WL#10885: Add/Extend mtr tests for Replication/GR variables with set persist

Affects: Server-8.0   —   Status: Complete

Currently SET PERSIST can set variables that are settable as SET GLOBAL and also read-only variables.

Additionally RESET PERSIST can also be verified.

From Replication and Group Replication we must add tests to ensure this is covered, the list of Replication and Group replication variables are listed here https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysqld-option-tables.html

FR1 - Test must verify that SET/RESET PERSIST works properly for replication variables.

FR2 - Test must verify that SET/RESET PERSIST works properly for replication plugin variables.

FR3 - Test must verify that server starts with warning if plugin related variables are persisted and plugin is uninstalled.

FR4 - Test that invalid, incorrect values must not be persisted for core and group replication variables.