WL#6030: The BEFORE triggers are not processed for NOT NULL columns
Affects: Server-5.7
Status: Complete
This WorkLog originated from BUG#6295 (TRIGGERS ARE NOT PROCESSED FOR NOT NULL COLUMNS). The problem is that if a column is declared as NOT NULL, it is not possible to do INSERT NULL (or UPDATE to NULL) even though there is associated trigger, setting NOT-NULL value. For example: - Table 't1' with a NOT NULL column 'c1'; - The table has BEFORE INSERT trigger which sets the 'c1' column to not null value (SET NEW.c1 = 1); - INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(NULL) or UPDATE t1 SET c1 = NULL fail with the following error: ERROR 1048 (23000): Column '' cannot be null The cause for the current (wrong) behavior is that the column constraints are checked before triggers are executed. This is against The Standard, which requires that column constraints are checked at the end of an SQL statement.
Background: - Records are stored as row buffers - The row format is defined by a collection of Field objects - Every Field object specifies - meta-data for its column - a pointer to the data in the row buffer (record buffer) - a pointer to the bit (a pointer and a bitmask) representing NULL value; - NOT NULL columns do not have ability to store NULL value; - The record format (row buffer format) is tightly linked to Storage Engines. The server can not change the row format without affecting SE API. The general idea of the WL task is pretty straightforward: 1. allow NOT NULL columns to be NULL temporary. That means, every NOT NULL column must be able to store NULL value; 2. at the end of INSERT / UPDATE statement (after executions of all associated triggers) check every NOT NULL in the record to ensure the NOT NULL constraint is valid; 3. if there is NULL among NOT-NULL fields, report an error. Otherwise, pass the record to SE. The main difficulty is (1). There is currently close to no abstractions in dealing with the record buffer - code all over the place depend on how data is represented internally. For example, Field::null_ptr, Field::null_bit and (record - table->record[0]). So there's very little flexibility in changing data representations without breaking stuff here and there. The following things should be also considered: - it should be possible to check nullability of a NOT-NULL field inside trigger body, and it should work as if the field is nullable. For example, it should be possible to have expressions like (NEW.col IS NULL) - a NOT-NULL field can be a part of complex SELECT statement, in this case it still should be treated as NOT NULL, otherwise the optimizer might choose wrong plan. - a NOT-NULL field can be a part of the SET and WHERE parts of an UPDATE statement, and it should be treateda as nullable in the SET part, and as NOT NULL in the WHERE part. The following approaches have been considered: 1. Keep everything in Field --------------------------- - Introduce two new attributes into Field: - Field::is_tmp_nullable -- a flag, indicating if this particular field can accept NULL even though it is declared as NOT NULL; - Field::is_tmp_null -- a place to store NULL value in case of NOT NULL field. - Keep the record [buffers] intact; - Do not introduce extra Field objects; - Introduce a new Field::is_tmp_nullable() and use it in rare cases of expression evaluation - Change Field::is_null() so that it takes into account is_tmp_nullable and is_tmp_null The main problem with this approach is that Field is starting to store "more data" than it used to be, and that Field is unable to handle tmp-null-flag for any record. The later is not a problem in this specific case because: - we get into tmp-nullable mode only when we're executing a trigger; - in that mode, we deal with only one row. 2. Store tmp-NULL-flag in row (record buffer) --------------------------------------------- - When we allocate memory for record buffer, allocate extra bytes to store tmp-NULL-values of NOT NULL fields; - Introduce new attribute Field::tmp_null_ptr, pointing at those extra bytes in the record buffer. - Do not introduce extra Field objects. It's hard to expect that this approach can be successful. The thing is that it's expected that a record has specific length, and that expectation/knowledge is spread out in the server. So, adding extra bytes to the row leads to various mysterious glitches. Also, we're allocating record buffers not in a single place, meaning all those places should be found and updated. 3. Extra row + extra Field objects ---------------------------------- The idea here is: - To have a separate set of Field objects which are nullable + buffer for the associated row, and use this Fields/buffer for evaluation of new values for columns + during trigger execution. - Then at some point, before passing anything to engine, we should have copied data from these Field's/buffer to Field's/buffer which are used for writing/reading into the storage engine. This was the idea of the original patch back in 2010/2011. Unfortunately, it is got complicated because: - We tried to optimize and to avoid unnecessary copy. - Making decision about which set of Field objects/buffer to use in various parts of statement turned out to be non-trivial. Functional requirements ======================= 1. Attempt to INSERT NULL value into NOT NULL column must be successful if: a. there is a BEFORE INSERT trigger for the table b. after the trigger execution the column is NOT NULL, i.e. the column was set to NOT NULL using pseudo column NEW. 2. Attempt to assign NULL value to NOT NULL column during execution of UPDATE statement must be successful if: a. there is a BEFORE UPDATE trigger for the table b. after the trigger execution the column is NOT NULL, i.e. the column was set to NOT NULL value using pseudo column NEW. 3. Attempt to INSERT NOT NULL value into NOT NULL column must fail if: a. there is a BEFORE INSERT trigger for the table b. after the trigger execution the column is NULL, i.e. the column was set to NULL value using pseudo column NEW. 4. Attempt to assign NOT NULL value to NOT NULL column during execution of UPDATE statement must fail if: a. there is a BEFORE UPDATE trigger b. after the trigger execution the column is NULL, i.e. the column was set to NULL value using pseudo column NEW. 5. During execution of BEFORE INSERT trigger the predicate IS NULL must return correct result for pseudo column NEW.c (even if c is declared as NOT NULL), i.e.: a. if column was set to NULL inside trigger body using pseudo column NEW then IS NULL must return TRUE b. if column was set to NOT NULL inside trigger body using pseudo column NEW then IS NULL must return FALSE c. if statement INSERT sets column to NULL then IS NULL must return TRUE in case when column isn't set to NOT NULL inside trigger body d. if statement INSERT sets column to NOT NULL then IS NULL must return FALSE in case when column isn't set to NULL inside trigger body. 6. During execution of BEFORE UPDATE trigger the predicate IS NULL must return correct result for pseudo column NEW.c (even if c is declared as NOT NULL), i.e.: a. if column was set to NULL inside trigger body using pseudo column NEW then IS NULL must return TRUE b. if column was set to NOT NULL inside trigger body using pseudo column NEW then IS NULL must return FALSE c. if statement UPDATE sets column to NULL then IS NULL must return TRUE in case when column isn't set to NOT NULL inside trigger body d. if statement UPDATE sets column to NOT NULL then IS NULL must return FALSE in case when column isn't set to NULL inside trigger body. 7. During execution of BEFORE INSERT trigger the NULL value could be assigned to NOT NULL column temporary using alias NEW. It means that for the some NOT NULL column it is possible to make assignment NEW.column = NULL and latter reset this column to some NOT NULL value. 8. During execution of BEFORE UPDATE trigger the NULL value could be assigned to NOT NULL column temporary using alias NEW. It means that for the some NOT NULL column it is possible to make assignment NEW.column = NULL and latter reset this column to some NOT NULL value. Changes in handling of warnings =============================== This worklog also introduces the dynamic checking that during execution of INSERT/REPLACE/INSERT SELECT/CREATE SELECT all table's columns are set either explicitly in SQL-statement or as part of execution of BEFORE-INSERT trigger or implicitly since column has default value. Additionally, for the strict sql_mode this WL adds grouping by column the warning messages for the following error code: ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR, ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD, ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_VIEW_FIELD. It means that any such warning message will be shown at most once for every column during handling of statement INSERT/REPLACE/INSERT SELECT/ CREATE SELECT. In the strict sql_mode server reports an error for first occurrence of correspond violation and terminates statement execution. Before this WL server wrote warning message conrresponded to error codes mentioned above for every row that provoked this error. So, for example, if user executed the statement INSERT SELECT for a table that had NOT NULL column and for this column user set value NULL then server generated as many warnings as there were rows that violated NOT NULL constraint. For LOAD STATEMENT the behaviour left the same as before since it makes sense to know what lines of imported file generates each line of warning.
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