WL#13681: Make error-log available for queries from a connection
Affects: Server-8.0
Status: Complete
The error-log will be made available via a performance_schema table. This feature is enabled by default and uses the traditional error log; the JSON log can be used alternatively. To include the log-events written during the previous shutdown into the information the DBA may review, the server will read the previous run's error log file at start-up. This way access to this information can be granted using MySQL server means only. Creating an account for them on operating system level and granting them access via SSH / read privileges on file-system level, or setting up monitoring tools for them, will not be necessary. Additionally, this change should make writing certain test cases simpler for MySQL engineers, as a test case may now simply query a log table rather than having to parse a log file. # User Story 1 As a user I want to be able to see the contents of the error log over a remote MySQL connection without having to login on the system itself to see the error log. # User Story 2 A MySQL Shell or other tool/script wants to read the error log to: * gather error conditions during automation * automate resolving of common error conditions during this automation * give the end user a better error message (instead of 'check the error log for an error') this without having to run on the local system itself but over a remote MySQL Connection
Func-Req 1 - Table FR 1.1 - Table name A new table, error_log, will be created in performance-schema. FR 1.2 - Columns and names The column format follows that of the traditional error log file, as laid out in WL#11009/WL#11150: 2017-06-30T08:33:37.659435Z 1 [Note] [MY-003629] [Server] Found data dictionary ------------1-------------- 2 ---3-- -----4----- ---5---- ----6---... 1 - "LOGGED" (timestamp with microsecond precision) 2 - "THREAD_ID" (MySQL thread ID (not OS'), cf. CONNECTION_ID()) 3 - "PRIO" (System/Error/Warning/Note) 4 - "ERROR_CODE" (cf. WL#11009, prefixed with "MY-" for googleability) 5 - "SUBSYSTEM" (cf. WL#11150 Server/Repl/InnoDB ...) 6 - "DATA" (Textual error message / JSON-record) Note that the above is quoted from earlier WLs pertaining to the traditional log. The field delimiters "[" and "]" that are used in the traditional log are not considered part of the value they enclose (e.g. the value is "MY-003629", not "[MY-003629]"), and the delimiters are not used in the error_log table. FR 1.3 - Field values FR 1.3.2 - Traditional log mode For traditional logging, the rightmost field shall contain only the message. For the purposes of parsing, the message is currently defined as "all characters after the subsystem field and its trailing delimiter (' '), until the row delimiter ('\n')." FR 1.3.3 - JSON log mode For JSON logging, the final field will contain a JSON representation of the log-event (same as in the log file, space permitting). FR 1.4 - Rows FR 1.4.1 - Information from current run Verbosity settings and other filtering that selects/modifies what is written to an error log file also applies to the values shown in the table. Thus, log file and log table should contain the same rows, fields, and values, for as many rows from the latest row backwards as fit in the ring-buffer (see below, 1.4.3). FR 1.4.2 - Information from previous runs The MySQL server applies verbosity and other filter settings before writing entries to its error log files. With the proposed implementation, the server will try to restore error logging data from previous runs at start-up. Rows are restored as present in the log file: FR - Absent rows Rows that were filtered out and therefore not written to the log are not restored at start-up. This specifically means that when the server has previously run with low verbosity, re-starting it with higher verbosity won't be able to restore and make available additional log-events in the log table. FR - Modified rows Rows that were modified and logged as such will be restored with the same modifications. FR 1.4.3 - Number of rows / Ring-buffer Error log information is kept in a ring-buffer of fixed size. Once the buffer is full, one or several entries may be discarded to make room for every new event that is added. Discarded events thus become unavailable for inspection in the table (but not in other logs such as the file log). FR 2 - Loading entries from previous runs At start-up, the MySQL server will try to restore error log events from the preceding run by reading the error log file (as buffer space allows). FR 2.1 - Supported log file formats The log-core is extended to support a parse-function in log-services. This WL adds parsing for the "traditional" log format, and the JSON-formatted log. FR 2.2 - Activation and format selection The server will consider the first (leftmost) log-sink in @@global.log_error_services that provides a parse-function the "authoritative sink." This sink will govern the format (e.g. traditional or JSON) that is shown in performance_schema.error_log and that is read at start-up. 2.2.1 - Default behavior That variable's default value activates the built-in filter and (traditional) sink. The server will therefore by default try to restore information from the traditional log and show error messages in the rightmost column of the table, "data". 2.2.2 - Restoring from the traditional log The server will likewise try to restore from the traditional log if the user has changed log_error_services, as long as the leftmost parsing sink is log_sink_internal. 2.2.3 - Restoring from the JSON log If the user changes log_error_services so that the leftmost or parsing sink is log_sink_json, the server will attempt to restore information from a JSON-formatted log. In this case, the rightmost column of the table, "data", shows the event in JSON-formatting. 2.2.4 - Deactivating the restore function If the user changes log_error_services so that no parsing sink is active (i.e. neither log_sink_internal nor log_sink_json are listed in the variable), the server will not attempt to restore a log. (This is not hard-coded, but a result of no other parsers being currently available. We are free to add further log-writers with parsers later. For instance, an XML log-sink with a basic parser could add the capability to display XML formatted entries in the performance_schema.error_log table.) FR 2.3 - Changes to logging subsystem FR 2.3.1 - Traditional log writer The traditional log writer log_sink_trad will be prevented from outputting '\n' except as a record separator identifying the end of line. This should not raise problems with UTF-8. If a subsystem submits arguments in a character set whose multi-byte characters may contain a '\n' however, these newlines will be modified in the interest of preserving the log line. This will change (and may invalidate) the multi-byte character, but it is considered preferable to render a character invalid to rendering a line invalid.
I-1 SQL Semantics NO CHANGE I-2 Instrumentation INSTR01 A new performance_schema table, "error_log", is added. INSTR02 New status variables are added: Error_log_buffered_bytes: The number of bytes currently used in the ring-buffer. This is of interest while the this used size is smaller than the allocated size, i.e. while the ring-buffer is still filling up. Error_log_buffered_events: The number of events currently in the ring-buffer. Note that this value can decrease when several small events are expired to make room for one larger event. Error_log_expired_events: The number of events we had to drop to make room for more. Clarification: This counts only events that actually previously were buffered. When a log that is larger than the ring-buffer is loaded at start-up, log-events that wouldn't fit are not loaded in the first place, and therefore are not reflected in the value of this counter. Error_log_latest_write: Microsecond precision time-since-epoch of last write to the ring-buffer. I-3 Error and Warnings NO CHANGE I-4 Install/Upgrade NO CHANGE I-5 Commercial plugins NO CHANGE. I-6 Replication NO CHANGE I-7 X-Protocol NO CHANGE I-8 Protocols NO CHANGE I-9 Security NO CHANGE Online log is a performance_schema table and requires appropriate privileges to read. I-10 Log Files LOG01 The traditional log writer should enforce the absence of '\n' in its output (other than a single '\n' as separator between log events). This promotes previous Best Practice to a guarantee. I-11 MySQL clients NO CHANGE I-12 Auth plugins NO CHANGE I-13 Globalization NO CHANGE I-14 Configuration NO CHANGE The length of the backlog could be explicitly configured, but this is not currently planned. Instead, the length of the backlog will be indirectly dependent on what filtering is configured. I-15 File formats NO CHANGE I-16 Plugins/APIs NO CHANGE I-17 Other programs NO CHANGE I-18 Storage engines NO CHANGE I-19 Data types NO CHANGE
GENERAL MECHANISM - We grab a mem blob of the desired size. - We load min(blob_size, log_size) to the buffer. - This specifically means we don't care about what's in the events. We're not looking to replay from a specific point (e.g. start of last shutdown). We take all the events we can get! - We try to access the log specified by --log-error=... (plus any required suffixes like ".00.json", using a mechanism for constructing the log-file name to read from analog to that for constructing the log-file to write to). This specifically means that any data that has been log-rotated away becomes inaccessible to us, as we don't know the file's new name, location, compression, and so on: The "horizon" of the oldest data we can see is bounded by ring-buffer size, contents of the log-file / when log-rotation last happened, and by whether the configured primary log-sink has a log-parser. REPLAYING THE JSON LOG - The JSON log is well-formed, and characters should be escaped as per RfC. This should aid in replay. - On read, the first full event (and all subsequent events) will be identifiable as a line beginning with "\n{". - Lines that do not begin with that magic will be discarded. - Timestamps will be restored from the ISO8601 representation. REPLAYING THE TRAD LOG - The traditional log writes out items as-is. While the messages (i.e. the message template strings that come with the MySQL server) themselves are in UTF-8, the arguments to substitutions might not be (i.e. they may in theory be binary that has no charset at all, or may be in the charset of a connection if arguments from the command-line are included). On writing an event, the trad log sink (not the logger core) must convert '\n' to a replacement character. - This will not affect UTF-8. - It may break wide-chars in a non-UTF-8 encoding. This is considered acceptable. A traditional log thus sanitized should be safe to read in, with events being stored as individual lines separated by '\n'. - On read, the first full event (and all subsequent events) will be identifiable as a line beginning with "\n20". - Lines that do not begin with that magic will be discarded. - Timestamps will be restored from the ISO-8601 representation (as nothing else is available). - This needs to correctly restore the timezone information, as the traditional log may be in UTC or local mode. - Fortunately, the information is self-descriptive and complete, i.e. it will be parsed correctly no matter whether the settings at the time of writing the log and the settings at the time of restoring the log match. INTERACTION WITH BUFFERED LOGGING. a) When logging to a log-file At start-up, we flush the buffered log-events. Then, the log file is read and added to the error-log ring-buffer. This adds error-logging information from the previous run as well as the information from this run's start-up. b) When logging to stderr This is a common scenario when using mysql-test-run. In this case, information from the previous run is unavailable, and there is no log-file to read. To provide at least the current start-up's log-events, we write them to the ring-buffer as the buffered log-items are flushed. NOTES => This WL might make writing some (but not all, as we'll still have to verify that the sinks correctly write their respective formats) tests that check log output easier. The log-services class is extended to support two optional methods: - parse_log_line: parses a log-line written by that log-service, and on success adds the event to the ring-buffer. Services that support this should return the characteristic LOG_SERVICE_LOG_PARSER when queried. This is an optional feature; log-sinks are not required to support it. - get_log_name: Return the log-name of a specific instance of the log-service in question (when a pointer to that instance is provided by the caller), or the default log-name otherwise. This can be used by the server to determine the default log-name (based on --log-error=...) for that log-service so that log can be opened at start-up. NOTE ON TIMESTAMPS Timestamps in our logs are in ISO8601 format and include timezone information. --log-timestamps=... select which timezone (UTC or "SYSTEM") we write timestamps for; either selection should generally restore correctly, even if settings (system timezone or log-timestamps) change between runs. The common issues that all logs with non-UTC timestamps tend to share (non-monotonic anomalies with DST etc.) apply; the server may in certain cases (such as the clock being turned back) modify timestamps to ensure timestamps are strictly increasing. log-timestamps affects how we write timestamps to our log files. performance_schema.error_log, being a table, ignores @@global.log_timestamps and observes @@session.time_zone instead. It is suggested that sessions reading performance_schema.error_log execute SET @@session.time_zone=@@global.log_timestamps; so that timestamps in the error log file and the error log table agree and need to be correlated.
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