Affects: Server-8.0   —   Status: Complete

Based on the patch provided by Facebook.

This WL improves the optimizer range scans for certain queries. Suppose we
have the following:

(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5),
(2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5);
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT f1, f2 + 5 FROM t1;
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT f1, f2 + 10 FROM t1;
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT f1, f2 + 20 FROM t1;
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT f1, f2 + 40 FROM t1;

EXPLAIN SELECT f1, f2 FROM t1 WHERE f2 > 40;

MySQL currently chooses index scan to fetch all the rows and later filters the
rows in server using predicate f2 > 40. A range scan cannot be used for this 
case because there is no predicate on the first key-part (f1) of the index. 
However optimizer can be smarter than this. It can use the current loose index
scan to scan for distinct values of the first key_part (f1) and do a sub-range
scan on this distinct prefix for f2 > 40." 

Simplified algorithm for the case above:

1. Get distinct value of the first key part(f1 = 1).
2. Construct the range based on the first and
   second key part(f1 = 1 AND f2 > 40)
3. Do range scan.
4. Get next distinct value of the first key part(f1 = 2).
5. Construct the range based on the first and
   second key part(f1 = 2 AND f2 > 40)
4. Do range scan.

In this case number of accessed rows are decreased as MySQL skips the records
which do not qualify for  the constructed range.


Without skip scan algorithm:
set optimizer_switch='skip_scan=off';
EXPLAIN SELECT f1, f2 FROM t1 WHERE f2 > 40;
id	select_type	table	partitions	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	filtered	Extra
1	SIMPLE	t1	NULL	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	160	33.33	Using where; Using index
Note	1003	/* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`f1` AS `f1`,`test`.`t1`.`f2` AS `f2` from `test`.`t1` where (`test`.`t1`.`f2` > 40)

SHOW STATUS LIKE 'handler_read%';
Variable_name	Value
Handler_read_first	1
Handler_read_key	1
Handler_read_last	0
Handler_read_next	160
Handler_read_prev	0
Handler_read_rnd	0
Handler_read_rnd_next	0

With skip scan algorithm:
set optimizer_switch='skip_scan=on';
EXPLAIN SELECT f1, f2 FROM t1 WHERE f2 > 40;
id	select_type	table	partitions	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	filtered	Extra
1	SIMPLE	t1	NULL	range	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	53	100.00	Using where; Using index for skip scan
Note	1003	/* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`f1` AS `f1`,`test`.`t1`.`f2` AS `f2` from `test`.`t1` where (`test`.`t1`.`f2` > 40)

SHOW STATUS LIKE 'handler_read%';
Variable_name	Value
Handler_read_first	1
Handler_read_key	5
Handler_read_last	0
Handler_read_next	80
Handler_read_prev	0
Handler_read_rnd	0
Handler_read_rnd_next	0

See also See BUG#88103.

Functional requirements:

F-1: Skip scan will be considered and is picked if it has better cost.

F-2: Optimizer switch 'skip_scan' switch enables/disables the use of
     'skip scan' access method.

F-3: If loose index 'skip scan' access method is used,
     'Using index for skip scan' is printed in the 'Extra' field
     of the EXPLAIN output.

F-4: If the index can be used for skip scan, it should be visible
     in 'possible_keys' column of the EXPLAIN output.

Functional hint requirements:

F-5: Hints must be enclosed into /*+ */ comment.

F-6: Hints must be specified after SELECT|INSERT|REPLACE|UPDATE|DELETE key words.

F-7: EXPLAIN must understand hints.

F-8: Active hints must be printed in EXPLAIN warning.

F-9: Subsequent conflicting/duplicating hints are ignored with warning.

F-10: Unresolved hints cause warning.

Non-Functional requirements:

NF-1: The performance shall be as good or better for queries where skip scan can 
      be applied for 90% of the test queries.

NF-2: A higher performance degradation clearly caused by skewed data is
      acceptable as long as NF1 is satisfied.
1. Skip scan algorithm can be used for certain type of queries.

The overall query form should look like this:

    SELECT A_1,...,A_k, B_1,...,B_m, C
      FROM T
      AND RNG(C);

Queries computable via skip scan must satisfy the following conditions:

A) Table T has at least one compound index I of the form:
   I = <A_1,...,A_k, B_1,..., B_m, C ,[D_1,...,D_n]>
   Key parts A and D may be empty, but B and C must be non-empty.
B) Only one table referenced.
C) Cannot have group by/select distinct
D) Query must reference fields in the index only.
E) The predicates on A_1...A_k must be equality predicates and they need
   to be constants. This includes the 'IN' operator.
F) The query must be a conjunctive query.
   In other words, it is a AND of ORs:
   (COND1(kp1) OR COND2(kp1)) AND (COND1(kp2) OR ...) AND ...
G) There must be a range condition on C.
H) Conditions on D columns are allowed. Conditions on D must be in
   conjunction with range condition on C.

2. Cost model.

The cost of doing skip scan is calculated in cost_skip_scan().
To estimate the size of the groups to read, index statistics for distinct
groups from rec_per_key is used. For the cost calculation we need 
the number of distinct groups(num_groups) and the number of processed

num_groups can be obtained using following formula:

// distinct_key_parts is the number of key parts used to create distinct groups.
keys_per_group = index_info->records_per_key(distinct_key_parts);

num_groups= table_records / keys_per_group;

If there is equality ranges on columns A_1,...,A_k,
table_records is the number of records returned by
A_1,...,A_k ranges. It's calculated using check_quick_select()

Number of processed records is the rows which are finally qualified by the range
condition on "C for all the distinct groups in the table and it's calculated
using following formula:

num_processed_records= table_records * filtering_effect;

where filtering_effect is the filtering effect for the range 'C'.
Note that calculation of the filtering effect is based in the
Item_field::get_cond_filter_default_probability(). It uses
'max distinct values' for the effect calculation.
So the number of records passed as an argument to the ::get_filtering_effect()
should be calculated as  keys_per_group / keys_per_range, where

keys_per_range is number of records per key for the range 'C'.

IO_cost is calculated using method
io_cost = HANDLER::index_scan_cost(key, num_groups, num_processed_records);

CPU cost is calculated using following formula:

cpu_cost =
  // Multiply by 2 since there are 2 re-positions per group
  tree_traversal_cost * num_groups * 2 +

where tree_traversal_cost is calculated using formula

tree_height = table_records == 0 ? 1.0 : ceil(log(double(table_records)));
tree_traversal_cost = cost_model->key_compare_cost(tree_height);

where table_records is the number of records present in the table.

3. New optimize switches.

New optimizer switch 'skip_scan' is introduced.

'skip_scan' switch enables/disables the use of 'skip scan' algorithm.
The switch is 'on' by default.

4. EXPLAIN output changes.

If loose index 'skip scan' access method is used,
'Using index for skip scan' is printed in the 'Extra' field of the EXPLAIN output.

EXPLAIN SELECT f1, f3 FROM t1 WHERE f1 = 2 AND f2 = 3 AND f4 > 3;
id	select_type	table	partitions	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows
filtered	Extra
1	SIMPLE	t1	NULL	range	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	16	NULL	1	100.00	Using where; Using index
for skip scan

5. Optimizer trace changes.

Information about skip scan is printed in the following form:

"skip scan" {
  "type": "skip_scan",
  "index": "index_used_for_skip_scan",
  "key_parts_used_for_access": ["key_parts_used_for_access"],
  "equality ranges": ["list_of_equality_ranges"],
  "non equality ranges": ["list_of_non_equality_ranges"]

For example, for the query
EXPLAIN SELECT f1, f3 FROM t1 WHERE f1 = 2 AND f2 = 3 AND f4 > 3

Opt_trace output looks like:

skip_scan": {
  "type": "skip_scan",
  "index": "PRIMARY",
  "key_parts_used_for_access": [
  ] /* key_parts_used_for_access */,
  "equality ranges": [
    "2 <= f1 <= 2 AND 3 <= f2 <= 3"
  ] /* equality ranges */,
  "non equality ranges": [
    "3 < f4"
  ] /* non equality ranges */,
  "chosen": true
} /* skip_scan */

6. New optimizer hint SKIP_SCAN/NO_SKIP_SCAN.

   SKIP_SCAN specification:

   SKIP_SCAN([@QB_NAME] table [index[, index]...])
   SKIP_SCAN(table@QB_NAME [index[, index]...])

   The hint forces the optimizer to use skip scan for the specified
   table using the specified set of indexes. If no index is specified,
   all possible indexes are considered by the optimizer and
   cheapest one is selected.  Note that the hint may be ignored if the
   indexes is not applicable to the given query.

   NO_SKIP_SCAN specification:

   NO_SKIP_SCAN([@QB_NAME] table [index[, index]...])
   NO_SKIP_SCAN(table@QB_NAME [index[, index]...])

   The hint disables skip scan for specified indexes.
   If no index is specified, skip scan is not allowed for the table.

   Resolving conflicting hints.

   First specified hint is applied and next conflicting hints are ignored with
   warning. If it's impossible to apply a valid hint, it is silently ignored
   without any warning. Note that if SKIP_SCAN and NO_SKIP_SCAN are used
   at the same time, second specified hints is treated as conflicting and
   ignored with warning.


   /*+ SKIP_SCAN(t1 idx1, idx2) NO_SKIP_SCAN(t1 idx1) */

   SKIP_SCAN(t1 idx1, idx2) is applicable and NO_SKIP_SCAN is ignored.

   /*+ NO_SKIP_SCAN(t1 idx1, idx2) SKIP_SCAN(t1 idx2) */

   SKIP_SCAN is ignored because there is a preceding hint for
   the same table.

   Interaction with optimizer switch.

   Hint has a higher priority, i.e. if optimizer_switch 'skip_scan' is OFF and
   hint SKIP_SCAN is specified then the hint is applicable. 

   Interaction with old style hints USE|FORCE|IGNORE INDEX.

   Old hints have higher priority towards to new style hints.


   /*+ SKIP_SCAN(t1 idx1, idx2, idx3) */ ... IGNORE INDEX idx1

   There is conflict between old and new style hints. In this case
   index 'idx1' will be excluded from the possible ranges for skip

   /*+ NO_SKIP_SCAN(t1 idx1, idx2) */ ... FORCE INDEX idx1, idx2

   Skip scan is disallowed for idx1, idx2 but optimizer is forced to
   use either idx1 or idx2 for range or ref access. Here is no conflicts,
   both hint are applicable.

   If IGNORE INDEX hint contains multiple indexes,
   indexes specified in the old hint are unavailable for skip scan.

   FORCE/USE INDEX hints make only specified indexes to be available for
   skip scan.


   EXPLAIN SELECT /*+ SKIP_SCAN(t1 f2, f3, f4) */ f2 FROM t1
   FORCE INDEX (f2, f3) WHERE f4 = 'h' AND f2 = 2 AND f3 = 'b';

   Skip scan will be used only for f2, f3 indexes.

   EXPLAIN SELECT /*+ SKIP_SCAN(t1 f2, f3, f4) */ f2 FROM t1
   USE INDEX (f2, f3) WHERE f4 = 'h' AND f2 = 2 AND f3 = 'b';

   Skip scan will be used only for f2, f3 indexes.