WL#7194: Define and implement authorization model to manage XA-transactions
Affects: Server-8.0
Status: Complete
In current server implementation there is an issue with ability to commit/rollback XA transaction by a user who doesn’t have sufficient privileges to access to tables involved in transaction. Lets consider the following use case: $ mysql -u root mysql> CREATE USER u1@localhost; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,01 sec) mysql> CREATE USER u2@localhost; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,01 sec) mysql> CREATE SCHEMA u1_test; Query OK, 1 row affected (0,01 sec) mysql> CREATE TABLE u1_test.t1 (a INT); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,03 sec) mysql> GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON u1_test.t1 TO u1@localhost; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,01 sec) mysql> ^DBye Using the statements listed above, we have created two users. One of them (u2@localhost) doesn't have permissions to access the table u1_test.t1. Then a new connection is established to a server using credential of the user u1@localhost: $ client/mysql -u u1 u1_test mysql> XA START 'xid1'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,00 sec) mysql> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (100); Query OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec) mysql> XA END 'xid1'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,00 sec) mysql> XA PREPARE 'xid1'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,00 sec) mysql> ^DBye The statements listed above start an XA transaction, insert a row in a table, end transaction and prepare it to successive commit/rollback. Since the user u1@localhost has permission on the table u1_test.t1 all these statements are executed successfully. Now we connect to a server using credential of the user u2@localhost that doesn't have permissions to access to the table u1_test.t1. $ client/mysql -u u2 mysql> XA COMMIT 'xid1’; <<<===== This statement is executed successfully. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,00 sec) mysql> SELECT * FROM u1_test.t1; ERROR 1142 (42000): SELECT command denied to user 'u2'@'localhost' for table 't1' mysql> ^DBye So as we can see the issue is that an unprivileged user, who doesn't have access privileges for the underlying table(s), still can commit/rollback a prepared XA transaction on behalf of any other user. The goal of the WL is to add a functionality that allows to restrict capability for fetching information about a prepared XA transaction to further finalize its state.
FR.1: A new system privilege must be introduced to control capability to run the statement XA RECOVER. The new privilege will be referenced here as XA_RECOVER_ADMIN. FR.2: To execute the statement XA RECOVER the new system privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN must be granted to a user. FR.3: Attempt to run the statement XA RECOVER by a user whom wasn't granted the new system privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN must lead to issuing an error. FR.4: A user whom was granted the privilege SUPER and wasn't granted the privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN mustn't be allowed to execute the statement XA RECOVER.
The simplest and currently the most reasonable way to achieve goals described in the section High-Level Description is to allow to extract information about prepared XA transactions for only those users who have a special system privilege. The rationale behind this approach is that * without knowing a value of xid it is impossible to finalize a transaction. Only a transaction initiator (who knows its xid) or a user with a special privilege to fetch information about prepared transactions can provide actual (meaningful) xid value for a prepared XA transaction branch and thus finalize a XA transaction branch by issuing either the statement XA COMMIT or XA ROLLBACK. In other words, it is restricted access to the statement XA RECOVER to get a list of prepared XA transactions but isn't restricted access to statements XA COMMIT / XA ROLLBACK to finalize an XA transaction provided that XID value is known. It also need to note that this WL doesn’t aim to protect against brute-force attack when a user tries to finalize a prepared transaction branch by guessing its xid value. Therefore this use case is out of scope for the worklog. * doing this way we don’t change the way the most typical use case works. That is, the sequence of statements within the same connection { XA START ; some dml statements ; XA END ; XA PREPARE ; XA COMMIT|ROLLBACK } still will be executed successfully without changes in behavior after the WL7194 be implemented; * XA COMMIT/XA ROLLBACK actually just finalize a transaction branch. All permissions checking for every DML statement involved in a XA transaction were already done. Moreover in case a user runs XA ROLLBACK no changes will be made at all and consequently no checking for permissions is required. So, the only thing we do matter is whether a user has a system privilege to find out a value of XID to further finalize a state of a prepared XA transaction. In case an application that started XA transaction disconnects from a server and then reconnects again it still will be able to finalize transaction since the application knows about xid of its prepared XA transaction. In case application is failed (i.e. the application was crashed or restarted) before prepared XA transactions were committed/rolled back it is required that a new system privilege be granted to a user on behalf the application connected to mysql server in order to get a list of prepared XA transactions. This new system privilege has the name XA_RECOVER_ADMIN. In case this privilege wasn’t granted to a user any attempt to execute the statement XA RECOVER by the user will lead to emission of the error ER_XAER_RMERR. The error code ER_XAER_RMERR is chosen in according with XA specification for function xa_recover(): [XAER_RMERR] An error occurred in determining the XIDs to return. In addition to issuing the error ER_XAER_RMERR the warning ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR is issued to provide extra information about the reason of failure. By default the privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN not granted for a new created user. When server is stared with option --initialize/--initialize-insecure the privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN is granted to the user root@localhost with GRANT OPTION. During server upgrade the new privilege will be granted to users who has also the privilege SUPER provided that there isn't any user who already has the privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN. For this use case the privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN is granted with GRANT OPTION.
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