WL#2048: Add function for Unicode normalization

Affects: Server-7.1   —   Status: Un-Assigned

In order to safely and efficiently compare Unicode strings, they need to be 
normalized so that "equivalent text (canonical or compatibility) will have 
identical binary representations".

Unicode Standard Annex #15 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/) describes the 
four Unicode normalization forms.

I would suggest adding a function NORMALIZE(string, form) to normalize Unicode 
strings (UTF-8 or UCS2) to the specified form.

Sybase ASE has a setting to normalize its Unicode data types, but does not expose 
normalization via a function.

In Mimer, Unicode data is automatically transformed to NFC.

SQL standard has normalization function. An excerpt from sql2009-nov:


[   [   ] ] 

 ::= NFC | NFD | NFKC | NFKD

We'll also need the NORMALIZED predicate, to check if a string is
already in a given normal form.

