Worklog Tasks

Worklog #:
Displaying 921 to 940 of 2400 total results

ID Task Title Modified Version Status
WL#5403 LOCK TABLES t1 READ, t_does_not_exist WRITE; 2010-08-02 20:40:40 WorkLog-3.4 Un-Assigned
WL#4783 Extend mysqlbinlog to support remote backup of binary logs 2010-08-03 19:00:01 Server-5.6 Complete
WL#4739 Physical Structure of Server 2010-08-09 16:09:37 Server-9.x Assigned
WL#1110 Subquery optimization: Materialization 2010-08-09 18:00:01 Server-6.0 Complete
WL#2673 Unicode Collation Algorithm new version 2010-08-11 02:00:01 Server-5.6 Complete
WL#3716 WEIGHT_STRING function 2010-08-11 14:24:23 Server-5.6 Complete
WL#4013 Unicode german2 collation 2010-08-11 14:26:08 Server-5.6 Complete
WL#3664 strnxfrm() changes for prefix keys and NOPAD 2010-08-11 14:27:12 Server-5.6 Complete
WL#4445 EXCHANGE PARTITION WITH TABLE 2010-08-12 14:58:28 Server-5.6 Complete
WL#4775 SEAGULL: Move ndb_* system variables to ha_ndbcluster 2010-08-12 16:00:01 Complete
WL#3286 Real Croatian collations for cp1250, latin2 2010-08-16 11:22:40 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#3749 MySQL Cluster: On-line DDL, new handler interface 2010-08-16 13:17:08 Server-6.0 Complete
WL#5422 Document Expression Syntax 2010-08-19 20:00:01 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#2418 DDL Triggers 2010-08-23 15:58:14 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#4065 Support extended partition pruning for partitioning by COLUMNS 2010-08-25 13:32:39 Server-6.1 Assigned
WL#4170 Provide progress indication for long queries and operations 2010-08-25 21:50:29 WorkLog-3.4 Un-Assigned
WL#2333 SHOW ENGINE ... LOCK STATUS 2010-09-01 14:43:19 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#3662 Refactoring: Replication Modules 2010-09-03 12:30:24 Server-5.5 On-Hold
WL#5252 Deprecate --optimizer_search_depth=63 2010-09-06 11:00:01 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#4677 Unique Server Ids for Replication Topology (UUIDs) 2010-09-06 13:00:01 Server-5.6 Complete