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5.4.52 mysql_num_fields()

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unsigned int mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *result)

To pass a MYSQL* argument instead, use unsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql).


Returns the number of columns in a result set.

You can get the number of columns either from a pointer to a result set or to a connection handler. You would use the connection handler if mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() returned NULL (and thus you have no result set pointer). In this case, you can call mysql_field_count() to determine whether mysql_store_result() should have produced a nonempty result. This enables the client program to take proper action without knowing whether the query was a SELECT (or SELECT-like) statement. The example shown here illustrates how this may be done.

See Section 3.6.9, “NULL mysql_store_result() Return After mysql_query() Success”.

Return Values

An unsigned integer representing the number of columns in a result set.




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MYSQL_RES *result; unsigned int num_fields; unsigned int num_rows; if (mysql_query(&mysql,query_string)) { // error } else // query succeeded, process any data returned by it { result = mysql_store_result(&mysql); if (result) // there are rows { num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result); // retrieve rows, then call mysql_free_result(result) } else // mysql_store_result() returned nothing; should it have? { if (mysql_errno(&mysql)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql)); } else if (mysql_field_count(&mysql) == 0) { // query does not return data // (it was not a SELECT) num_rows = mysql_affected_rows(&mysql); } } }

An alternative (if you know that your query should have returned a result set) is to replace the mysql_errno(&mysql) call with a check whether mysql_field_count(&mysql) returns 0. This happens only if something went wrong.