WL#12216: Ellipsoidal ST_Distance between any geometry types
Affects: Server-8.0
Status: Complete
WL#9347 implemented ellipsoidal ST_Distance for 0-dimensional types (POINT and MULTIPOINT). This WL impelements support for the remaining types.
Functional requirements from WL#9347 shall be satisfied with the exception of F-8 and F-9. Instead we require all geometries to be handled:
- F-1
- If both parameters are valid geometries in a geographic SRS, ST_Distance MUST return the shortest geodetic distance between the two geometries in that SRS. The result MUST be in meters, unless another unit is specified (see WL#11000 for known units)
Functional requirements from WL#11000 shall be satisfied.
Extend support for geographic geometries from only multipoint and point, to all combinations of point, linestring, polygon, multipoint, multilinestring, multipolygon, geometry collection.
Extend gis::distance to calculate distance between all combinations of geographic geometries. The distance will be calculated using boost geometry.
- For combinations with geometry collections, iterate through the contents and find the minimum distance between geometries.
- For other combinations, call boost::distance overloads directly.
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