WL#14522: InnoDB: Configuration to control clone donor timeout after network failure
Affects: Server-8.0
Status: Complete
During clone, if there is a short network outage between donor and recipient server, donor waits for network to restore, recipient to reconnect and resume cloning. The donor wait time currently is fixed at 5 minutes. As in bug scenario it could be helpful sometimes to wait for little longer. It might allow user to shoot at his foot by configuring it too large - the accumulated redo could grow if the connection doesn't restore back. We should not encourage user to pause and restore the network for long because of the accumulated delta (redo/page) in donor server. It is also going to affect clone restore time. Related bug: ------------ BUG#102103 CLONING: WAIT FOR 15M INSTEAD OF 5M BEFORE DROPPING SNAPSHOT
F1: Have configuration to control the donor wait time for recipient to reconnect and restart cloning after a short network outage.
clone_donor_timeout_after_network_failure Command-Line Format --clone-donor-timeout-after-network-failure System Variable clone_donor_timeout_after_network_failure Scope Global Dynamic Yes Type Integer Default Value 5 Minimum Value 0 Maximum Value 30 Defines the amount of time in minutes the donor allows for the recipient to reconnect and restart a cloning operation after a network failure.
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