Worklog Tasks

Worklog #:
Displaying 761 to 780 of 2400 total results

ID Task Title Modified Version Status
WL#4991 mysql_upgrade --fix-privilege-tables 2009-11-17 12:19:11 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#342 Replication Heartbeat 2009-11-17 12:19:57 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#4398 Replication Interface for semi-synchronous replication 2009-11-17 12:20:44 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#5016 Fix header file include guards 2009-11-17 12:21:10 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#3953 Log Access Denied errors for bad passwords in the error log 2009-11-17 12:22:20 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#3653 Loadable Engine on Windows 2009-11-17 12:23:47 Server-5.1 Complete
WL#4444 TRUNCATE PARTITION support 2009-11-29 14:00:01 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#3352 Extending Partitioning Types and new partition function 2009-12-02 23:00:01 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#4571 Assign Key Cache per partition 2009-12-03 10:25:27 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#4995 SSL Certificate validation 2009-12-11 13:00:01 Connector/.NET-5.2 Complete
WL#2511 Add a new table to the Information Schema for TABLESPACE's 2010-01-15 12:35:11 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#5230 Replace strcasecmp() used for checking equality to a more efficient function 2010-01-19 09:16:43 Server-6.0 Un-Assigned
WL#4906 performance schema histories in a slow log 2010-01-20 21:51:00 Server-9.x Un-Assigned
WL#4164 Two-byte collation IDs 2010-01-21 13:35:30 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#1624 determine MAC addr on Windows 2010-01-21 13:57:31 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#1397 convert XML -> SQL 2010-01-21 14:03:10 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#1720 Semi-synchronous replication 2010-01-21 14:33:21 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#4293 Replication: show relay log events on slave 2010-01-21 15:03:04 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#4541 Improved DTrace support in server 2010-01-21 18:57:45 Server-5.4 Complete
WL#3732 Information schema optimization 2010-01-22 09:43:45 Server-5.5 Complete