WL#8904: GIS : Create a MTR test for checking replication with GEOMETRY data

Status: Complete

Currently there is no MTR test to check how replication works with GEOMETRY data.
The aim of this WL is to create a MTR test which does checking of replication with 
GEOMETRY data. The test developed should cover all the geometry types.

User Documentation

Changes for test suite. No user documentation required.
The test should set up replication between one master and one slave. After a
connection has been made to the master, a set of DDL and DML statements are
executed and then the slave is synchronized with the master. Results from the
master and slave are compared to see if the replication was successful.

The following scenarios are tested :

1. Creating a table and inserting different types of spatial data into it.
2. Selecting the values from the table using a few geometric functions.
3. Creating a view on the table and checking whether it was replicated on slave.
4. Altering the table by adding columns, adding index, dropping columns and
   dropping index.
5. Updating values in the table.
6. Deleting rows from the table.
7. Dropping the table.
The low-level design specification and the code can be seen at this link :