
set on the replica.
The statement can therefore potentially be left in the dump output
when you replay the dump files on the replica, and the dump files
can be replayed at different times. However, it is important to
note that the value that is included by
mysqldump for the SET
statement includes the GTIDs of all
transactions in the gtid_executed
set on the source, even those that changed suppressed parts of the
database, or other databases on the server that were not included
in a partial dump. If you replay a second or subsequent dump file
on the replica that contains any of the same GTIDs (for example,
another partial dump from the same source, or a dump from another
source that has overlapping transactions), any SET
statement in the second dump file
fails, and must therefore be removed from the dump output.
As an alternative to removing the SET
statement, you caninoke
mysqldump with
include the statement encased in SQL comments, so that it is not
performed when you load the dump file. If you are provisioning the
replica with two partial dumps from the same source, and the GTID
set in the second dump is the same as the first (so no new
transactions have been executed on the source in between the
dumps), you can set --set-gtid-purged=OFF
when you export the second dump file, to omit the statement.
In the following provisioning example, we assume that the
SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged
statement cannot be
left in the dump output, and must be removed from the files and
handled manually. We also assume that there are no wanted
transactions with GTIDs on the replica before provisioning starts.
To create dump files for a database named
and a database nameddb2
, run mysqldump forsource1
as follows:Press CTRL+C to copymysqldump -u<user> -p<password> --single-transaction --triggers --routines --set-gtid-purged=ON --databases db1 > dumpM1.sql
Then run mysqldump for
as follows:Press CTRL+C to copymysqldump -u<user> -p<password> --single-transaction --triggers --routines --set-gtid-purged=ON --databases db2 > dumpM2.sql
Record the
value that mysqldump added to each of the dump files. You can extract the value like this:Press CTRL+C to copycat dumpM1.sql | grep GTID_PURGED | perl -p0 -e 's#/\*.*?\*/##sg' | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f2 -d$'\'' cat dumpM2.sql | grep GTID_PURGED | perl -p0 -e 's#/\*.*?\*/##sg' | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f2 -d$'\''
The result in each case should be a GTID set, for example:
Press CTRL+C to copysource1: 2174B383-5441-11E8-B90A-C80AA9429562:1-1029 source2: 224DA167-0C0C-11E8-8442-00059A3C7B00:1-2695
Remove the line from each dump file that contains the
SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged
statement. For example:Press CTRL+C to copysed '/GTID_PURGED/d' dumpM1.sql > dumpM1_nopurge.sql sed '/GTID_PURGED/d' dumpM2.sql > dumpM2_nopurge.sql
Use the mysql client to import each edited dump file into the replica. For example:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql -u<user> -p<password> < dumpM1_nopurge.sql mysql -u<user> -p<password> < dumpM2_nopurge.sql
On the replica, issue
to clear the GTID execution history (assuming, as explained above, that all the dump files have been imported and that there are no wanted transactions with GTIDs on the replica). Then issue aSET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged
statement to set thegtid_purged
value to the union of all the GTID sets from all the dump files, as you recorded in Step 2. For example:Press CTRL+C to copymysql> RESET BINARY LOGS AND GTIDS; mysql> SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged = "2174B383-5441-11E8-B90A-C80AA9429562:1-1029, 224DA167-0C0C-11E8-8442-00059A3C7B00:1-2695";
If there are, or might be, overlapping transactions between the GTID sets in the dump files, you can use the stored functions described in Section, “Stored Function Examples to Manipulate GTIDs” to check this beforehand and to calculate the union of all the GTID sets.