WL#5308: Plugin API; Allow a storage engine to provide tables without using FRM files.
Affects: Server-Prototype Only
Status: Un-Assigned
The PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA storage engine is currently forced to use FRM files for metadata because there is no way to provide tables to the server without them. These FRM files are not needed since the tables provided are otherwise volatile. Task 4034 would create a storage engine for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables and also does not need FRM files or a data directory on disk. In addition, it would be very useful for other storage engines that control and persist all their own metadata to be able to reveal tables and schemas to the MySQL server without using a secondary persistent storage for metadata, since these two sources of metadata can and often do become inconsistent. WL#1422 - Multiple MySQL Servers: Automatic table discovery - created the Handler::discover interface to allow NDB to reveal tables to other mysqld servers within the cluster. It accomplished that by transferring FRM binary data from one cluster node to another. This method of revealing a new table to a MySQL server is not appropriate for tables that only exist on the local server. This task describes the ability for a plugin to provide table metadata without the use of FRM files. Mostly this is done through an alternate Handler::discover interface. The current legacy interface will be retained for use by NDB so that either interface cam be defined and used by a storage engine. The old discover interface receives an FRM binary from another NDB node or from an archived table. It is treated by the plugin as a opaque data. In other words, the storage engine does not know how to interpret it. The server uses this FRM to create a TABLE_SHARE. A new discover interface should be able to create the TABLE_SHARE without the use of FRM binary data that needs to be read or written to disk. But like the FRM, a TABLE_SHARE structure should also be opaque to the plugin since it is a structure used by the server only. There are two options suggested for providing metadata to the server about a table so that a TABLE_SHARE can be built. Both of these options must account for future changes in the provided table metadata through a versioning system. Option 1: Create a new structure definition that contains the same basic metadata as the FRM and the TABLE_SHARE structures. Like those existing structures, this new one would also contain repeating sections which account for fields and indexes. This new structure definition would be used only through this new discover interface. The plugin would fill this structure while the server will contain code to read it and build a TABLE_SHARE. Option 2: Create a new interface to the server as a MySQL service which can be used by any plugin. WL#3859 describes a robust, portable, flexible & simple API for allowing the server to provide a service to a storage engine. This infrastructure is available in the current MySQL server version 5.5. This new service API would provide functions for a plugin to call in order to provide the table metadata. A versioning system is already built into the infrastructure to these services. (See libservices/HOWTO) The new service functions, which exist in the server, would create a TABLE_SHARE directly and make it known within the server. Initially, this worklog will prototype a tool for creating a TABLE_SHARE which can be used directly by the information schema storage engine described in WL#4034. This tool will be in the server codebase and will be made available through a libservices API as described in Option 2 above. The information_schema storage ingine will then use the new libservices interface.
The handlerton::discover interface has existed for some time and is used by NDB Cluster to register tables on new servers within the cluster. It can be used also to let the server know about a volatile table owned by a plugin. In order to prevent FRM files from being created during calls to handlerton::discover, a new form of this API will be created in which FRM filenames are not part of the interface, but instead, the interface uses a metadata handle so that a TABLE_SHARE structure can be built directly. The server calls ha_create_table_from_engine() when it needs to open a table it cannot find already opened or in an FRM file. This calls ha_discover(), which loops through the list of plugins and calls discover_handlerton() for each plugin. This function will call the handlerton::discover() function if it was registered by the plugin. Currently, only ha_ndbcluster and ha_archive registers a discover interface. This original handlerton::discover() function must remain intact so that NDB can continue to use it. But it will be renamed to handlerton::discover_frm(). The original discover() API sent back FRM binary data created by another MySQL node. This is not appropriate for brand new tables. A new discover_metadata() interface will be created that allows a TABLE_SHARE to be created directly. It will return a metadata handle which allows the server to find the new TABLE_SHARE. The old discover interface creates a TABLE_SHARE in the server from FRM data which was originally created from metadata provided by SQL DDL statements. A new set of routines must be provided to create this complex structure directly from table metadata. These routines can easily be wrapped into a class designed to build a TABLE_SHARE allocated from an the THD::mem_root and attached to table_def_cache when it is finished. This Table_share_builder class will be defined as part of the sql codebase since that is where the TABLE_SHARE is used and defined. But this tool will be used by the plugin itself to provide table metadata for that TABLE_SHARE. The last call to table_share_builder will be table_share_builder::finalize(). This function add the TABLE_SHARE structure built to the global table_def_hash so that it can be looked up when appropriate. A libservices interface will be needed to instantiate the Table_share_builder class and expose its functions to any plugin. This will allow the details of how the metadata is stored into a TABLE_SHARE to be hidden from the plugin, who only sees the functions used to provide that metadata. In addition, the TABLE_SHARE pointer can be returned to the plugin as a 'metadata handle' which will then be returned to the server through the handlerton::discover_metadata() function call. In order for a plugin to declare tables to the server without the use of FRM files, it will also need to provide a handlerton::find_files() function in addition to handlerton::discover_metadata(). handlerton::find_files() is used during queries to information_schema or by SHOW commands that list information about tables and databases (or schemas). An example of this can be found in the code for the infoschema storage engine associated with WL#4034. It should be noted that LOCK_open is held during the call to ha_discover(). This is a critical resource so the storage engine that implements a discover interface should not use much time providing the frm or the table_share.
Here is the function declaration of the new 'no-FRM' discover interface; int (*discover_metadata)(handlerton *hton, THD* thd, const char *db, const char *name, TABLE_SHARE** share); This is the old discover interface written for NDB that is left intact; int (*discover)(handlerton *hton, THD* thd, const char *db, const char *name, uchar **frmblob, size_t *frmlen); Here is the initial design of the TABLE_SHARE builder class. These 5 functions must be called in this order (1;initialize() 2;init_field() 3;finalize_fields() 4;init_key_part() 5;finalize()). init_field() should be called for each field to define. init_key_part() should also be called multiple times, but for each key part, or previously defined field that is used in a key. If there are no indexes, init_key_part() can be skipped. class Table_share_builder { public: Table_share_builder(); ~Table_share_builder() {} int initialize(const char *db, const char *table_name, int field_count, int key_count, int key_part_count); int init_field(int field_num, uint flags, enum_field_types type, const char* name, int field_length); int finalize_fields(handlerton* hton); void init_key_part(bool is_new_key, int field_num, const char* key_name, const char* key_comment, enum ha_key_alg algorithm); int finalize(void); void cleanup(void); TABLE_SHARE* get_table_share(void); }; The cleanup() function is to be used instead of finalize if there is an error. Kostja notes, 23/07/10: the main issue with the current specification is that it suggests to call discover_metadata from create_table_from_engine, which today is always protected by LOCK_open. The new interface should not be used in a critical section.
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