WL#7405: Migrate partition tests in the main suite
Status: Complete
This is a task to migrate all partitioning tests to use InnoDB as the default storage engine. User Documentation ================== No user documentation required.
Tests to be migrated are partition_archive.test partition_binlog_stmt.test partition_binlog.test partition_blackhole.test partition_bug18198.test partition_charset.test partition_column_prune.test partition_column.test partition_csv.test partition_debug_sync.test partition_disabled.test partition_error.test partition_federated.test partition_grant.test partition_hash.test partition_list.test partition_mgm_err2.test partition_myisam.test partition_not_blackhole.test partition_not_windows.test partition_order.test partition_range.test partition_rename_longfilename.test partition_symlink.test partition_sync.test partition.test partition_truncate.test partition_windows.test
*Removed "--source include/force_myisam_default.inc" line from all the tests mentioned in this wl. *The following tests failed due to result difference in engine value: partition_debug_sync.test partition_list.test The correct engine value was recorded in the result file. *The following tests failed due to result mismatch in the "rows" column of explain output.Also, "analyze table" statement was added to these tests for consistency of Explain output. partition_column.test partition_column_prune.test partition_hash.test *"--source include/have_myisam.inc" has been added to the following tests as they need the MyISAM engine for a few of the subtests. partition_binlog_stmt.test partition_csv.test partition_disabled.test partition_error.test( This test also fails due to difference in engine value.) partition_mgm_err2.test partition_myisam.test partition_not_windows.test partition_range.test partition_symlink.test partition.test (This test also fails due to Explain diffs which are acceptable and recorded and due to engine name difference.) partition_windows.test *The following test failed due to difference in the MSG_Text output for "optimize partition" statement: partition_binlog.test *The following test fails due to difference in the list of files for tables in the tablespace due to engine difference: partition_rename_longfilename.test *Added "ALGORITH = COPY" to alter table statement due to timeout when run with innodb because for InnoDB , it uses INPLACE alter as default, so the alter statement needs to use ', ALGORITHM=COPY' to force it to use the old COPY code : partition_sync.test
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