WL#5670: Remove SHOW NEW MASTER statement
Affects: Server-5.5
Status: Complete
NOTE: 2010-11-09: Feedback was solicited from stakeholders, but no decision has been made. NOTE: 2010-11-24: ServerPT approved decision for removal in MySQL 5.5. MySQL has an undocumented SHOW NEW MASTER statement that is unused. There is also a Com_show_new_master status variable that is mentioned only as a line in a summary table in the manual. The statement and the status variable should be removed. The only mention of SHOW NEW MASTER occurs at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/news-4-0-4.html: " Disabled the use of SHOW NEW MASTER FOR SLAVE as this needs to be completely reworked in a future release. " It is evident that nothing was ever "reworked". This WL task is a proposal is to remove SHOW NEW MASTER (and Com_show_new_master) immediately in MySQL 5.5. We will forego the usual procedure of deprecating a feature in the current series and removing it later. The justification for this is that the feature is undocumented and unlikely to be in used by anyone.
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