WL#11626: MTR: Review the Replication and GR warning patterns in mtr_warnings.sql file

Affects: Server-8.0   —   Status: Complete

When a test run is completed, MTR checks the error log for any additional 
warnings generated by the test. If it finds any, the test run will be reported as 

There are few warnings which are expected without signifying a real problem or 
many tests are written to generate such warnings.

In order to avoid failure of such tests, MTR has a list of global suppression 
warning patterns. These patterns are listed in "mysql-
test/include/mtr_warnings.sql" file. Any warning generated by a test matches one 
of these patterns will be ignored by MTR.

However, it's not recommended add a new pattern directly to this file, since 
this pattern will be ignored for all the tests. If there is a test specific 
warning which needs to be suppressed, then it is recommended to add the pattern 
using mtr.add_suppression("pattern") procedure within the test file.

This worklog is to review the Replication and Group Replication related warnings
in "mysql-test/include/mtr_warnings.sql" and may be cleanup/remove the patterns 
if they are needed by very less number of tests and move them to the 
corresponding MTR tests.
FR1) Cleanup/remove patterns from "mysql-test/include/mtr_warnings.sql" file if 
they are needed by very less number of tests and move them to the corresponding 
MTR tests.

FR2) Remove obsolete warnings/patterns from "mysql-test/include/mtr_warnings.sql" 
This worklog results in no user-visible changes.
This worklog is to review the following warnings in "mysql-
test/include/mtr_warnings.sql" and cleanup/remove the patterns if they 
are needed by very less number of tests and move them to the corresponding MTR 


 ("Client requested master to start replication from position"),
 ("Error reading master configuration"),
 ("Failed to open the existing master info file"),
 ("Log entry on master is longer than max_allowed_packet"),

 ("Neither --relay-log nor --relay-log-index were used"),

 ("Slave I.O thread aborted while waiting for relay log"),
 ("Slave SQL thread is stopped because UNTIL condition"),
 ("Slave SQL thread retried transaction"),
 ("Slave \\(additional info\\)"),
 ("Slave: .*Duplicate column name"),
 ("Slave: .*master may suffer from"),
 ("Slave: According to the master's version"),
 ("Slave: Column [0-9]* type mismatch"),
 ("Slave: Error .* doesn't exist"),
 ("Slave: Error .*Unknown table"),
 ("Slave: Error in Write_rows event: "),
 ("Slave: Field .* of table .* has no default value"),
 ("Slave: Field .* doesn't have a default value"),
 ("Slave: Query caused different errors on master and slave"),
 ("Slave: Table .* doesn't exist"),
 ("Slave: Table width mismatch"),
 ("Slave: The incident LOST_EVENTS occured on the master"),
 ("Slave: Unknown error.* 1105"),
 ("Slave: Can't drop database.* database doesn't exist"),
 ("You have an error in your SQL syntax"),
 ("description of time zone"),
 ("equal MySQL server ids"),
 ("error .*connecting to master"),
 ("error reading log entry"),
 ("lower_case_table_names is set"),
 ("skip-name-resolve mode"),
 ("slave SQL thread aborted"),
 ("Slave: .*Duplicate entry"),

 ("Statement may not be safe to log in statement format"),

 ("The slave I.O thread stops because a fatal error is encountered when it tries
to get the value of SERVER_UUID variable from master.*"),
 ("The initialization command '.*' failed with the following error.*"),

("Master server does not support or not configured semi-sync replication,
fallback to asynchronous"),
 ("Slave: Unknown table 'test.t1' Error_code: 1051"),

 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master SERVER_UUID failed with error:.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master SERVER_ID failed with error:.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master clock failed with error:.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master COLLATION_SERVER failed with error:.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master TIME_ZONE failed with error:.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: The slave I/O thread stops because a fatal error is encountered
when it tried to SET @master_binlog_checksum on master.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master BINLOG_CHECKSUM failed with error.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Notifying master by SET @master_binlog_checksum=
@@global.binlog_checksum failed with error.*"),

(".*If a crash happens this configuration does not guarantee.*"),

("Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master.info repository
is not secure.*"),
 ("Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure."),

 ("Slave SQL.*: Coordinator thread of multi-threaded slave is being stopped in
the middle of assigning a group of events.*"),

 ("The member with address .* has already sent the stable set. Therefore
discarding the second message."),

("Connection to socket .* failed with error .*.*"),
 ("select - Timeout! Cancelling connection..."),
 ("connect - Error connecting .*"),
 ("\\[GCS\\] The member is already leaving or joining a group."),
 ("\\[GCS\\] The member is leaving a group without being on one."),
 ("\\[GCS\\] Processing new view on handler without a valid group 
 ("\\[GCS\\] Error on opening a connection to localhost:.* on local port: .*."),
 ("\\[GCS\\] Error pushing message into group communication engine."),
 ("\\[GCS\\] Message cannot be sent because the member does not belong to a
 ("\\[GCS\\] Automatically adding IPv4 localhost address to the whitelist. It is
mandatory that it is added."),
 ("Slave SQL for channel 'group_replication_recovery': ... The slave coordinator
and worker threads are stopped, possibly leaving data in inconsistent state.*"),
 ("Skip re-populating collations and character sets tables in read-only mode"),
 ("Skip updating information_schema metadata in read-only mode"),
 ("Member with address .* has become unreachable."),
 ("This server is not able to reach a majority of members in the group.*"),
 ("Member with address .* is reachable again."),
 ("The member has resumed contact with a majority of the members in the 
 ("Members removed from the group.*")
Following warnings were cleaned up/moved to corresponding MTR tests:

 ("Slave I.O thread aborted while waiting for relay log"),
 ("Slave \\(additional info\\)"),
 ("Slave: .*Duplicate column name"),
 ("Slave: According to the master's version"),
 ("Slave: Column [0-9]* type mismatch"),
 ("Slave: Error .* doesn't exist"),
 ("Slave: Error .*Unknown table"),
 ("Slave: Error in Write_rows event: "),
 ("Slave: Field .* of table .* has no default value"),
 ("Slave: Field .* doesn't have a default value"),
 ("Slave: Query caused different errors on master and slave"),	
 ("Slave: Table width mismatch"),
 ("Slave: The incident LOST_EVENTS occurred on the master"),
 ("Slave: Can't drop database.* database doesn't exist"),
 ("description of time zone"),
 ("Statement may not be safe to log in statement format"),
 ("The slave I.O thread stops because a fatal error is encountered when it tries 
to get the value of SERVER_UUID variable from master.*"),
 ("The initialization command '.*' failed with the following error.*"),
 ("Master server does not support or not configured semi-sync replication, 
fallback to asynchronous"),
 ("Slave: Unknown table 'test.t1' Error_code: 1051"),	
 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master clock failed with error:.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master COLLATION_SERVER failed with error:.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master TIME_ZONE failed with error:.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: The slave I/O thread stops because a fatal error is encountered 
when it tried to SET @master_binlog_checksum on master.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Get master BINLOG_CHECKSUM failed with error.*"),
 ("Slave I/O.*: Notifying master by SET @master_binlog_checksum= 
@@global.binlog_checksum failed with error.*"),
 ("Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure."),	
 ("Connection to socket .* failed with error .*.*"),
 ("select - Timeout! Cancelling connection..."),
 ("connect - Error connecting .*"),	
 ("Slave SQL for channel 'group_replication_recovery': ... The slave coordinator 
and worker threads are stopped, possibly leaving data in inconsistent state.*"),
 ("Skip re-populating collations and character sets tables in read-only mode"),
 ("Skip updating information_schema metadata in read-only mode"),