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This is the MySQL 9.1 C API Developer Guide. This document accompanies MySQL 9.1 Reference Manual.
The C API provides low-level access to the MySQL client/server
protocol and enables C programs to access database contents. The
C API code is distributed with MySQL and implemented in the
For legal information, see the Legal Notices.
For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with other MySQL users.
Document generated on: 2025-03-04 (revision: 81100)
Table of Contents
- Preface and Legal Notices
- 1 The MySQL C API
- 2 MySQL C API Implementations
- 3 Writing C API-Based Client Applications
- 3.1 Example C API Client Programs
- 3.2 Building C API Client Programs
- 3.3 Building C API Client Programs Using pkg-config
- 3.4 Writing C API Threaded Client Programs
- 3.5 Running C API Client Programs
- 3.6 Using C API Features
- 3.6.1 Support for Encrypted Connections
- 3.6.2 SSL Session Reuse
- 3.6.3 Multiple Statement Execution Support
- 3.6.4 Prepared Statement Handling of Date and Time Values
- 3.6.5 Prepared CALL Statement Support
- 3.6.6 Prepared Statement Problems
- 3.6.7 Optional Result Set Metadata
- 3.6.8 Automatic Reconnection Control
- 3.6.9 NULL mysql_store_result() Return After mysql_query() Success
- 3.6.10 Results Available from a Query
- 3.6.11 Obtaining the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row
- 3.6.12 Obtaining the Server Version and Client Library Version
- 4 C API Function Reference
- 5 C API Basic Interface
- 5.1 Overview of the C API Basic Interface
- 5.2 C API Basic Data Structures
- 5.3 C API Basic Function Reference
- 5.4 C API Basic Function Descriptions
- 5.4.1 mysql_affected_rows()
- 5.4.2 mysql_autocommit()
- 5.4.3 mysql_bind_param()
- 5.4.4 mysql_change_user()
- 5.4.5 mysql_character_set_name()
- 5.4.6 mysql_close()
- 5.4.7 mysql_commit()
- 5.4.8 mysql_connect()
- 5.4.9 mysql_create_db()
- 5.4.10 mysql_data_seek()
- 5.4.11 mysql_debug()
- 5.4.12 mysql_drop_db()
- 5.4.13 mysql_dump_debug_info()
- 5.4.14 mysql_eof()
- 5.4.15 mysql_errno()
- 5.4.16 mysql_error()
- 5.4.17 mysql_escape_string()
- 5.4.18 mysql_fetch_field()
- 5.4.19 mysql_fetch_field_direct()
- 5.4.20 mysql_fetch_fields()
- 5.4.21 mysql_fetch_lengths()
- 5.4.22 mysql_fetch_row()
- 5.4.23 mysql_field_count()
- 5.4.24 mysql_field_seek()
- 5.4.25 mysql_field_tell()
- 5.4.26 mysql_free_result()
- 5.4.27 mysql_free_ssl_session_data()
- 5.4.28 mysql_get_character_set_info()
- 5.4.29 mysql_get_client_info()
- 5.4.30 mysql_get_client_version()
- 5.4.31 mysql_get_host_info()
- 5.4.32 mysql_get_option()
- 5.4.33 mysql_get_proto_info()
- 5.4.34 mysql_get_server_info()
- 5.4.35 mysql_get_server_version()
- 5.4.36 mysql_get_ssl_cipher()
- 5.4.37 mysql_get_ssl_session_data()
- 5.4.38 mysql_get_ssl_session_reused()
- 5.4.39 mysql_hex_string()
- 5.4.40 mysql_info()
- 5.4.41 mysql_init()
- 5.4.42 mysql_insert_id()
- 5.4.43 mysql_kill()
- 5.4.44 mysql_library_end()
- 5.4.45 mysql_library_init()
- 5.4.46 mysql_list_dbs()
- 5.4.47 mysql_list_fields()
- 5.4.48 mysql_list_processes()
- 5.4.49 mysql_list_tables()
- 5.4.50 mysql_more_results()
- 5.4.51 mysql_next_result()
- 5.4.52 mysql_num_fields()
- 5.4.53 mysql_num_rows()
- 5.4.54 mysql_options()
- 5.4.55 mysql_options4()
- 5.4.56 mysql_ping()
- 5.4.57 mysql_query()
- 5.4.58 mysql_real_connect()
- 5.4.59 mysql_real_connect_dns_srv()
- 5.4.60 mysql_real_escape_string()
- 5.4.61 mysql_real_escape_string_quote()
- 5.4.62 mysql_real_query()
- 5.4.63 mysql_refresh()
- 5.4.64 mysql_reload()
- 5.4.65 mysql_reset_connection()
- 5.4.66 mysql_reset_server_public_key()
- 5.4.67 mysql_result_metadata()
- 5.4.68 mysql_rollback()
- 5.4.69 mysql_row_seek()
- 5.4.70 mysql_row_tell()
- 5.4.71 mysql_select_db()
- 5.4.72 mysql_server_end()
- 5.4.73 mysql_server_init()
- 5.4.74 mysql_session_track_get_first()
- 5.4.75 mysql_session_track_get_next()
- 5.4.76 mysql_set_character_set()
- 5.4.77 mysql_set_local_infile_default()
- 5.4.78 mysql_set_local_infile_handler()
- 5.4.79 mysql_set_server_option()
- 5.4.80 mysql_shutdown()
- 5.4.81 mysql_sqlstate()
- 5.4.82 mysql_ssl_set()
- 5.4.83 mysql_stat()
- 5.4.84 mysql_store_result()
- 5.4.85 mysql_thread_id()
- 5.4.86 mysql_use_result()
- 5.4.87 mysql_warning_count()
- 6 C API Prepared Statement Interface
- 6.1 Overview of the C API Prepared Statement Interface
- 6.2 C API Prepared Statement Data Structures
- 6.3 C API Prepared Statement Function Reference
- 6.4 C API Prepared Statement Function Descriptions
- 6.4.1 mysql_stmt_affected_rows()
- 6.4.2 mysql_stmt_attr_get()
- 6.4.3 mysql_stmt_attr_set()
- 6.4.4 mysql_stmt_bind_named_param()
- 6.4.5 mysql_stmt_bind_param()
- 6.4.6 mysql_stmt_bind_result()
- 6.4.7 mysql_stmt_close()
- 6.4.8 mysql_stmt_data_seek()
- 6.4.9 mysql_stmt_errno()
- 6.4.10 mysql_stmt_error()
- 6.4.11 mysql_stmt_execute()
- 6.4.12 mysql_stmt_fetch()
- 6.4.13 mysql_stmt_fetch_column()
- 6.4.14 mysql_stmt_field_count()
- 6.4.15 mysql_stmt_free_result()
- 6.4.16 mysql_stmt_init()
- 6.4.17 mysql_stmt_insert_id()
- 6.4.18 mysql_stmt_next_result()
- 6.4.19 mysql_stmt_num_rows()
- 6.4.20 mysql_stmt_param_count()
- 6.4.21 mysql_stmt_param_metadata()
- 6.4.22 mysql_stmt_prepare()
- 6.4.23 mysql_stmt_reset()
- 6.4.24 mysql_stmt_result_metadata()
- 6.4.25 mysql_stmt_row_seek()
- 6.4.26 mysql_stmt_row_tell()
- 6.4.27 mysql_stmt_send_long_data()
- 6.4.28 mysql_stmt_sqlstate()
- 6.4.29 mysql_stmt_store_result()
- 7 C API Asynchronous Interface
- 7.1 Overview of the C API Asynchronous Interface
- 7.2 C API Asynchronous Interface Data Structures
- 7.3 C API Asynchronous Function Reference
- 7.4 C API Asynchronous Function Descriptions
- 7.4.1 mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking()
- 7.4.2 mysql_free_result_nonblocking()
- 7.4.3 mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage()
- 7.4.4 mysql_next_result_nonblocking()
- 7.4.5 mysql_real_connect_nonblocking()
- 7.4.6 mysql_real_query_nonblocking()
- 7.4.7 mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking()
- 7.4.8 mysql_store_result_nonblocking()
- 8 C API Thread Interface
- 9 C API Client Plugin Interface
- 10 C API Binary Log Interface
- Index