WL#3570: Online backup: Default algorithm backup & restore (blocking)

Affects: Server-6.0   —   Status: Complete

The algorithm used if the engine does not provide any 
backup algorithm of its own.

This is a blocking (i.e. it is not online) algorithm.

The idea is to use handlerton methods to scan each table and get all its rows in
binary format. These rows will be stored in the backup image and upon restore
will be inserted into tables using handlerton write methods. 

To avoid the issue of data changing while tables are scanned. All tables will be
blocked during the backup process.

The default backup mechanism should be implemented as a regular backup engine
providing backup and restore drivers and implementing the backup API.

The backup image will consist of several streams corresponding to the tables.
Each stream will be a sequence of table rows as returned by handlerton read 

Note: apparently there are two row formats used by storage engines which differ 
in the way null field values are represented. For the backup image *only one 
format should be used*. So, rows stored in a different format should be repacked
accordingly. Mats is a person who knows about this issue.

Since in this version default backup is blocking, it can pretend to be "at
begin" type. Thus no data will be sent in the initial phase.

BACKUP API implementation:

- init_size

  Should be zero (but can be anything really).

- size

  One can consider using statistical info to estimate number of rows in
  each table and thus find out approximate size of the whole backup image (not 
  in the first version, though).

- prepare  

  The locking of the tables should be done here. No clear idea what is the best 
  way of doing this...

- get_data

  First call can return empty block for stream 0 indicating end of the initial 
  phase. The following calls should return rows from tables assigned to 
  corresponding streams.

- lock

  Do nothing.

- unlock.

  Do nothing.

- cancel

  Cancel the process of creating backup image: unlock tables, clean engines 

RESTORE API implementation

- prepare  

  Do nothing (right now it is assumed that backup kernel locks all tables to be 

- send_data

  Unpack table rows and insert them into tables. One can assume that data 
  will be received in the same order in which they were sent when the backup 
  image was created. Thus if one decides to backup tables one by one, they can 
  be also restored one by one. 

- continue

  Not sure what needs to be done. After this call the engine should be ready 
  normal operation with all the newly inserted rows.

- cancel

  Interrupt restore process. All rows alread put into the tables will remain 

Implement in:

namespace backup {

// Default backup engine
class Default_Engine: public Engine {...};

// Backup driver for default engine
class Default_Engine::Backup: public Engine::Backup {...};

// Restore driver for default engine
class Default_Engine::Restore: public Engine::Restore {...};


An example of how to open and scan table using its handler can be found in


The following is a simplified segment of the default backup algorithm:

int default_backup(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *t)
    t->table = open_ltable(thd, t, TL_READ_NO_INSERT);
    while (!t->table->file->rnd_next(t->table->record[0]))
        /* write record buffer to file */

This rough outline of my algorithm is missing the normal locking and other
error handling (it's there, I just omitted it for brevity). I am pretty sure
all of the storage engines support these handlerton methods. The only one
I'm not sure about is NDB, but it appears to support them.