WL#13454: ST_Collect - Spatial aggregations
Affects: Server-8.0
Status: Complete
ST_Collect, a spatial (GIS) aggregate function, with windowing support, transforming geometries into multigeometries. The inspiration for this worklog is taken from PostGIS. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Collect.html
A use case for this is to make a single point cloud (multpoint) from a column of points.
Syntax: adding this to sum_expr where our aggregations live
sum_expr: ... | ST_COLLECT_SYM '(' in_sum_expr ')' opt_windowing_clause | ST_COLLECT_SYM '(' DISTINCT in_sum_expr ')' opt_windowing_clause ...
Example gathering the positions where production happens from a table:
create table sales_with_location ( running_number integer not null auto_increment, year integer, country varchar(256), product varchar(256), profit double, capital_position Geometry, primary key ( running_number)); insert into sales_with_location ( year , country ,product , profit , capital_position ) values ( 2000 , "Finland" , "Computer" , 1500 ,st_geomfromtext('point(60 -24)',4326)), ( 2000 , "Finland" , "Phone" , 100 ,st_geomfromtext('point(60 -24)',4326)), ( 2001 , "Finland" , "Phone" , 10 ,st_geomfromtext('point(60 -24)',4326)), ( 2000 , "India" , "Calculator" , 75 ,st_geomfromtext('point(28 -77)',4326)), ( 2000 , "India" , "Calculator" , 75 ,st_geomfromtext('point(28 -77)',4326)), ( 2000 , "India" , "Computer" , 1200 ,st_geomfromtext('point(28 -77)',4326)), ( 2000 , "USA" , "Calculator" , 75 ,st_geomfromtext('point(38 77)',4326)), ( 2000 , "USA" , "Computer" , 1500 ,st_geomfromtext('point(38 77)',4326)), ( 2001 , "USA" , "Calculator" , 50 ,st_geomfromtext('point(38 77)',4326)), ( 2001 , "USA" , "Computer" , 1500 ,st_geomfromtext('point(38 77)',4326)), ( 2001 , "USA" , "Computer" , 1200 ,st_geomfromtext('point(38 77)',4326)), ( 2001 , "USA" , "TV" , 150 ,st_geomfromtext('point(38 77)',4326)), ( 2001 , "USA" , "TV" , 100 ,st_geomfromtext('point(38 77)',4326)); SELECT st_astext(st_collect(distinct capital_position) ) as t FROM sales_with_location; +---------------------------------------+ | t | +---------------------------------------+ | MULTIPOINT((60 -24),(28 -77),(38 77)) | +---------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
If all the geometries are of the same type and this is points, linestrings or polygons the result will be a Multipoint, Multilinestring or a Multipolygon. Otherwise a Geometrycollection is returned.
- F-1
- ST_Collect SHALL only return NULL if all elements are NULL or the aggregate is empty.
- F-2 a)
- If the elements in an aggregate is of different SRSs, ST_Collect MUST raise ER_GIS_DIFFERENT_SRIDS_AGGREGATION.
- F-2 b)
- If all the elements in an aggregate is of same SRS, ST_Collect MUST return a result in that SRS.
- F-3
- If the geometry elements in an aggregate are in an undefined SRS, ST_Collect MUST raise ER_SRS_NOT_FOUND during function evaluation.
- F-4
- ST_Collect shall support simple table aggregations
- F-5
- ST_Collect shall support group by, which is given by aggregation machinery
- F-6
- ST_Collect shall support window functions
- F-6 a)
- ST_Collect shall support ordering in window functions (Window function machinery gives support for the ordering in the windows, partitions, ranges and rows as long as the interface is done correctly.)
- F-7
- A Null in the field shall leave the value unaffected. Aggregating point1,NULL,point2 shall result in Multipoint(point1,point2).
- F-8 a)
- Shall support DISTINCT in aggregates
- F-8 b)
- Shall support DISTINCT in over windows
- F-9
- ST_Collect SHALL give the result as the narrowest Multigeometry or Geometrycollection it can.
- F-9 a)
- If an aggregate is over only Points the result is Multipoint
- F-9 b)
- If an aggregate is over only Linestrings the result is Mulitlinestring
- F-9 c)
- If an aggregate is over only Polygons the result is Mulitpolygon
- F-9 d)
- Otherwise the result is a Geometrycollection
- I-1
- No new files.
- I-2
- No new commands.
- I-3
- No new tools.
- I-4
- add aggregations for spatial points. Shall support normal (full table), group by and window functions.
- I-5
- New error for cases where SRS changes during aggregation.
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