An event report reported in the event logs has the following format:
Press CTRL+C to copydatetime [string] severity -- message
For example:
Press CTRL+C to copy09:19:30 2005-07-24 [NDB] INFO -- Node 4 Start phase 4 completed
This section discusses all reportable events, ordered by category and severity level within each category.
In the event descriptions, GCP and LCP mean “Global Checkpoint” and “Local Checkpoint”, respectively.
These events are associated with connections between Cluster nodes.
Table 25.28 Events associated with connections between cluster nodes
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
Connected |
8 | INFO |
Data nodes connected |
Disconnected |
8 | ALERT |
Data nodes disconnected |
CommunicationClosed |
8 | INFO |
SQL node or data node connection closed |
CommunicationOpened |
8 | INFO |
SQL node or data node connection open |
ConnectedApiVersion |
8 | INFO |
Connection using API version |
The logging messages shown here are associated with checkpoints.
Table 25.29 Events associated with checkpoints
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
GlobalCheckpointStarted |
9 | INFO |
Start of GCP: REDO log is written to disk |
GlobalCheckpointCompleted |
10 | INFO |
GCP finished |
LocalCheckpointStarted |
7 | INFO |
Start of LCP: data written to disk |
LocalCheckpointCompleted |
7 | INFO |
LCP completed normally |
LCPStoppedInCalcKeepGci |
0 | ALERT |
LCP stopped |
LCPFragmentCompleted |
11 | INFO |
LCP on a fragment has been completed |
UndoLogBlocked |
7 | INFO |
UNDO logging blocked; buffer near overflow |
RedoStatus |
7 | INFO |
Redo status |
The following events are generated in response to the startup of a node or of the cluster and of its success or failure. They also provide information relating to the progress of the startup process, including information concerning logging activities.
Table 25.30 Events relating to the startup of a node or cluster
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
NDBStartStarted |
1 | INFO |
Data node start phases initiated (all nodes starting) |
NDBStartCompleted |
1 | INFO |
Start phases completed, all data nodes |
STTORRYRecieved |
15 | INFO |
Blocks received after completion of restart |
StartPhaseCompleted |
4 | INFO |
Data node start phase X completed |
3 | INFO |
Node has been successfully included into the cluster; shows the node, managing node, and dynamic ID |
8 | INFO |
Node has been refused for inclusion in the cluster; cannot be included in cluster due to misconfiguration, inability to establish communication, or other problem |
8 | INFO |
Shows neighboring data nodes |
NDBStopStarted |
1 | INFO |
Data node shutdown initiated |
NDBStopCompleted |
1 | INFO |
Data node shutdown complete |
NDBStopForced |
1 | ALERT |
Forced shutdown of data node |
NDBStopAborted |
1 | INFO |
Unable to shut down data node normally |
StartREDOLog |
4 | INFO |
New redo log started; GCI keep X , newest
restorable GCI Y |
StartLog |
10 | INFO |
New log started; log part X , start MB
Y , stop MB
Z |
UNDORecordsExecuted |
15 | INFO |
Undo records executed |
StartReport |
4 | INFO |
Report started |
LogFileInitStatus |
7 | INFO |
Log file initialization status |
LogFileInitCompStatus |
7 | INFO |
Log file completion status |
StartReadLCP |
10 | INFO |
Start read for local checkpoint |
ReadLCPComplete |
10 | INFO |
Read for local checkpoint completed |
RunRedo |
8 | INFO |
Running the redo log |
RebuildIndex |
10 | INFO |
Rebuilding indexes |
The following events are generated when restarting a node and relate to the success or failure of the node restart process.
Table 25.31 Events relating to restarting a node
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
NR_CopyDict |
7 | INFO |
Completed copying of dictionary information |
NR_CopyDistr |
7 | INFO |
Completed copying distribution information |
NR_CopyFragsStarted |
7 | INFO |
Starting to copy fragments |
NR_CopyFragDone |
10 | INFO |
Completed copying a fragment |
NR_CopyFragsCompleted |
7 | INFO |
Completed copying all fragments |
NodeFailCompleted |
8 | ALERT |
Node failure phase completed |
8 | ALERT |
Reports that a node has failed |
ArbitState |
6 | INFO |
Report whether an arbitrator is found or not; there are seven different
possible outcomes when seeking an arbitrator, listed here:
ArbitResult |
2 | ALERT |
Report arbitrator results; there are eight different possible results
for arbitration attempts, listed here:
GCP_TakeoverStarted |
7 | INFO |
GCP takeover started |
GCP_TakeoverCompleted |
7 | INFO |
GCP takeover complete |
LCP_TakeoverStarted |
7 | INFO |
LCP takeover started |
LCP_TakeoverCompleted |
7 | INFO |
LCP takeover complete (state = X ) |
ConnectCheckStarted |
6 | INFO |
Connection check started |
ConnectCheckCompleted |
6 | INFO |
Connection check completed |
NodeFailRejected |
6 | ALERT |
Node failure phase failed |
The following events are of a statistical nature. They provide information such as numbers of transactions and other operations, amount of data sent or received by individual nodes, and memory usage.
Table 25.32 Events of a statistical nature
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
TransReportCounters |
8 | INFO |
Report transaction statistics, including numbers of transactions, commits, reads, simple reads, writes, concurrent operations, attribute information, and aborts |
OperationReportCounters |
8 | INFO |
Number of operations |
TableCreated |
7 | INFO |
Report number of tables created |
JobStatistic |
9 | INFO |
Mean internal job scheduling statistics |
ThreadConfigLoop |
9 | INFO |
Number of thread configuration loops |
SendBytesStatistic |
9 | INFO |
Mean number of bytes sent to node X |
ReceiveBytesStatistic |
9 | INFO |
Mean number of bytes received from node X |
MemoryUsage |
5 | INFO |
Data and index memory usage (80%, 90%, and 100%) |
MTSignalStatistics |
9 | INFO |
Multithreaded signals |
These events relate to NDB Cluster schema operations.
Table 25.33 Events relating to NDB Cluster schema operations
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
CreateSchemaObject |
8 | INFO |
Schema objected created |
AlterSchemaObject |
8 | INFO |
Schema object updated |
DropSchemaObject |
8 | INFO |
Schema object dropped |
ERROR Events
These events relate to Cluster errors and warnings. The presence of one or more of these generally indicates that a major malfunction or failure has occurred.
Table 25.34 Events relating to cluster errors and warnings
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
TransporterError |
2 | ERROR |
Transporter error |
TransporterWarning |
Transporter warning |
MissedHeartbeat |
Node X missed heartbeat number
Y |
DeadDueToHeartbeat |
8 | ALERT |
Node X declared “dead” due to
missed heartbeat |
WarningEvent |
General warning event |
SubscriptionStatus |
Change in subscription status |
INFO Events
These events provide general information about the state of the cluster and activities associated with Cluster maintenance, such as logging and heartbeat transmission.
Table 25.35 Information events
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
SentHeartbeat |
12 | INFO |
Sent heartbeat |
CreateLogBytes |
11 | INFO |
Create log: Log part, log file, size in MB |
InfoEvent |
2 | INFO |
General informational event |
EventBufferStatus |
7 | INFO |
Event buffer status |
EventBufferStatus2 |
7 | INFO |
Improved event buffer status information |
events are available only if
NDB Cluster was compiled with VM_TRACE
These events are associated with entering and exiting single user mode.
Table 25.36 Events relating to single user mode
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
SingleUser |
7 | INFO |
Entering or exiting single user mode |
These events provide information about backups being created or restored.
Table 25.37 Backup events
Event | Priority | Severity Level | Description |
BackupStarted |
7 | INFO |
Backup started |
BackupStatus |
7 | INFO |
Backup status |
BackupCompleted |
7 | INFO |
Backup completed |
BackupFailedToStart |
7 | ALERT |
Backup failed to start |
BackupAborted |
7 | ALERT |
Backup aborted by user |
RestoreStarted |
7 | INFO |
Started restoring from backup |
RestoreMetaData |
7 | INFO |
Restoring metadata |
RestoreData |
7 | INFO |
Restoring data |
RestoreLog |
7 | INFO |
Restoring log files |
RestoreCompleted |
7 | INFO |
Completed restoring from backup |
SavedEvent |
7 | INFO |
Event saved |