WL#4370: Decimal support for NDB/Python
Affects: Connector/NDB-0.7
Status: Complete
A sensible encoding/decoding approach needs to be taken for Decimal types in Python, most likely mimicing the approach taken by MySQLdb if possible.
NDB/Python should return Decimal columns as instances of the python decimal.Decimal class which is part of the standard library. A Decimal can be created in the following way: >>> Decimal('3.14') # string input Decimal("3.14") >>> Decimal((0, (3, 1, 4), -2)) # tuple (sign, digit_tuple, exponent) Decimal("3.14") >>> Decimal(314) # int or long Decimal("314") >>> Decimal(Decimal(314)) # another decimal instance Decimal("314") The underlying decimal struct is: typedef struct st_decimal_t { int intg, frac, len; my_bool sign; decimal_digit_t *buf; } decimal_t; There are two options: One, we could take the decimal_t, pull out the constituent parts, mapping the array of *buf into a tuple and applying the frac portion into this form: Decimal((0, (3, 1, 4), -2)) OR, we can use the decimal2string() function to create a string which we can then pass to the Decimal('3.14') form of the constructor. Obviously, the second is easier, but involves an intermediary conversion from decimal_t struct to char * to Python String to Python Decimal. The first method will be more involved, and would skip the creation of the char * - BUT, would still have to create a 2 Python ints, a Python tuple, and a list of python ints to fill the Python tuple... so making the char * and Python string might not be more expensive. For now, we'll do Option #2 - at some point in the future, anyone is free to implement Option #1 and test the cost difference.
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