WL#3087: Cluster Disk Data Space Used
Status: Un-Assigned
We need a tool that tells us how much of a data file we have consumed. If I insert a 1,000,000 into a database, I should be able to run a command and have it tell me the percentage used and free in the data file. Running out of room in the data file will bring cluster processing to a halt until expanded. This is not HA. DBA/Admins should be able to find out a head of time that they are running out of room so they can expand by adding another file and not incur down time.
Currently INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES show #free extents These are extents that can be used by any table. It is not applicable to show anything other on a per file basis. I think this example shows why. Suppose you have a datafile with only 2 extents, each of size 1Gb One extent is allocated to table T1 and is full. The other extent is allocated to table T2 and is empty. If one present this a file 50% full (or empty) it is very missleading as one can not insert into _any_ other table than T2. I.e even in 1Gb is "empty" I can't make any inserts... I think this alternative is out of the question. --- Since this is not possible, one must extend information show per table. I.e. find a way of informating that table T1 has 0 free bytes in the extents that it currently has allocated and the table T2 can make 1Gb of inserts before it need to allocate a new extent. The two alternatives that I can think of now is information_schema.tables or "show table info" (or alike). I have not however examined either of these, But I suggest that the person that gets assigned to this WL should do that. --- Also note that I think that what's currently in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES is enough to satisfy the second paragraph in the describtion above. But as discussion has proved not the intent of the entire WL.
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