WL#11031: Deprecate --relay-log-info-file and --master-info-file

Affects: Server-8.0   —   Status: Complete


This worklog implements a deprecation warning when the user sets
or reads the value of --relay-log-info-file and --master-info-file.


- relay-log-info-repository : This option causes the server to log its
  relay log info to a file or a table.  The name of the file defaults
  to relay-log.info; you can change the name of the file using the
  --relay-log-info-file server option.

- master-info-repository : This option causes the server to write its
  master info log to a file or a table.  The name of the file defaults
  to master.info; you can change the name of the file using the
  --master-info-file server option.

- WL#6959 has deprecated the use of these two options when set to FILE
  (master_info_repository=FILE and relay_log_info_repository=FILE).
  This was done in 8.0.3. In this worklog we are removing the repository 
  options and metadata files.


This worklog addresses the fact that there are deprecation warnings
missing for the following two options: relay-log-info-file and
master-info-file. These should have been deprecated already together
with their "parent" options relay_log_info_repository=FILE and
master_info_repository=FILE respectively.
Functional Requirements

FR1: server SHALL emit a warning, at server start time, when
     configuring relay_log_info_file='bla' in the server configuration

FR2: server SHALL emit a warning, at server start time, when
     configuring master-info-file='bla' in the server configuration

FR3: server SHALL emit a warning, at server start time, when passing
     relay-log-info-file='bla' as a server start up option on the
     command line.

FR4: server SHALL emit a warning, at server start time, when passing
     master-info-file='bla' as a server start up option on the command

FR5: Warning shall be emitted in the user session when the user reads
     the variable @@global.relay_log_info_file.
User Visible Changes

- Server emits a deprecation warning in the session when the user
  selects @@global.relay_log_info_file.

    "Warning 1287 '@@relay_log_info_file' is deprecated and will be
    removed in a future release."

- Server emits a deprecation warning at start up if the
  relay_log_info_file config option is set.

   "2019-07-09T22:45:35.948155Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011069] [Server] The
    syntax '--relay-log-info-file' is deprecated and will be removed in
    a future release."

- Server emits a deprecation warning at start up if the
  master_info_file config option is set.

   "2019-07-09T22:45:35.948155Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011069] [Server] The
    syntax '--master-info-file' is deprecated and will be removed in
    a future release."


After upgrading to the version that contains this change then the user
will get the aforementioned deprecation warnings. This, however, shall
not break backwards compatibility.


There are no security considerations.


There are no observability considerations. There is no new
functionality added only a new warning is emitted.

1. Deploy DEPRECATED_VAR("") in the relay_log_info_file system
   variable declaration. We do not do it for master-info-file, since
   that is not a variable.

2. Deploy conditional calls to push_deprecated_warn in
   mysql_get_one_options, for both relay_log_info_file and
   master_info_file, so that the warning is pushed at server start
   time, when the options is set.

3. Add deprecation test case validating session and server start