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User documentation for developers using X DevAPI.
For legal information, see the Legal Notices.
For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with other MySQL users.
Document generated on: 2025-03-11 (revision: 81148)
Table of Contents
- Preface and Legal Notices
- 1 Overview
- 2 Connection and Session Concepts
- 3 CRUD Operations
- 4 Working with Collections
- 5 Working with Documents
- 6 Working with Relational Tables
- 7 Working with Relational Tables and Documents
- 8 Statement Execution
- 9 Working with Result Sets
- 10 Building Expressions
- 11 CRUD EBNF Definitions
- 12 Expressions EBNF Definitions
- 13 Implementation Notes
List of Figures
- 2.1 Connection URI
- 3.1 Database Object - Class Diagram
- 6.1 Table.insert() Syntax Diagram
- 6.2 Table.select() Syntax Diagram
- 6.3 Table.update() Syntax Diagram
- 6.4 Table.delete() Syntax Diagram
- 9.1 Result Classes
- 11.1 Session
- 11.2 SqlExecute
- 11.3 SQLPlaceholderValues
- 11.4 SQLPlaceholderName
- 11.5 SQLLiteral
- 11.6 Schema
- 11.7 Collection
- 11.8 Table
- 11.9 CollectionFindFunction
- 11.10 CollectionModifyFunction
- 11.11 CollectionAddFunction
- 11.12 CollectionRemoveFunction
- 11.13 CollectionCreateIndexFunction
- 11.14 CollectionDropIndex
- 11.15 TableSelectFunction
- 11.16 TableInsertFunction
- 11.17 TableUpdateFunction
- 11.18 TableDeleteFunction
- 11.19 Result
- 11.20 DocResult
- 11.21 RowResult
- 11.22 Column
- 11.23 SqlResult
- 11.24 SearchConditionStr
- 11.25 SearchExprStrList
- 11.26 ProjectedDocumentExprStr
- 11.27 ProjectedSearchExprStrList
- 11.28 SortExprStrList
- 11.29 ExprOrLiteral
- 11.30 ExprOrLiterals
- 11.31 ExprOrLiteralOrOperand
- 11.32 PlaceholderValues
- 11.33 PlaceholderName
- 11.34 DocPath
- 11.35 Literal
- 11.36 Expression
- 11.37 Document
- 11.38 JSONExpression
- 11.39 JSONDocumentExpression
- 11.40 FunctionName
- 11.41 DocumentOrJSON
- 11.42 TableField
- 11.43 TableFields
- 12.1 ident
- 12.2 schemaQualifiedIdent
- 12.3 columnIdent
- 12.4 documentPathLastItem
- 12.5 documentPathItem
- 12.6 documentPath
- 12.7 documentField
- 12.8 argsList
- 12.9 lengthSpec
- 12.10 castType
- 12.11 functionCall
- 12.12 placeholder
- 12.13 groupedExpr
- 12.14 unaryOp
- 12.15 literal
- 12.16 jsonKeyValue
- 12.17 jsonDoc
- 12.18 jsonarray
- 12.19 atomicExpr
- 12.21 interval
- 12.22 intervalExpr
- 12.23 mulDivExpr
- 12.24 addSubExpr
- 12.25 shiftExpr
- 12.26 bitExpr
- 12.27 compExpr
- 12.28 ilriExpr
- 12.29 andExpr
- 12.30 orExpr
- 12.31 expr
- 12.32 DIGIT
- 12.33 FLOAT
- 12.34 INT
- 12.35 QUOTED_ID
- 12.36 ID
- 12.37 WS
- 12.38 SCHAR
- 12.39 STRING_DQ
- 12.40 STRING_SQ