WL#8157: Remove deprecated GIS functions
Many GIS functions have several names. Most of these were deprecated by WL#8055. This WL is a followup from WL#8055 and WL#7541 that removes the deprecated function names. The actual functionality will still be present, but another function name with the "ST_" or "MBR" prefix must be used.
Functional requirements: F-1: The following 67 functions MUST NOT exist: Area AsBinary AsText AsWKB AsWKT Buffer Centroid Contains ConvexHull Crosses Dimension Disjoint Distance EndPoint Envelope Equals ExteriorRing GeomCollFromText GeomCollFromWKB GeometryCollectionFromText GeometryCollectionFromWKB GeometryFromText GeometryFromWKB GeomFromText GeomFromWKB GeometryN GeometryType GLength InteriorRingN Intersects IsClosed IsEmpty IsSimple LineFromText LineFromWKB LineStringFromText LineStringFromWKB MBREqual MLineFromText MLineFromWKB MPointFromText MPointFromWKB MPolyFromText MPolyFromWKB MultiLineStringFromText MultiLineStringFromWKB MultiPointFromText MultiPointFromWKB MultiPolygonFromText MultiPolygonFromWKB NumGeometries NumInteriorRings NumPoints Overlaps PointFromText PointFromWKB PointN PolyFromText PolyFromWKB PolygonFromText PolygonFromWKB SRID StartPoint Touches Within X Y
Removal of deprecated functions ===============================
In WL#8055, a Create_func-wrapper was created for each function to be deprecated. These wrappers will now be removed, as well as the entry for the deprecated funtion in func_array[]. Since Contains() is handled directly by the parser, this function will be removed from sql_yacc.yy.
Test suite ==========
WL#8055 added a new test for ensuring that each deprecated function raised a warning. This test file will be removed, and any remaining usage of the removed functions will be changed to the ST_/MBR-prefixed version.