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5.2.10 The show settings Command

show settings [--hostinfo | --tls]

This command lists the current values of a number of mcmd options:

mcm> show settings;
| Section | Setting        | Value                                               |
| DEFAULT | data_folder    | /home/dso/extra3/mcm-9.0.1-cluster-9.0.1/mcm_data |
| DEFAULT | logging_folder | /home/dso/extra3/mcm-9.0.1-cluster-9.0.1          |
| logger  | filename       | mcmd.log                                            |
| logger  | level          | info                                                |
| mcmd    | bind_port      | 1862                                                |
| mcmd    | copy_port      | 0                                                   |
| mcmd    | mcmd_password  | ********                                            |
| mcmd    | mcmd_user      | mcmd                                                |
| mcmd    | xcom_port      | 18062                                               |
9 rows in set (0.10 sec)

Using the --hostinfo option makes the command print out information on the host that the mcm client is connected to:

mcm> show settings --hostinfo;
| Property        | Value                         |
| Hostname        | localhost.localdomain         |
| Platform        | Linux 3.13.11-100.fc19.x86_64 |
| Processor cores | 1                             |
| Total memory    | 1819 Mb                       |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Using the --tls option makes the command print out the TLS-specific settings:

mcm> show settings --tls;
| Section | Key        | Value    |
| mcmd    | ssl_ca     |          |
| mcmd    | ssl_cert   |          |
| mcmd    | ssl_cipher |          |
| mcmd    | ssl_key    |          |
| mcmd    | ssl_mode   | DISABLED |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)