WL#3021: Use a lock-free memory allocator
Affects: WorkLog-3.4
Status: Un-Assigned
Situation --------- Currently, the server uses a lock-based (standard) allocator to handle memory requests. Problem ------- When the number of concurrent memory requests grow, the memory allocator becomes a bottleneck for achiving performance of the server. This is partially handled by keeping separate memory pools for each client, which entirely avoids the use of a concurrent allocator at the cost of keeping, potentially large, memory pools. Solution -------- Instead of using a lock-based memory allocator, a lock-free could offer superior performance for CMP and SMP architectures. In addition, if the performance of a lock-free concurrent allocator is sufficiently effective, memory usage could be reduced since it would not be necessary to keep separate memory pools for each client. There is potential to get a linear speedup relative the number of concurrent processes, compared to the constant speedup of 2 achived by traditional libc ``malloc()`` [Mag04]. For more information, see the references. References ---------- .. [Ber02] Memory Management for High-Performance Applications : http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/berger02memory.html .. [GPT04] Allocating Memory in a Lock-Free Manner : http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/gidenstam04allocating.html .. [Mag04] Scalable Lock-Free Dynamic Memory Allocation. *Proceedings of PLDI'04* -- WL#3229
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