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MySQL 9.0 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  ndb_show_tables — Display List of NDB Tables

25.5.27 ndb_show_tables — Display List of NDB Tables

ndb_show_tables displays a list of all NDB database objects in the cluster. By default, this includes not only both user-created tables and NDB system tables, but NDB-specific indexes, internal triggers, and NDB Cluster Disk Data objects as well.

Options that can be used with ndb_show_tables are shown in the following table. Additional descriptions follow the table.


ndb_show_tables [-c connection_string]
  • --character-sets-dir

    Command-Line Format --character-sets-dir=path

    Directory containing character sets.

  • --connect-retries

    Command-Line Format --connect-retries=#
    Type Integer
    Default Value 12
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum Value 12

    Number of times to retry connection before giving up.

  • --connect-retry-delay

    Command-Line Format --connect-retry-delay=#
    Type Integer
    Default Value 5
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum Value 5

    Number of seconds to wait between attempts to contact management server.

  • --connect-string

    Command-Line Format --connect-string=connection_string
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Same as --ndb-connectstring.

  • --core-file

    Command-Line Format --core-file

    Write core file on error; used in debugging.

  • --database, -d

    Specifies the name of the database in which the desired table is found. If this option is given, the name of a table must follow the database name.

    If this option has not been specified, and no tables are found in the TEST_DB database, ndb_show_tables issues a warning.

  • --defaults-extra-file

    Command-Line Format --defaults-extra-file=path
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Read given file after global files are read.

  • --defaults-file

    Command-Line Format --defaults-file=path
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Read default options from given file only.

  • --defaults-group-suffix

    Command-Line Format --defaults-group-suffix=string
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Also read groups with concat(group, suffix).

  • --help

    Command-Line Format --help

    Display help text and exit.

  • --login-path

    Command-Line Format --login-path=path
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Read given path from login file.

  • --no-login-paths

    Command-Line Format --no-login-paths

    Skips reading options from the login path file.

  • --loops, -l

    Specifies the number of times the utility should execute. This is 1 when this option is not specified, but if you do use the option, you must supply an integer argument for it.

  • --ndb-connectstring

    Command-Line Format --ndb-connectstring=connection_string
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Set connection string for connecting to ndb_mgmd. Syntax: [nodeid=id;][host=]hostname[:port]. Overrides entries in NDB_CONNECTSTRING and my.cnf.

  • --ndb-mgm-tls

    Command-Line Format --ndb-mgm-tls=level
    Type Enumeration
    Default Value relaxed
    Valid Values



    Sets the level of TLS support required to connect to the management server; one of relaxed or strict. relaxed (the default) means that a TLS connection is attempted, but success is not required; strict means that TLS is required to connect.

  • --ndb-mgmd-host

    Command-Line Format --ndb-mgmd-host=connection_string
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Same as --ndb-connectstring.

  • --ndb-nodeid

    Command-Line Format --ndb-nodeid=#
    Type Integer
    Default Value [none]

    Set node ID for this node, overriding any ID set by --ndb-connectstring.

  • --ndb-optimized-node-selection

    Command-Line Format --ndb-optimized-node-selection

    Enable optimizations for selection of nodes for transactions. Enabled by default; use --skip-ndb-optimized-node-selection to disable.

  • --ndb-tls-search-path

    Command-Line Format --ndb-tls-search-path=list
    Type Path name
    Default Value (Unix) $HOME/ndb-tls
    Default Value (Windows) $HOMEDIR/ndb-tls

    Specify a list of directories to search for a CA file. On Unix platforms, the directory names are separated by colons (:); on Windows systems, the semicolon character (;) is used as the separator. A directory reference may be relative or absolute; it may contain one or more environment variables, each denoted by a prefixed dollar sign ($), and expanded prior to use.

    Searching begins with the leftmost named directory and proceeds from left to right until a file is found. An empty string denotes an empty search path, which causes all searches to fail. A string consisting of a single dot (.) indicates that the search path limited to the current working directory.

    If no search path is supplied, the compiled-in default value is used. This value depends on the platform used: On Windows, this is \ndb-tls; on other platforms (including Linux), it is $HOME/ndb-tls. This can be overridden by compiling NDB Cluster using -DWITH_NDB_TLS_SEARCH_PATH.

  • --no-defaults

    Command-Line Format --no-defaults

    Do not read default options from any option file other than login file.

  • --parsable, -p

    Using this option causes the output to be in a format suitable for use with LOAD DATA.

  • --print-defaults

    Command-Line Format --print-defaults

    Print program argument list and exit.

  • --show-temp-status

    If specified, this causes temporary tables to be displayed.

  • --type, -t

    Can be used to restrict the output to one type of object, specified by an integer type code as shown here:

    • 1: System table

    • 2: User-created table

    • 3: Unique hash index

    Any other value causes all NDB database objects to be listed (the default).

  • --unqualified, -u

    If specified, this causes unqualified object names to be displayed.

  • --usage

    Command-Line Format --usage

    Display help text and exit; same as --help.

  • --version

    Command-Line Format --version

    Display version information and exit.


Only user-created NDB Cluster tables may be accessed from MySQL; system tables such as SYSTAB_0 are not visible to mysqld. However, you can examine the contents of system tables using NDB API applications such as ndb_select_all (see Section 25.5.25, “ndb_select_all — Print Rows from an NDB Table”).