Affects: Server-8.0
Status: Complete
In the statement instrumentation in the performance schema, capture the QUERY_ID maintained by the SQL layer for a statement, and print this as STATEMENT_ID in the events_statements tables. This is needed to correlate: - the data collected in the performance schema statement instrumentation - the query in the SQL layer
Requirements ============ CURRENT-VERSION = 8.0.14 PREVIOUS-VERSION = 5.7 (major upgrade) and 8.0.13 (minor upgrade) (1) Table performance_schema.events_statements_current structure. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Func-Req (1.1): A fresh MySQL installation of CURRENT-VERSION must create the table with the proper structure. Func-Req (1.2): An upgrade from PREVIOUS-VERSION to CURRENT-VERSION must create the table with the proper structure. Func-Req (1.3): Column STATEMENT_ID read-only, by users with the proper grants. (2) Table performance_schema.events_statements_history structure. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Func-Req (2.1): A fresh MySQL installation of CURRENT-VERSION must create the table with the proper structure. Func-Req (2.2): An upgrade from PREVIOUS-VERSION to CURRENT-VERSION must create the table with the proper structure. Func-Req (2.3): Column STATEMENT_ID read-only, by users with the proper grants. (3) Table performance_schema.events_statements_history_long structure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Func-Req (3.1): A fresh MySQL installation of CURRENT-VERSION must create the table with the proper structure. Func-Req (3.2): An upgrade from PREVIOUS-VERSION to CURRENT-VERSION must create the table with the proper structure. Func-Req (3.3): Column STATEMENT_ID read-only, by users with the proper grants.
TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_current ================================================== Schema changes -------------- CREATE TABLE `events_statements_current` ( `THREAD_ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `EVENT_ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, ... `NESTING_EVENT_LEVEL` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, New column: `STATEMENT_ID` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`THREAD_ID`,`EVENT_ID`) ) ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci Privileges ---------- Column STATEMENT_ID is read only. Column STATEMENT_ID semantic ------------------------ The QUERY_ID maintained by the server in the SQL layer is captured, and displayed in column STATEMENT_ID. Note that, in the SQL layer, the query id is maintained as: - a global counter - incremented atomically so as a result, column STATEMENT_ID is in practice a statement identifier, unique for the server instance. TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_history ================================================== Likewise TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_history_long ======================================================= Likewise
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