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Displaying 391 to 400 of 607 total results
An optimization is applied for inserts: The data values given by the parameter sequences are batched using multiple-row syntax. Syntax: cursor.executemany(operation, seq_of_params) This method prepares a database operation (query or command) and ...
You can turn automatic conversion on for convenience, or off for optimal performance. MySQL Connector/Python enables Python programs to access MySQL databases, using an API that is compliant with the Python Database API Specification v2.0 (PEP 249). For notes detailing the changes in each release of Connector/Python, see MySQL Connector/Python Release ...
optionsBuilder.UseMySQL("server=localhost;database=library;user=user;password=password"); } Limitations The Connector/NET implementation of EF Core has the following limitations: Memory-Optimized Tables is not supported. MySQL Connector/NET ...
DbSet.AddRange/RemoveRange provides an optimized way to add or remove multiple entities from a set. MySQL Connector/NET integrates support for Entity Framework 6 (EF6), which now includes support for cross-platform application deployment with the ...
When you extend and optimize the queries in a stored procedure, all the applications that call the procedure automatically receive the benefits. A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that is stored in the server. Clients make a single call ...
The associated Debug files are bundled in its own Zip file, including two lib/ directories: lib/: PDB files to use with regular builds; they are built in RelWithDebInfo mode. Debug/lib/: Debug builds built in Debug mode; includes driver, PDB files, ...
SQLSpecialColumns Yes X/Open Returns information about the optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row in a specified table, or the columns that are automatically updated when any value in the row is updated by a transaction. For the ...
At installation time, you can choose the Unicode driver for the broadest compatibility with data sources using various character sets, or the ANSI driver for optimal performance with a more limited range of character sets. This section highlights ...
With all Borland applications where the Borland Database Engine (BDE) is used, follow these steps to improve compatibility: Update to BDE 3.2 or newer.
Select the Don't optimize column widths option. ...
Displaying 391 to 400 of 607 total results