WL#1979: GROUPING() function
Affects: Server-8.0
Status: Complete
GROUPING FUNCTION ================= Syntax: GROUPING ( expr1, expr2,....) SQL_FEATURE - T433 Purpose: (As defined by Oracle) The GROUPING function distinguishes super-aggregate rows from regular grouped rows.GROUP BY extensions such as ROLLUP and CUBE produce super-aggregate rows where the set of all values is represented by null. Using the GROUPING function, you can distinguish a null representing the set of all values in a super-aggregate row from a NULL in a regular row. The SQL standard specifies the following syntax for GROUPING(): Format::= | ::= GROUPING [ { }... ] However, as MySQL allows expressions in GROUP BY clause, we have extended the syntax for GROUPING to allow expressions as arguments. The "expr" in the GROUPING function must match one of the expressions in the GROUP BY clause. The function returns a value of 1 if the value of expr in the row is a null representing the set of all values. Otherwise, it returns zero. As per SQL-2011, a GROUPING function can accept more than one argument. The result of the GROUPING function would be the integer bit mask having 1's for the arguments which have GROUPING() as 1. SQL standard -2011 describes this as follows: If more than one is specified, then let N be the number of s and let CR i , 1 (one) ≤ i ≤ N, be the i-th . GROUPING ( CR 1 , ..., CR N-1 , CR N ) is equivalent to: CAST ( ( 2 * GROUPING ( CR 1 , ..., CR N-1 ) + GROUPING ( CR N ) ) AS IDT ) where IDT is the implementation-defined declared type of the result. For ex: If GROUPING (a,b,c) returns 3, it means that NULL in column B and NULL in column c is the result of ROLLUP/CUBE operation for that row. If result is 1 then, NULL in column c alone is result of a ROLLUP/CUBE operation for that row. Multi-argument GROUPING function is SQL feature T433. PostgreSQL supports multi-argument GROUPING(). Usage: ----- As specified above the GROUPING function is used to understand the NULL's generated as a result of ROLLUP (CUBE is not supported in MySQL). Below are some of the examples using GROUPING(). #Check if a NULL present in output is a result of super aggregation SELECT Department, Employee, SUM(salary) as SUM, GROUPING(Department) as GP_Dept,GROUPING(Employee) as GP_Empl FROM t1 GROUP BY Department, Employee WITH ROLLUP; Department Employees SUM GP_Dept GP_Empl 111 11 11 0 0 111 12 25 0 0 111 NULL 36 0 1 222 22 22 0 0 222 23 47 0 0 222 NULL 69 0 1 333 33 33 0 0 333 34 69 0 0 333 NULL 102 0 1 NULL NULL 207 1 1 #Check for the rows having only super-aggregates SELECT Department, Employee, SUM(salary) as SUM, GROUPING(Department) as GP_Dept,GROUPING(Employee) as GP_Empl FROM t1 GROUP BY Department, Employee WITH ROLLUP HAVING GP_Dept=1 OR GP_Empl=1; Department Employees SUM GP_Dept GP_Empl 111 NULL 36 0 1 222 NULL 69 0 1 333 NULL 102 0 1 NULL NULL 207 1 1 #Differentiate Super-Aggregates and Aggregates SELECT IF(GROUPING(Department)=1,'All Departments', Department) as Department, IF(GROUPING(Employees)=1, 'All Employees', Employees) as Employees, SUM(salary) as SUM FROM t1 GROUP BY Department,Employees WITH ROLLUP; Department Employees SUM 111 11 11 111 12 25 111 All Employees 36 222 22 22 222 23 47 222 All Employees 69 333 33 33 333 34 69 333 All Employees 102 All Departments All Employees 207 GROUPING function can also be used to ORDER results with ROLLUP. In MySQL, GROUP BY ASC/DESC sorts the result after ROLLUP operation. An equivalent standard SQL query to get the above results: SELECT IF(GROUPING(Department)=1,'All Departments', Department) as Department, IF(GROUPING(Employees)=1, 'All Employees', Employees) as Employees, SUM(salary) as SUM FROM t1 GROUP BY Department,Employees WITH ROLLUP ORDER BY GROUPING(Department), Department, GROUPING(Employees), Employees; http://mangalpardeshi.blogspot.co.uk/2009/08/rollup-and-order-by.html However MySQL does not allow ROLLUP with ORDER BY as of now. With the current worklog implemented, we can remove the syntax for GROUP BY ASC/DESC and start allowing ROLLUP with ORDER BY. Feature requests: BUG#3156 GROUPING() Feature request BUG#46053 Adding grouping() function to support rollup identification for subtotals. There is a contribution in the above bugpage. Part of the contribution is taken to implement this feature. User Documentation ================== * https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql/8.0/en/news-8-0-1.html * https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/miscellaneous-functions.html#function_grouping * https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/group-by-modifiers.html
F-1 - GROUPING() is supported as per SQL standard-2011. However GROUPING() is, not allowed to be present in ORDER BY for now as ORDER BY is not allowed with ROLLUP in MySQL as mentioned in worklog text. NF-1 - Performance of all the queries which do not use GROUPING() should not change.
Parser: sum_expr has been changed to set_function and set_function becomes set_function_specification: sum_expr | grouping_operation ; GROUPING is a new reserved word. Resolver: GROUPING() can be present only SELECT_LIST or in HAVING condition. If not, an error will be thrown. Every expression found in GROUPING() has to match exactly an expression found in GROUP BY. If not, an error will be thrown. This check will happen after GROUP BY expressions get resolved and before resolving rollup. After resolving rollup, the same check cannot be made as all the group by expression found in the query will be replaced with a reference object to be filled in/out by ROLLUP later with a Item_null_result object. Limitations: 1. Ex: SELECT GROUPING( (SELECT MAX(b) FROM t1)) FROM t1 GROUP BY (SELECT MAX(b) FROM t1); In this case, GROUPING function throws error that Argument #1 is not present in GROUP BY clause as we cannot equate two subqueries to be same. 2. GROUPING on const GROUP expressions do not work as expected if present in HAVING clause. It gets evaluated during optimization itself. Ex: SELECT a as f1, 'w' as f2 FROM t GROUP BY f1,f2 WITH ROLLUP HAVING GROUPING(f2)=1; Optimizer: No changes Executor: Evaluation of the GROUPING function with single arguments, will check for the type of the item that is referenced by the GROUPING function argument. If it is Item_null_result, then it is a NULL produced by a ROLLUP operation. To make it easier to check, a new type NULL_RESULT_ITEM is introduced. Objects of type Item_null_result return their type as NULL_RESULT_ITEM. If the argument to GROUPING function is of any other type, then it is not a NULL or it is a NULL but not a result of ROLLUP operation. GROUPING function return 0 in this case. For a multi-argument GROUPING function, we check the same for every argument of the function. If the check for NULL_RESULT_ITEM succeeds, then result = result + (1 << (number of arguments - position from left zero based - 1)
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