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MySQL 9.0 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  GTIDs and Group Replication

20.4.1 GTIDs and Group Replication

Group Replication uses GTIDs (global transaction identifiers) to track exactly which transactions have been committed on every server instance. The settings gtid_mode=ON and enforce_gtid_consistency=ON are required on all group members. Incoming transactions from clients are assigned a GTID by the group member that receives them. Any replicated transactions that are received by group members on asynchronous replication channels from source servers outside the group retain the GTIDs that they have when they arrive on the group member.

The GTIDs that are assigned to incoming transactions from clients use the group name specified by the group_replication_group_name system variable as the UUID part of the identifier, rather than the server UUID of the individual group member that received the transaction. All the transactions received directly by the group can therefore be identified and are grouped together in GTID sets, and it does not matter which member originally received them. Each group member has a block of consecutive GTIDs reserved for its use, and when these are consumed it reserves more. The group_replication_gtid_assignment_block_size system variable sets the size of the blocks, with a default of 1 million GTIDs in each block.

View change events (View_change_log_event), which are generated by the group itself when a new member joins, are given GTIDs when they are recorded in the binary log. By default, the GTIDs for these events also use the group name specified by the group_replication_group_name system variable as the UUID part of the identifier. You can set the Group Replication system variable group_replication_view_change_uuid to use an alternative UUID in the GTIDs for view change events, so that they are easy to distinguish from transactions received by the group from clients. This can be useful if your setup allows for failover between groups, and you need to identify and discard transactions that were specific to the backup group. The alternative UUID must be different from the server UUIDs of the members. It must also be different from any UUIDs in the GTIDs applied to anonymous transactions using the ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS option of the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement.

GTID_ONLY=1, REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT = 1, and SOURCE_AUTO_POSITION = 1 are applied for the Group Replication channels group_replication_applier and group_replication_recovery. The settings are made automatically on the Group Replication channels when they are created, or when a member server in a replication group is upgraded. These options are normally set using a CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement, but note that you cannot disable them for a Group Replication channel. With these options set, the group member does not persist file names and file positions in the replication metadata repositories for these channels. GTID auto-positioning and GTID auto-skip are used to locate the correct receiver and applier positions when necessary.

Extra Transactions

If a joining member has transactions in its GTID set that are not present on the existing members of the group, it is not allowed to complete the distributed recovery process, and cannot join the group. If a remote cloning operation was carried out, these transactions would be deleted and lost, because the data directory on the joining member is erased. If state transfer from a donor's binary log was carried out, these transactions could conflict with the group's transactions.

Extra transactions might be present on a member if an administrative transaction is carried out on the instance while Group Replication is stopped. To avoid introducing new transactions in that way, always set the value of the sql_log_bin system variable to OFF before issuing administrative statements, and back to ON afterwards:

<administrator action>

Setting this system variable to OFF means that the transactions that occur from that point until you set it back to ON are not written to the binary log and do not have GTIDs assigned to them.

If an extra transaction is present on a joining member, check the binary log for the affected server to see what the extra transaction actually contains. The safest method to reconcile the joining member’s data and GTID set with the members currently in the group is to use MySQL's cloning functionality to transfer the content from a server in the group to the affected server. For instructions to do this, see Section, “Cloning Remote Data”. If the transaction is required, rerun it after the member has successfully rejoined.