MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes  /  Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 5.1  /  Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 5.1.2 (2007-06-18)

Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 5.1.2 (2007-06-18)

This is a new Beta development release, fixing recently discovered bugs.

Bugs Fixed

  • Log messages would be truncated to 300 bytes. (Bug #28706)

  • Creating a user failed due to the application name being set incorrectly. (Bug #28648)

  • Visual Studio Plugin: Adding a new query based on a stored procedure that used a UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE statement would terminate the query/TableAdapter wizard. (Bug #28536)

  • Visual Studio Plugin: Query Builder would fail to show TINYTEXT columns, and any columns listed after a TINYTEXT column correctly. (Bug #28437)

  • Accessing the results from a large query when using data compression in the connection failed to return all the data. (Bug #28204)

  • Visual Studio Plugin: Update commands would not be generated correctly when using the TableAdapter wizard. (Bug #26347)