WL#7706: SSL cert and key generation for MySQL Community
Affects: Server-5.7
Status: Complete
WL#7699 seeks to automatically enable SSL (and RSA) for MySQL commercial-license servers, leveraging OpenSSL APIs. Due to license incompatibilities between OpenSSL and GPL, a tightly-bound solution like this cannot apply to MySQL Community. Instead, we should provide a "best effort" SSL set up process during installation. This process will be loosely-bound to OpenSSL, expecting the necessary OpenSSL libraries to already be deployed on the target server (largely true for Unix-like platforms, not so for Windows), and will interact with OpenSSL via command-line interfaces. Our documentation defines a script for generation of SSL certs and keys: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/creating-ssl-certs.html This script (or a variant of it) should be called from installation scripts such as mysql_install_db on a "best effort" basis, and if successful, the MySQL server configuration file modified to reference the generated SSL certs & keys.
FR1 : A new binary : mysql_ssl_rsa_setup shall be introduced to setup SSL certificates and RSA key pair at the time of server installation through MySQL community binaries. FR2 : mysql_ssl_rsa_setup shall check for availability of openssl binary at locations specified by $PATH. If openssl is not found, it shall exit with appropriate message. FR3.1 : mysql_ssl_rsa_setup shall be checked for the presence of following files at location specified by --datadir 1> ca.pem 2> server-cert.pem 3> server-key.pem. If any of these files are present, generation shall be skipped and appropriate message will be displayed. FR3.2 : mysql_ssl_rsa_setup shall be checked for the presence of following files at location specified by --datadir 1> private_key.pem 2> public_key.pem. If any of these files are present, generation shall be skipped and appropriate message will be displayed. FR4 : Following files shall be created with below mentioned permission mask: 1> Self Signed CA Certificate : ca.pem : -rw-r--r-- 2> CA Private Key : ca-key.pem : -rw------- 3> Server Certificate signed by CA cert/key generated above : server-cert.pem : -rw-r--r-- Signature Algorithm : sha256WithRSAEncryption 4> Server Private Key : server-key.pem : -rw------- 5> Client Certificate signed by CA cert/key generated above : client-cert.pem : -rw-r--r-- Signature Algorithm : sha256WithRSAEncryption 6> Client Private Key : client-key.pem : -rw------- 7> RSA Private Key : private_key.pem : -rw------- 8> RSA Public Key :public_key.pem : -rw-r--r-- FR 4.1 : Generated SSL artifacts shall use 2048 bit keys. FR 4.2 : Generated SSL certificates shall use CN = MySQL_Server__Auto_Generated_[CA|Server|Client]_Certificate. suffix shall be supplied by --suffix option. FR 4.3 : Generated SSL artifacts shall have blank values for Country (C), State or Province (ST), Organization (O), Organization Unit Name (OU). FR 4.4 : Generated SSL artifacts shall be valid for ten years from generation. Note that for enterprise edition (WL#7699), validity is one year. FR 4.5 : Generated SSL artifacts shall have different Serial Numbers for each cert/key pair (1 for CA, 2 for Server, 3 for Client) FR 5 : --datadir option shall have compile time default for data directory (/var/lib/mysql). FR 6 : Server shall try to enable SSL support if a> No SSL parameters are used at the time of start-up AND b> ca.pem, server-cert.pem and server-key.pem are found in data directory. Server log will contain appropriate message when SSL artifacts will be picked up automatically. FR 7 : If a self-signed CA certificate is used, server shall log a warning in server log. FR 8 : mysql_install_db shall call mysql_ssl_rsa_setup utility with --datadir set to data directory. NFR 1 : Documentation should be updated to mention that for cases where SSL artifacts need to recreated (e.g. after certificate expiration), user can following below mentioned steps: a> STOP the server b> Remove/Backup and Remove existing SSL artifacts c> Run mysql_ssl_rsa_setup with --datadir= e> Restart the server
I-1 : New file mysql_ssl_rsa_setup.cc : This file will be added under client/ folder. I-2 : Corresponding binary : mysql_ssl_rsa_setup will be placed in bin directory. I-3 : New binary will take 3 arguments: 1. --datadir : Path to the destination directory where certificates will be placed. 2. --suffix : Version number suffix provided by user. This will be used for CN in X509 Certificates. 3. --help : Display help and exit. I-3.1 : Defaults: 1. --datadir : Compile time default for data directory (e.g. /var/lib/mysql) 2. --suffix : current MySQL version (e.g. 5.7.5-r15 etc) I-4 : Certificate and key files will be generated if following conditions are satisified: 1. --datadir points to a valid/writable directory AND 2a. ca.pem, server-cert.pem and server-key.pem files are not present in destination directory. 2b. private_key.pem and public_key.pem files are not present in destination directory. I-5 : Following OpenSSL commands are used to generate certificates and key files: 1. For key: openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -day 365 -nodes -keyout> 2. For Self Signed X509 Certificate : openssl x509 -sha256 -days 365 -set_serial -req -in -signkey > 3. For CA signed X509 Certificate : openssl x509 -sha256 -days 365 -set_serial -req -in -CA -CAkey > 4. For RSA Private key openssl genrsa 2048 > 5. For RSA Public key openssl rsa -in -pubout -out I-6 : List of generated files and their permission : ca.pem : -rw-r--r-- ca-key.pem : -rw------- server.pem : -rw-r--r-- server-key.pem : -rw------- client.pem : -rw-r--r-- client-key.pem : -rw------- private_key.pem : -rw------- public_key.pem : -rw-r--r-- I-7 : mysql_install_db will call this binary unless --insecure mode is used. mysql_install_db will pass following parameters: 1> Location of data directory
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