WL#4807: Separate partitioning interface from handler to Partition_handler
Affects: Server-5.7
Status: Complete
Currently the handler class contains partitioning operations which only are used by a few engines, this worklog is to separate the partitioning specific parts of the handler class into an own partitioning interface.
FR1: Possible to build the partitioning engine as a plugin (with 'cmake -DWITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE=0') Other than that this is a non-user visible refactoring of the Storage Engine API for partition handling.
Create a new base class 'Partition_handler' which will be the interface for partitioning specific functionality of storage engines. To get access to this object a new handler function handler::get_partition_handler() will be added, and default return NULL. The change will be: - remove partition_hton global pointer (use plugin lookup instead). - remove get_ha_partition (use get_new_handler instead) - remove all #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE. The partitioning support in the server should always be included even if there are no partitioning engines included. (To skip partitioning, simply avoid building and linking ha_partition or build it as plugin and not install it.) - Add 'virtual Partition_handler* handler::get_partition_handler() { return NULL; }' to get access to the partitioning specific handler functions. - Move the partitioning specific handler function to a new file and class Partition_handler: /* I_S.PARTITIONS */ get_dynamic_partition_info /* Setting up partitioning, CREATE/ALTER */ get_default_num_partitions set_auto_partitions get_num_parts set_part_info initialize_partition /* TRUNCATE */ truncate_partition /* fast_alter_partition_table */ change_partitions drop_partitions rename_partitions alter_flags - Implement Partition_handler derived classes for both ha_partition and ha_ndbcluster (make the new Parititon_handler class a friend class of ha_partition/ha_ndbcluster and call the 'old' ha_partition/ha_ndbcluster functions). The new partition_handler.{h,cc} should be placed in the new directory sql/partitioning/ which will contain all partitioning related code used by the server, except storage engines. - Move ha_partition.{h,cc} to storage/partition/ and adjust the CMakeList.txt files so that it will built it statically if WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE, not build it if WITHOUT_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE and build it as a plugin shared library if neither is set.
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