WL#3174: Bulk importer that uses multithreads for imports
Affects: Server-7.1
Status: Un-Assigned
Request from Brian Aker/Robin Schumacher for a new WL task: Add support (or write a new) bulk importer that will use multithreads to handle imports. Further details from an IRC conversation between Brian and Serg Golubchik, 2006-03-03: [10:33]serg: This is an idea me and Monty have been kicking around. [10:33] serg: Being able to bulk load dumps... put an index in the file and use that to split the file up for threads. [10:34] and what does "multi-threading" in mysqlimport mean now ? [10:35] serg: All that is, is firing off X number of threads to do multiple load data infile. [10:35] okay, so now it's one thread per file, but this WL means one file in many threads ?
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