WL#1287: REAL DIN-1 German collation

Affects: Server-6.x   —   Status: Un-Assigned

http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Charset-we-sets.html shows the rules for the DIN-1 
German collation: 
# latin1_german1_ci (dictionary) rules: 
`Ä' = `A', `Ö' = `O', `Ü' = `U', `ß' = `s' 
This is not correct. That rules should look like this: 
`Ä' = `A', `Ö' = `O', `Ü' = `U', `ß' = `ss' 
According to Bar, changing that rule to be correct would imply a slower 
performance on sorting operations (roughly half as fast). Bar suggested to ADD 
German collation that implements the correct rules, thus giving users the 
of using a fast "nearly correct" collation, and a slow "100% correct" 
Some further remarks: 
(1) The collation described here (accented characters = unaccented 
    equivalents except that ß = ss) is acceptable for English people, 
    and is what SQL Server uses for "latin_general_ci_as" collation. 
(2) For latin1_german2_ci we already are correct, there is no complaint. 
(3) Oracle also treats ß = s for nls_sort=german, but that's an old flaw. 
    Oracle treats ß = ss for nls_sort=xgerman and nls_sort=xgerman_din. 

Note added by Peter Gulutzan 2007-05-07:

Since this WL is about ß, I'm adding a reminder note here.
There is a proposal that UPPER('ß') should be 'SS', after
conversation between Bar and Peter and Susanne in thread
"Re: ß again".