WL#6599: New Data Dictionary and I_S integration
Affects: Server-8.0
Status: Complete
Introduction: ------------- The INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables on 5.7 are temporary tables that are created and filled during execution of the query. The meta-data is read from .FRM files, storage engines and server in memory data structures. Reading data from .FRM files involves preparation of TABLE_SHARE object for each and every table and this is time consuming. With the introduction of data dictionary in 8.0, most of INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables meta-data can be read from data dictionary tables. The goal of this WL is, 1. To re-implement the possible INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables to pick meta-data from data-dictionary tables and avoid creation of temporary tables and preparation of TABLE_SHARE object upon every query execution that contains INFORMATION_SCHEMA table. 2. The implementation would also provide following modes, 2.1 Support retrieval of dynamic table or index statistics from a new DD table where the statistics are already stored. The DD table would be updated using ANALYZE TABLE command. This allows a INFORMATION_SCHEMA system view to present the dynamic statistics to the users faster. It is understood that the statistics presented this way would be from the time when user ran ANALYZE TABLE and are not latest statistics. 2.2 Support retrieval of dynamic table or index statistics from storage engine. This allows a INFORMATION_SCHEMA system view to present latest dynamic statistics to the users. The design would also involve developing customer storage engine API's that would help get the latest table statistics without running open_table() on a given table. 2.3 Provide support for user to switch between behaviour 2.1 and 2.2 based on a session variable. 3. With the re-implementation of several INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, there will be compatibility issues. We must try to support the current behaviour as much of possible. However few specific cases are, - The current behavior is that the order of row's returned from I_S query is fixed as of now. After this WL implementation the rows returned from every execution of INFORMATION_SCHEMA system view might depend on optimizer decisions and hence the order might change. - On 5.7, I_S tables are temporary tables and then the 'CREATE TABLE LIKE' and 'HANDLER COLUMNS OPEN' command would work on I_S tables. On 8.0, few I_S tables are system views and these two command expect the input to be a BASE table and not a view. This brings in a limitation. - The --ignore-db-dir option was mostly added to avoid SQL server to read physical directories like lost+found. Now that 8.0 server do not depend of file-system folder to find databases, this option is removed. - Upon execution of I_S system views, the resulting column names are show in capital. This seems to be result of how views are merged. There could be other compatibility issues, that should be investigated by the WL. 4. Discuss possible solution and outline a plan for implementation.
1) Definitions and Abbreviation: -------------------------------- DD : Data Dictionary I_S : INFORMATION_SCHEMA System View : A MySQL view that represent a I_S table. TS : Dynamic table statistics, like, TABLE_ROWS AVG_ROW_LENGTH DATA_LENGTH MAX_DATA_LENGTH INDEX_LENGTH DATA_FREE AUTO_INCREMENT CREATE_TIME UPDATE_TIME CHECK_TIME IS : Dynamic Index statistics i.e., index CARDINALITY. TS_DD : DD table mysql.table_stat to store table statistics IS_DD : DD table mysql.index_stat to store index statistics FDS : Fast Dynamic Table/Index Statistics, but not latest. Statistics will be based on last execution of ANALYZE TABLE command. LDS : Latest Dynamic Table/Index Statistics read from storage engine. This would be slower compare to read LDS compared to FDS. INTERNAL_UDF: User defined functions implemented to enable reading SE statistics dynamically in LDS configuration. 2) Functional requirements: --------------------------- FR-01 Implement possible I_S tables as a System View over the DD tables. a) I_S tables that mostly fetch static meta-data. I.e., it does not read TS/IS details. CHARACTER_SETS COLLATIONS SCHEMATA COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY COLUMNS COLUMN_PRIVILEGES KEY_COLUMN_USAGE PARAMETERS PARTITIONS REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS EVENTS ROUTINES TABLESPACES TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TRIGGERS VIEWS KEY_COLUMN_USAGE b) I_S tables that mostly read both static meta-data and dynamic table statistics. TABLES STATISTICS FILES Note that the SHOW CREATE command on system view would now show the system view definition. FR-02 Implement possible SHOW commands to use new I_S system view introduced by FR-01. SHOW CHARSET SHOW COLLATION SHOW DATABASES SHOW TABLES SHOW TABLE STATUS SHOW COLUMNS SHOW KEYS/INDEXES SHOW STATISTICS DESCRIBE FR-03 Introduce new TS_DD table to store dynamic table statistics, to enable FDS retrieval from I_S system view. FR-04 Introduce new IS_DD table to store dynamic index statistics, to enable FDS retrieval from I_S system view. FR-05 It must be possible for I_S system view to read dynamic table statistics from storage engine enabling to read LDS. FR-06 It must be possible for I_S system views to pick dynamic table statistics from TS_DD and IS_DD tables providing FDS. FR-07 Enable MySQL users to pick either FDS or LDS based on a session variable. FR-08 Implement new INTERNAL_UDF's which would retrieve LDS from storage engine. This would be used in new I_S system view definition. FR-09 Implement INTERNAL_UDF's to do quick retrieval of TS/IS from storage engine by giving the table name. The mean of 'quick' here is to read statistics quicker compared to opening the underlying table using open_table() and then reading the statistics. Designing a new UDF will help avoid building complete TABLE_SHARE for a table. Any new SE API's required to read quick TS/IS values would be implemented as separate work. FR-10 Store meta-data of I_S tables into DD during bootstrapping itself. As this information never changes, we can stored them once. This include I_S tables that are not system views too. FR-11 Create I_S system views as part of bootstrapping procedure. FR-12 Introduce new DD columns enhancing DD table definitions to store required information by I_S, Like COLUMN_TYPE, DEFAULT_VALUE_UTF8, INDEX_ORDER, ROW_FORMAT. FR-13 Implement SHOW command on temporary table to skip using I_S system views and use the current approach of creating temporary table and filling it during execution of query itself. There are temporary tables created by CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE command, whose metadata is not stored in DD tables. FR-14 Introduce new MySQL extension I_S.TABLES.LAST_ALTERED column projecting the new information that is now available in DD i.e, mysql.tables.last_altered. Possibly we can enhance other I_S.* tables where data dictionary tables now contain the last_altered information. FR-15 Allow I_S system views to be executed without waiting for concurrent writes to DD tables. FR-16 Store mandatory plugin schema tables meta-data into DD tables upon bootstrap. FR-17 Store dynamic plugin schema tables meta-data into DD table upon plugin install. And remove the same during plugin uninstall. FR-18 Enable use of I_S system view under locked table modes. FR-19 Make SHOW commands to read view column meta-data. FR-20 Enable users to provide information schema and system view names in mix case letters and do not treat them as case sensitive, this is required to match the old behavior. The reason we need to handle this case is that the TABLES.TABLE_NAME maps to DD table column mysql.tables.name with the new implementation. Whose collation would make it depend on l_c_t_n. However, in 5.7 this was fixed to utf8_general_ci which enabled users to automatically do case insensitive comparison. Requirement is to try and match the old behavior. When user provide a I_S schema and table name, convert them to lowercase when possible. For e.g., we could do this when table name is added to open_table list by add_table_to_list(). This enables use to support part of old behavior but not complete. The restriction would be that I_S schema and table name provide in WHERE clauses of SHOW and I_S query would be treated with same collation requirements as that of mysql.tables.name. FR-21 The 'System View' here is mostly treated by the MySQL server in the same way as that of user tables, except that we handle them in lock table mode a bit differently. See 2.1.11 for more info.
1. Architecture of I_S without DD: ================================== I_S tables are implemented in MySQL as temporary tables which are created on the fly during query execution. The existing architecture is that, this temporary table is filled with required details read from, 1) FRM files. 2) Retrieved from SE, OR 3) SQL server global data structures. 1.1 The low level details of current implementation is as below: ---------------------------------------------------------------- ST_SCHEMA_TABLE structure represents I_S table and ST_FIELD_INFO represents fields of I_S table. These two data structures are use to create the temporary table for I_S. A array of ST_SCHEMA_TABLE object is used to represent 31 information schema tables related to SQL engine. struct ST_SCHEMA_TABLE { const char* table_name; ST_FIELD_INFO *fields_info; // 1st level callback function int (*fill_table) (THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, Item *cond); // 2nd level callback function int (*process_table) (THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name); ... } struct ST_FIELD_INFO { const char* field_name; uint field_length; enum_field_types field_type; int value; uint field_flags; ... } 1.1.1 ) 'ST_SCHEMA_TABLE.fill_table' function pointer points to callback function which fills records into the I_S temporary table. Below are some of the I_S tables and its corresponding callback functions. There are mostly I_S tables that read the required information from MySQL data structures. ----------------------------------------------------- I_S TABLE | (*fill_table)() ------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER_SETS | fill_schema_charsets COLLATIONS | fill_schema_collation ENGINES | fill_schema_engines GLOBAL_STATUS | fill_status GLOBAL_VARIABLES | fill_variables OPEN_TABLES | fill_open_tables OPTIMIZER_TRACE | fill_optimizer_trace_info FILES | hton_fill_schema_table COLUMN_PRIVILEGES | fill_schema_column_privileges EVENTS | Events::fill_schema_events ------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.2 ) I_S tables which reads meta-data of database objects like TABLES, TRIGGER, COLUMNS, VIEW uses callback function pointed to by 'ST_SCHEMA_TABLE.process_table' to read meta-data from given table.. As these I_S tables require list of all databases and their tables list from which the details are extracted, the function get_all_tables() is invoked at first. Below are list of callback function which are responsible to fill data into respective I_S tables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I_S TABLE |(*fill_table)()|(*process_table)() ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLUMNS |get_all_tables |get_schema_column_record KEY_COLUMN_USAGE |get_all_tables |get_schema_key_column_usage_record PARTITIONS |get_all_tables |get_schema_partitions_record REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS|get_all_tables |get_referential_constraints_record STATISTICS |get_all_tables |get_schema_stat_record TABLES |get_all_tables |get_schema_tables_record TABLE_CONSTRAINTS |get_all_tables |get_schema_constraints_record TRIGGERS |get_all_tables |get_schema_triggers_record VIEWS |get_all_tables |get_schema_views_record ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1.3 ) Pseudo code for get_all_tables() function ----------------------------------------- // 2nd argument TABLE_LIST *tables represents temporary table 'T' created to store resultset for ('database' in databases_list) (directory scan on DATA_DIR + I_S) { for ('table' in tables_list of 'database') (directory scan on DATA_DIR/) { if ('table' is a I_S table) - create temporary table 'TT' (creates .frm file for I_S) - open table 'TT' - Access meta-data using TABLE_SHARE,handler,handlerton,etc. - call (*process_table)() to store meta-data into 'T' - Present resulting rows to mysql client. - close table 'TT' - remove table 'TT' (removes .frm file) else - open table (open .frm file first time and then read from TABLE_CACHE) - access meta info using TABLE_SHARE, handler, handlerton,etc of table - call (*process_table)() to store meta-data into 'T' - close table endif } } 2. Architecture of I_S with DD: =============================== 2.1 Design Overview ------------------- The approach of implementing new I_S table is to define I_S system view over DD tables, representing a I_S table. This will completely eliminate the need of preparing a temporary table for each I_S table during execution and other costs that are described in section 1) above. I_S query execution would work same as executing a query on a view. Following are the changes involved: 2.1.1 ) I_S tables that can be implemented as a System View (FR-01). The names of new system views that are implemented are listed in FR-01. Definition of each system view is listed in LLD. 2.1.2 ) I_S tables whose implementation remains the same. ENGINES GLOBAL_STATUS GLOBAL_VARIABLES OPTIMIZER_TRACE PLUGINS PROCESSLIST PROFILING OPEN_TABLES SESSION_STATUS SESSION_VARIABLES SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES TABLE_PRIVILEGES COLUMN_PRIVILEGES USER_PRIVILEGES STATUS 2.1.3 ) List of commands that would be re-implemented to use new I_S system views defined in 2.1.1. FR-02. - We prepare a SELECT_LEX representing a SELECT query over I_S system view by 'build_show_*()' function in sql/dd/show.cc. The approach is to prepare a Parse Tree node and let the executor execute it. 2.1.4 ) Implementation of FDS and LDS. (FR-03..09) Following are the details of implementation to support FDS and LDS configuration over I_S system views. a) SQL server bootstrap will creates TS_DD and IS_DD tables during DD initialization. b) ANALYZE TABLE command updates TS_DD and IS_DD tables with TS/IS meta-data read from SE. This will be picked by I_S tables in FDS configuration. c) There are two version of each I_S system view which read TDS/IDS. This applies to I_S tables listed under 2.1.1 b) c1) I_S system view definition that joins with TS_DD and IS_DD to read FDS. c2) I_S system view definition that invokes new INTERNAL_UDF's to read LDS. These system view definitions are suffixed with text '_dynamic' in there view name. d) SQL server would switch between c1) and c2) configuration based on session variable 'information_schema_stats'. This is implemented such that the 'add_table_to_list()' function would rename the I_S system view name picking the one required based on 'information_schema_stats' setting. SQL server will use c1) behavior by default which chooses the FDS configuration, that means that the 'information_schema_stats' is set to 'cached' by default. E.g., We have I_S.TABLES system view representing c1) and I_S.TABLES_DYNAMIC system view that represents c2) version. Where a user executes a statement with I_S table name e.g., 'SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES', the parser invokes 'add_table_to_list()' function. This function intern checks if the 'information_schema_stats=latest', then replace the I_S table name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES_DYNAMIC. This same concept would be applied to other I_S tables in 2.1.1 b) Note that this behavior applies for SHOW commands implementation which uses I_S tables. 2.1.5) I_S and concurrency (FR-15) 2.1.6) Allow view creation under bootstrapping (FR-11) The new I_S system views should be created during bootstrapping similar to the way DD tables are created. This avoid possibility of SQL server picking wrong I_S system view definition, accidentally modified by user OR due to user using a old DB patch. TODO: The upgrade needs to handle drop and re-create the system views, mainly when upgrading from 8.0 to higher versions. 2.1.7) Store meta-data of plugin schema tables. (FR-10,FR-16,FR-17) FR-10 As described by Praba in 1.1.3 above, the 5.7 server would end-up creating a temporary table to retrieve I_S table metad-data and present that in output of I_S.TABLES. With FR-01 implemented we cannot do the same. As the I_S tables schema does not change, we will store the meta-data of I_S tables during server bootstrapping procedure. FR-16: The 5.7 server would request meta-data of I_S system tables owned by storage engines upon execution of every I_S table listed in 2.1.1 a) & b). With FR-01 implemented the I_S system views cannot retrieve this meta-data from SE. I.e., 2.1.4 c1 and c2 would be modeled to read rows from SE during execution, which is not possible. As the SE schema tables meta-data is pretty much fixed and does not change, we would store such mandatory plugins schema table meta-data into DD tables during bootstrapping. This would save lot of time spent to read data from SE during execution. FR-17 - TBD Dynamic plugins can own schema tables. On 5.7 these tables are requested by SQL server through SE API and the values are filled in by SE engine itself. With FR-01 implemented, a system view cannot read this information from SE. Hence the plan is to store the Plugin's schema table meta-data into DD table when the plugin is installed. And we remove the same when plugin is un-installed. 2.1.8) Introducing new DD columns (FR-12) On 5.7 server we read meta-data of table from TABLE_SHARE prepared after opening the table. This TABLE_SHARE contains information like below, which are mostly not persistent as is in .FRM by are computed when the TABLE_SHARE is prepared. This information was not available in DD tables readily. So we added following new DD columns which are required by I_S tables. COLUMNS.COLUMN_KEY COLUMNS.COLUMN_TYPE COLUMNS.DEFAULT_VALUE_UTF8 TABLES.ROW_FORMAT 2.1.9) SHOW COLUMNS for temporary tables (FR-13) SHOW COLUMNS command would pick data from I_S system view after FR-01. This bring data from DD tables. However, the meta-data of temporary tables is not stored/persistent in the DD tables. So the meta-data of temporary table would not be seen by I_S system view. SHOW COLUMNS command on a temporary tables would skip using the I_S system view and fall-back to the old model of creating a temporary table and filling it with the data temporary table meta-data from the SQL server memory data structures. 2.1.10) Introducing new I_S.TABLES.LAST_ALTERED field (FR-14) There is a plan to introduce this new I_S column as a MySQL extension. 2.1.11) I_S query execution under locked table mode: (FR-18) I_S tables are temporary tables on 5.7. This make them possible to access under LOCK TABLE command with explicitly locking I_S tables. Now with FR-01 is implemented, the query execution procedure fails to process I_S system view as the under laying DD table are not locked. The SQL server is made to open the DD tables used by a I_S system view without requiring them to be locked explicitly. 2.1.12) Quick retrieval [Avoid open_table()] of latest statistics using INTERNAL_UDF's (FR-08, FR-09) When 'information_schema_stats=latest' the TS/IS statistics are read from SE. The way we read these values on 5.7 is by opening the underlying table and reading handler->info() values. If the UDF's in 8.0 does the same, the performance of I_S query on 8.0 will not improvement and would remain same. In effort to improve performance of I_S query with TS/IS data, new SE API's are designed (see LLD section 2) to request the TS/IS statistics based on the table name, without doing a full blown table open. These new SE API's are implemented by 'InnoDB' SE alone for now. So, the INTERNAL_UDF's would use these new SE API's only for 'InnoDB' tables. For non-InnoDB tables, the INTERNAL_UDF's would following the same procedure as that of 5.7 to open the table and invoke handler->info() to read the TS/IS values. 3 Compatibility issues: ----------------------- Please refer main.dd_is_compatibility for test cases for each of below change in behavior. a) Requires execution of ANALYZE TABLE in FDS mode. I.e., when 'information_schema_stats=cached'. Steps: 1) start server. 2) create a table. 3) insert few rows. 4) read I_S.TABLES dynamic statistics. If we carry on following steps on 5.7 server then we do get TS/IS read from SE. However on 8.0 server, step 4) would get NULL for all the dynamic statistics. The reason is that the default configuration of I_S system view is to pick the TS/IS values from TS_DD and IS_DD tables, which is based on 'information_schema_stats=cached'. TS_DD/IS_DD tables needs to be updated by a explicit ANALYZE TABLE command. Without which the step 4) would result in NULL due to LEFT JOIN done in system view definition with TS_DD/IS_DD. The correct steps to get TS/IS on 8.0 would be: Steps: 1) start server. 2) create a table. 3) insert few rows. 4) run ANALYZE TABLE of the table. 5) read I_S.TABLES dynamic statistics. b) The DD tables are listed in I_S query output. We will hide the DD table meta-data to be exposed by I_S queries. c) Capital cased I_S table column names. Upon execution of a I_S query, the resulting column names were in lower case on 5.7. However, on 8.0 with I_S system views, SQL server present the I_S table column name in capital letters. This is because optimizer does view merging instead of temp table algorithm, due to which the column names are changed to uppercase. One workaround to get column name with desired (lower/upper) case, is to use a alias for the projections from the query, e.g., SELECT table_name as 'table_name' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES; table_name ---------- t1 Whereas without the alias we get, SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES; TABLE_NAME ---------- t1 d) The order of row returned I_S query. On 5.7, the order of row returned by I_S query was predictable upon multiple execution of same query. With FR-01 being implemented, the problem is that the optimizer do not guaranty the order of rows returned from the SELECT. On 8.0, it is recommended to use ORDER BY clause on I_S query to order the rows based on users desire. e) CREATE_TIME stored in DD table. On 5.7, the CREATE_TIME of a table is not preserved by SQL server and it is requested to SE. Moreover, not all SE's do return CREATE_TIME. On 8.0, SQL server store the CREATE_TIME of table in mysql.tables.create_time. f) Removal of --ignore-db-dir option from server. This option was mostly added to avoid SQL server to read physical directories like lost+found. Now that 8.0 server do not depend of file-system folder to find databases, this option is removed. g) 'CREATE TABLE LIKE ' and 'HANDLER COLUMNS OPEN on ' On 5.7, I_S tables are temporary tables and then the 'CREATE TABLE LIKE' and 'HANDLER COLUMNS OPEN' command would work on I_S tables. On 8.0, few I_S tables are system views and these two command expect the input to be a BASE table and not a view. This brings in a limitation. h) I_S schema name and the table name are treated as case-sensitive based on l_c_t_n setting, especially when these names are used in WHERE clause of SHOW commands. This is because the TABLES.TABLE_NAME maps to mysql.tables.name, which works based on l_c_t_n. i) Refering the behavior in FR-20, the restriction would be that I_S schema and table name provide in WHERE clauses of SHOW and I_S query would be treated with same collation requirements as that of mysql.tables.name. j) Prepared statements of SHOW commands fail differently for e.g. ER_BAD_DB_ERROR unknown schema, instead of ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT for big SELECT's. This is consequence of we checking for existing database first and then JOIN::optimize(). In 5.7 this was done in the other way. k) ANALYZE TABLE under innodb read only mode fails with error/warning. This would be a restrictions with wl6599. It is recommended to use 'information_schema_stats=latest' to get latest statistics from IS queries in read only mode. l) Most of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table are re-implemented as view. Current method of dumping INFORMATION_SCHEMA does not work for views. OTOH, INFORMATION_SCHEMA DB content dump is only used to reload the data into another tables for analysis purpose. This feature is not the core responsibility of mysqlpump tool. INFORMATION_SCHEMA DB content can be dumped using other methods like SELECT INTO OUTFILE ... for such purpose. Hence ignoring INFORMATION_SCHEMA DB dump from mysqldump and mysqlpump tool. m) MySQL 'DISABLE KEYS' functionality is only applicable to MyISAM tables, but looks like its marked for InnoDB table too in trunk. This problem is fixed now. It has been discussed with Martin Hansson who worked on WL8697 which introduced invisible index. He agreed that the behavior on trunk is bad and needed to be fixed. We have fixed that now. n) In the 5.7 code, value for IS_UPDATABLE column of view is evaluated based on view is mergable or not and view has at least one fields which can be updated. This value is stored in the schema table. But there are many other factors to decide view is updatable or not. In 5.7 code too, these factors are checked while creating or altering view but this value is not used while filling schema table. Due to which we were getting wrong IS_UDPATABLE for some views. Now we get correct is_updatable value for views as we read the value stored in dicationary tables while creating or altering view. o) Most of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table are re-implemented as view as this WL. Current method of dumping INFORMATION_SCHEMA does not work for views. OTOH, INFORMATION_SCHEMA DB content dump is only used to reload the data into another tables for analysis purpose. This feature is not the core responsibility of mysqlpump tool. INFORMATION_SCHEMA DB content can be dumped using other methods like SELECT INTO OUTFILE ... for such purpose. Hence ignoring INFORMATION_SCHEMA DB dump from mysqldump and mysqlpump tool. p) ANLYZE TABLE operation on non-transactional table was incompatible with FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK. ANLYZE TABLE operation used to wait for GLOBAL READ LOCK before. Now ANLYZE TABLE operations for transactional and non-transactional tables, ignores GLOBAL READ LOCK. So analyze table operation is compatible with FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK now. q) In the 5.7 code, operation on INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables acquires MDL lock on the tables to open definitions from the data dictionary while filling schema table. With system view implementation, as the rows are fetched from the new data dictionary tables, MDL lock on the database objects are not acquired. This is true in most of the cases except when "information_schema_stats=latest" and operation on INFORMATION_SCHMEA table requires latest statstics values. Only in this case MDL lock of type MDL_SHARED_HIGH_PRIO is acquired on the database object for the explicit(operation) duration.
1 System view definitions implementing FR-01: (Mar 10 2016) ----------------------------------------------------------- -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLLATIONS -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.collations AS SELECT col.name AS COLLATION_NAME, cs.name AS CHARACTER_SET_NAME, col.id AS ID, IF(EXISTS(SELECT * FROM mysql.character_sets WHERE mysql.character_sets.default_collation_id= col.id), 'Yes','') AS IS_DEFAULT, IF(col.is_compiled,'Yes','') AS IS_COMPILED, col.sort_length AS SORTLEN FROM mysql.collations col JOIN mysql.character_sets cs ON col.character_set_id=cs.id; -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.character_sets as SELECT cs.name AS CHARACTER_SET_NAME, col.name AS DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME, cs.comment AS DESCRIPTION, cs.mb_max_length AS MAXLEN FROM mysql.character_sets cs JOIN mysql.collations col ON cs.default_collation_id = col.id; -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.collation_character_set_applicability AS SELECT col.name AS COLLATION_NAME, cs.name AS CHARACTER_SET_NAME FROM mysql.character_sets cs JOIN mysql.collations col ON cs.id = col.character_set_id; -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.schemata AS SELECT cat.name AS CATALOG_NAME, sch.name AS SCHEMA_NAME, cs.name AS DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME, col.name AS DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME, NULL AS SQL_PATH FROM mysql.schemata sch JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id JOIN mysql.collations col ON sch.default_collation_id = col.id JOIN mysql.character_sets cs ON col.character_set_id= cs.id WHERE CAN_ACCESS_DATABASE(sch.name); -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES -- -- There are two definitions of information_schema.tables. -- 1. INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES view which picks dynamic column -- statistics from mysql.table_stats which gets populated when -- we execute 'anaylze table' command. -- -- 2. INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES_DYNAMIC view which retrieves dynamic -- column statistics using a internal UDF which opens the user -- table and reads dynamic table statistics. -- -- MySQL server uses definition 1) by default. The session variable -- dynamic_information_schema_stats=true would enable use of definition 2). -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.tables AS SELECT cat.name AS TABLE_CATALOG, sch.name AS TABLE_SCHEMA, tbl.name AS TABLE_NAME, tbl.type AS TABLE_TYPE, IF(tbl.type = 'VIEW', NULL, tbl.engine) AS ENGINE, IF(tbl.type = 'VIEW', NULL, 10 /* FRM_VER_TRUE_VARCHAR */) AS VERSION, tbl.row_format AS ROW_FORMAT, stat.table_rows AS TABLE_ROWS, stat.avg_row_length AS AVG_ROW_LENGTH, stat.data_length AS DATA_LENGTH, stat.max_data_length AS MAX_DATA_LENGTH, stat.index_length AS INDEX_LENGTH, stat.data_free AS DATA_FREE, stat.auto_increment AS AUTO_INCREMENT, tbl.created AS CREATE_TIME, stat.update_time AS UPDATE_TIME, stat.check_time AS CHECK_TIME, col.name AS TABLE_COLLATION, stat.checksum AS CHECKSUM, IF (tbl.type = 'VIEW', NULL, GET_DD_CREATE_OPTIONS(tbl.options, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_expression,'NOT_PART_TBL')='NOT_PART_TBL', 0, 1))) AS CREATE_OPTIONS, IF (tbl.type = 'VIEW', 'VIEW', tbl.comment) AS TABLE_COMMENT FROM mysql.tables tbl JOIN mysql.schemata sch ON tbl.schema_id=sch.id JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id LEFT JOIN mysql.collations col ON tbl.collation_id=col.id LEFT JOIN mysql.table_stats stat ON tbl.name=stat.table_name AND sch.name=stat.schema_name WHERE CAN_ACCESS_TABLE(sch.name, tbl.name) AND NOT tbl.hidden; CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.tables_dynamic AS SELECT cat.name AS TABLE_CATALOG, sch.name AS TABLE_SCHEMA, tbl.name AS TABLE_NAME, tbl.type AS TABLE_TYPE, IF(tbl.type = 'VIEW', NULL, tbl.engine) AS ENGINE, IF(tbl.type = 'VIEW', NULL, 10 /* FRM_VER_TRUE_VARCHAR */) AS VERSION, tbl.row_format AS ROW_FORMAT, INTERNAL_TABLE_ROWS(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS TABLE_ROWS, INTERNAL_AVG_ROW_LENGTH(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS AVG_ROW_LENGTH, INTERNAL_DATA_LENGTH(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS DATA_LENGTH, INTERNAL_MAX_DATA_LENGTH(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS MAX_DATA_LENGTH, INTERNAL_INDEX_LENGTH(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS INDEX_LENGTH, INTERNAL_DATA_FREE(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS DATA_FREE, INTERNAL_AUTO_INCREMENT(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS AUTO_INCREMENT, tbl.created AS CREATE_TIME, INTERNAL_UPDATE_TIME(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS UPDATE_TIME, INTERNAL_CHECK_TIME(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS CHECK_TIME, col.name AS TABLE_COLLATION, INTERNAL_CHECKSUM(sch.name, tbl.name, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_type,'')='',tbl.engine,''), tbl.se_private_id) AS CHECKSUM, IF (tbl.type = 'VIEW', NULL, GET_DD_CREATE_OPTIONS(tbl.options, IF(IFNULL(tbl.partition_expression,'NOT_PART_TBL')='NOT_PART_TBL', 0, 1))) AS CREATE_OPTIONS, IF (tbl.type = 'VIEW', 'VIEW', INTERNAL_GET_COMMENT_OR_ERROR(tbl.comment)) AS TABLE_COMMENT FROM mysql.tables tbl JOIN mysql.schemata sch ON tbl.schema_id=sch.id JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id LEFT JOIN mysql.collations col ON tbl.collation_id=col.id WHERE CAN_ACCESS_TABLE(sch.name, tbl.name) AND NOT tbl.hidden; -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.columns AS SELECT cat.name AS TABLE_CATALOG, sch.name AS TABLE_SCHEMA, tbl.name AS TABLE_NAME, col.name AS COLUMN_NAME, col.ordinal_position AS ORDINAL_POSITION, IFNULL (col.default_value_utf8, '') AS COLUMN_DEFAULT, IF (col.is_nullable = 1, 'YES','NO') AS IS_NULLABLE, SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(col.column_type_utf8, '(', 1), ' ', 1) AS DATA_TYPE, INTERNAL_DD_CHAR_LENGTH(col.type, col.char_length, coll.name, 0) AS CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, INTERNAL_DD_CHAR_LENGTH(col.type, col.char_length, coll.name, 1) AS CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, IF (col.numeric_precision = 0, NULL, col.numeric_precision) AS NUMERIC_PRECISION, IF (col.numeric_scale = 0 && col.numeric_precision = 0, NULL, col.numeric_scale) AS NUMERIC_SCALE, col.datetime_precision AS DATETIME_PRECISION, CASE col.type WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_STRING' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, cs.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, cs.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, cs.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, cs.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, cs.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, cs.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, cs.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, cs.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_SET' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, cs.name)) ELSE NULL END AS CHARACTER_SET_NAME, CASE col.type WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_STRING' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, coll.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, coll.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, coll.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, coll.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, coll.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, coll.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, coll.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, coll.name)) WHEN 'MYSQL_TYPE_SET' THEN (IF (cs.name='binary',NULL, coll.name)) ELSE NULL END AS COLLATION_NAME, col.column_type_utf8 AS COLUMN_TYPE, col.column_key AS COLUMN_KEY, IF(IFNULL(col.generation_expression_utf8,'IS_NOT_GC')='IS_NOT_GC', IF (col.is_auto_increment=TRUE, CONCAT(IFNULL(CONCAT("on update ", col.update_option, " "),''), "auto_increment"), IFNULL(CONCAT("on update ", col.update_option),'')), IF(col.is_virtual, "VIRTUAL GENERATED", "STORED GENERATED")) AS EXTRA, GET_DD_COLUMN_PRIVILEGES(sch.name, tbl.name, col.name) AS `PRIVILEGES`, IFNULL(col.comment, "") AS COLUMN_COMMENT, IFNULL(col.generation_expression_utf8, "") AS GENERATION_EXPRESSION FROM mysql.columns col JOIN mysql.tables tbl ON col.table_id=tbl.id JOIN mysql.schemata sch ON tbl.schema_id=sch.id JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id JOIN mysql.collations coll ON col.collation_id=coll.id JOIN mysql.character_sets cs ON coll.character_set_id= cs.id WHERE CAN_ACCESS_COLUMN(sch.name, tbl.name, col.name) AND NOT tbl.hidden; -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.statistics_base AS (SELECT cat.name AS TABLE_CATALOG, sch.name AS TABLE_SCHEMA, tbl.name AS TABLE_NAME, IF (idx.type = 'PRIMARY' OR idx.type = 'UNIQUE','0','1') AS NON_UNIQUE, sch.name AS INDEX_SCHEMA, idx.name AS INDEX_NAME, icu.ordinal_position AS SEQ_IN_INDEX, col.name AS COLUMN_NAME, CASE WHEN icu.order = 'DESC' THEN 'D' WHEN icu.order = 'ASC' THEN 'A' ELSE NULL END AS COLLATION, GET_DD_INDEX_SUB_PART_LENGTH(icu.length, col.type, col.char_length, col.collation_id, idx.options) AS SUB_PART, NULL AS PACKED, if (col.is_nullable = 1, 'YES','') AS NULLABLE, CASE WHEN idx.type = 'SPATIAL' THEN 'SPATIAL' WHEN idx.algorithm = 'SE_PRIVATE' THEN '' ELSE idx.algorithm END AS INDEX_TYPE, IF (idx.type = 'PRIMARY' OR idx.type = 'UNIQUE', '',IF(INTERNAL_KEYS_DISABLED(sch.name, tbl.name, tbl.options),'disabled', '')) AS COMMENT, idx.comment AS INDEX_COMMENT, IF (idx.is_visible, 'YES', 'NO') AS IS_VISIBLE, idx.ordinal_position AS INDEX_ORDINAL_POSITION, icu.ordinal_position AS COLUMN_ORDINAL_POSITION, tbl.engine AS ENGINE, tbl.se_private_id AS SE_PRIVATE_ID FROM mysql.index_column_usage icu JOIN mysql.indexes idx ON idx.id=icu.index_id JOIN mysql.tables tbl ON idx.table_id=tbl.id JOIN mysql.columns col ON icu.column_id=col.id JOIN mysql.schemata sch ON tbl.schema_id=sch.id JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id JOIN mysql.collations coll ON tbl.collation_id=coll.id WHERE CAN_ACCESS_TABLE(sch.name, tbl.name) AND NOT tbl.hidden); CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.statistics AS (SELECT TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, sb.TABLE_NAME AS `TABLE_NAME`, NON_UNIQUE, INDEX_SCHEMA, sb.INDEX_NAME AS `INDEX_NAME`, SEQ_IN_INDEX, sb.COLUMN_NAME AS `COLUMN_NAME`, COLLATION, stat.cardinality AS CARDINALITY, SUB_PART, PACKED, NULLABLE, INDEX_TYPE, COMMENT, INDEX_COMMENT, IS_VISIBLE FROM information_schema.statistics_base sb LEFT JOIN mysql.index_stats stat ON sb.table_name=stat.table_name and sb.table_schema=stat.schema_name and sb.index_name=stat.index_name and sb.column_name=stat.column_name); CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.statistics_dynamic AS (SELECT TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, NON_UNIQUE, INDEX_SCHEMA, INDEX_NAME, SEQ_IN_INDEX, COLUMN_NAME, COLLATION, INTERNAL_INDEX_COLUMN_CARDINALITY(TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME, INDEX_ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_ORDINAL_POSITION, ENGINE, SE_PRIVATE_ID) AS CARDINALITY, SUB_PART, PACKED, NULLABLE, INDEX_TYPE, COMMENT, INDEX_COMMENT, IS_VISIBLE FROM information_schema.statistics_base); -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.table_constraints AS (SELECT cat.name AS CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, sch.name AS CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, CONVERT(idx.name USING utf8) AS CONSTRAINT_NAME, sch.name AS TABLE_SCHEMA, tbl.name AS TABLE_NAME, IF (idx.type='PRIMARY', 'PRIMARY KEY', idx.type) AS CONSTRAINT_TYPE FROM mysql.indexes idx JOIN mysql.tables tbl ON idx.table_id = tbl.id JOIN mysql.schemata sch ON tbl.schema_id= sch.id JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id AND idx.type IN ('PRIMARY', 'UNIQUE') WHERE CAN_ACCESS_TABLE(sch.name, tbl.name) AND NOT tbl.hidden) UNION (SELECT cat.name AS CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, sch.name AS CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, CONVERT(fk.name USING utf8) AS CONSTRAINT_NAME, sch.name AS TABLE_SCHEMA, tbl.name AS TABLE_NAME, 'Foreign Key' AS CONSTRAINT_TYPE FROM mysql.foreign_keys fk JOIN mysql.tables tbl ON fk.table_id = tbl.id JOIN mysql.schemata sch ON fk.schema_id= sch.id JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id WHERE CAN_ACCESS_TABLE(sch.name, tbl.name) AND NOT tbl.hidden); -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.key_column_usage AS (SELECT cat.name AS CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, sch.name AS CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, CONVERT(idx.name USING utf8) AS CONSTRAINT_NAME, cat.name AS TABLE_CATALOG, sch.name AS TABLE_SCHEMA, tbl.name AS TABLE_NAME, col.name AS COLUMN_NAME, icu.ordinal_position AS ORDINAL_POSITION, NULL AS POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, NULL AS REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA, NULL AS REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, NULL AS REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME FROM mysql.indexes idx JOIN mysql.tables tbl ON idx.table_id = tbl.id JOIN mysql.schemata sch ON tbl.schema_id= sch.id JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id JOIN mysql.index_column_usage icu ON icu.index_id=idx.id JOIN mysql.columns col ON icu.column_id=col.id WHERE CAN_ACCESS_TABLE(sch.name, tbl.name) AND NOT tbl.hidden) UNION (SELECT cat.name AS CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, sch.name AS CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, CONVERT(fk.name USING utf8) AS CONSTRAINT_NAME, cat.name AS TABLE_CATALOG, sch.name AS TABLE_SCHEMA, tbl.name AS TABLE_NAME, col.name AS COLUMN_NAME, fkcu.ordinal_position AS ORDINAL_POSITION, icu.ordinal_position AS POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, fk.referenced_table_schema AS REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA, fk.referenced_table_name AS REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, fkcu.referenced_column_name AS REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME FROM mysql.foreign_keys fk JOIN mysql.tables tbl ON fk.table_id = tbl.id JOIN mysql.foreign_key_column_usage fkcu ON fkcu.foreign_key_id=fk.id JOIN mysql.schemata sch ON fk.schema_id= sch.id JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id JOIN mysql.columns col ON fkcu.column_id=col.id JOIN mysql.indexes idx ON fk.unique_constraint_id=idx.id JOIN mysql.index_column_usage icu ON idx.id=icu.index_id WHERE CAN_ACCESS_TABLE(sch.name, tbl.name) AND NOT tbl.hidden); -- -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.views AS SELECT cat.name AS TABLE_CATALOG, sch.name AS TABLE_SCHEMA, vw.name AS TABLE_NAME, vw.view_definition_utf8 AS VIEW_DEFINITION, vw.view_check_option AS CHECK_OPTION, vw.view_is_updatable AS IS_UPDATABLE, vw.view_definer AS DEFINER, IF (vw.view_security_type = 'DEFAULT', 'DEFINER', vw.view_security_type) AS SECURITY_TYPE, (SELECT cs.name FROM mysql.collations coll JOIN mysql.character_sets cs ON coll.character_set_id= cs.id WHERE coll.id=vw.view_client_collation_id) AS CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT, (SELECT coll.name FROM mysql.collations coll WHERE coll.id=vw.view_connection_collation_id) AS COLLATION_CONNECTION FROM mysql.tables vw JOIN mysql.schemata sch ON vw.schema_id=sch.id JOIN mysql.catalogs cat ON cat.id=sch.catalog_id WHERE vw.type = 'VIEW' AND CAN_ACCESS_TABLE(sch.name, vw.name); -- -- INFORMATION SCHEMA VIEWS implementing SHOW statements -- CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.show_statistics AS (SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA as `Database`, sb.TABLE_NAME AS `Table`, NON_UNIQUE AS `Non_unique`, sb.INDEX_NAME AS `Key_name`, SEQ_IN_INDEX AS `Seq_in_index`, sb.COLUMN_NAME AS `Column_name`, COLLATION AS `Collation`, stat.cardinality AS `Cardinality`, SUB_PART AS `Sub_part`, PACKED AS `Packed`, NULLABLE AS `Null`, INDEX_TYPE AS `Index_type`, COMMENT AS `Comment`, INDEX_COMMENT AS `Index_comment`, IS_VISIBLE AS `Visible`, INDEX_ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_ORDINAL_POSITION FROM information_schema.statistics_base sb LEFT JOIN mysql.index_stats stat ON sb.table_name=stat.table_name and sb.table_schema=stat.schema_name and sb.index_name=stat.index_name and sb.column_name=stat.column_name); CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` VIEW information_schema.show_statistics_dynamic AS (SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA as `Database`, TABLE_NAME AS `Table`, NON_UNIQUE AS `Non_unique`, INDEX_NAME AS `Key_name`, SEQ_IN_INDEX AS `Seq_in_index`, COLUMN_NAME AS `Column_name`, COLLATION AS `Collation`, INTERNAL_INDEX_COLUMN_CARDINALITY(TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME, INDEX_ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_ORDINAL_POSITION, ENGINE, SE_PRIVATE_ID) AS `Cardinality`, SUB_PART AS `Sub_part`, PACKED AS `Packed`, NULLABLE AS `Null`, INDEX_TYPE AS `Index_type`, COMMENT AS `Comment`, INDEX_COMMENT AS `Index_comment`, IS_VISIBLE AS `Visible`, INDEX_ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_ORDINAL_POSITION FROM information_schema.statistics_base); 2. Definitions of new data dictionary tables added by this WL : --------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE `table_stats` ( `schema_name` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `table_name` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `table_rows` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `avg_row_length` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `data_length` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `max_data_length` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `index_length` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `data_free` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `auto_increment` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `checksum` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `update_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `check_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`schema_name`,`table_name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin STATS_PERSISTENT=0; CREATE TABLE `index_stats` ( `schema_name` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `table_name` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `index_name` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `column_name` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `cardinality` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `schema_name` (`schema_name`,`table_name`,`index_name`,`column_name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin STATS_PERSISTENT=0; 3. New SE API's introduced: -------------------------- The following new handlerton API's are introduced to read the table statistics from storage engine. This is currently implemented only for 'InnoDB' engine. /** @brief Retrieve ha_statistics from SE. @param1 db_name Name of schema @param2 table_name Name of table @param3 se_private_id SE private id of the table. @param4 flags Type of statistics to retrieve. @param5 stats (OUT) Contains statistics read from SE. @returns false on success, true on failure */ bool (*get_table_statistics)(const char *db_name, const char *table_name, dd::Object_id se_private_id, uint flags, ha_statistics &stats); /** @brief Retrieve index column cardinality from SE. @param1 db_name Name of schema @param2 table_name Name of table @param3 index_name Name of index @param4 index_ordinal_position Position of index. @param5 column_ordinal_position Position of column in index. @param6 se_private_id SE private id of the table. @param7 cardinality (OUT) cardinality being returned by SE. @returns false on success, true on failure */ bool (*get_index_column_cardinality)(const char *db_name, const char *table_name, const char *index_name, uint index_ordinal_position, uint column_ordinal_position, dd::Object_id se_private_id, ulonglong *cardinality); 4. Change made in mysqlpump tool: With the introduction of new information schema views on top of new data dictionary, the way the SHOW command works is changed. We now have two ways of SHOW command picking table statistics. One is to read it from DD table mysql.table_stats and mysql.index_stats. For this to happen, we need to execute ANALYZE TABLE prior to execution of mysqlpump tool. As the tool can run on whole database, we would end-up running ANALYZE TABLE for all tables in the database irrespective of whether statistics are already present in the statictics tables. This could be a time consuming additional step to carry. Second option is to read statistics from SE itself. This options looks safe and execution of mysqlpump tool need not care if ANALYZE TABLE command was run on every table. We always get the statistics, which match the behavior without data dictionary. The first option would be faster as we do not opening the underlying tables during execution of SHOW command. However the first option might read old statistics, so we feel second option is preferred here to get statistics dynamically from SE by setting information_schema_stats=latest for this session, which would match the old behavior in 5.7.
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