WL#2940: plugin service: error reporting
Affects: Server-5.6
Status: Complete
Plugin should be able to report an error and specify the error message for it
Tasks that this WL should solve: 1. Plugin should be able to report an error of with an arbitrary error message in an arbitrary place. It'll go into SHOW WARNINGS (plugin will specify a severity). The server will probably wrap it as "got an error 'XXXX' from plugin 'YYY'". After a discussion with Davi we decided to move this out into a separate service. 2. Plugin should be able to write an arbitrary text to the error log, with specified severity, a server will probably wrap it as ... (see above). 3. As a part of this WL a clear guidelines should be written to explain when and how a plugin should use each of the error reporting mechanisms - when a method #1 and when #2. After a discussion with Davi this is obsolete.
New types --------- The following enumeration type is introduced: enum plugin_log_level { MY_ERROR_LEVEL, MY_WARNING_LEVEL, MY_INFORMATION_LEVEL }; The following service structure is introduced: struct error_reporting_service { int (*log_message)(void *, enum plugin_log_level, const char *, va_list); } *error_reporting_service; New functions ------------- The following new functions are introduced: int my_plugin_log_message(void *plugin, enum plugin_log_level level, const char *format, ...); my_plugin_log_message() will call error_log_print() wrapping up the message with the following format string : "Plugin %.*s reported message %s".
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