MySQL 9.2 C API Developer Guide  /  C API Prepared Statement Interface  /  C API Prepared Statement Function Reference

6.3 C API Prepared Statement Function Reference

The following table summarizes the functions available for prepared statement processing. For greater detail, see the descriptions in Section 6.4, “C API Prepared Statement Function Descriptions”.

Table 6.3 C API Prepared Statement Functions

Name Description Deprecated
mysql_stmt_affected_rows() Number of rows changed/deleted/inserted by last prepared UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement
mysql_stmt_attr_get() Get attribute value for prepared statement
mysql_stmt_attr_set() Set attribute value for prepared statement
mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() Associate application data buffers with named and unnamed parameter markers in prepared statement
mysql_stmt_bind_param() Associate application data buffers with parameter markers in prepared statement Yes
mysql_stmt_bind_result() Associate application data buffers with columns in result set
mysql_stmt_close() Free memory used by prepared statement
mysql_stmt_data_seek() Seek to arbitrary row number in prepared statement result set
mysql_stmt_errno() Error number for most recently invoked MySQL prepared-statement function
mysql_stmt_error() Error message for most recently invoked MySQL prepared-statement function
mysql_stmt_execute() Execute prepared statement
mysql_stmt_fetch() Fetch next result set row and return data for all bound columns
mysql_stmt_fetch_column() Fetches data for one column of current result set row
mysql_stmt_field_count() Number of result columns for most recent prepared statement
mysql_stmt_free_result() Free resources allocated to statement handler
mysql_stmt_init() Allocate and initialize memory for MYSQL_STMT structure
mysql_stmt_insert_id() ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by previous prepared statement
mysql_stmt_next_result() Return/initiate next result in multiple-result prepared statement execution
mysql_stmt_num_rows() Row count from buffered statement result set
mysql_stmt_param_count() Number of parameters in prepared statement
mysql_stmt_param_metadata() Return parameter metadata as result set
mysql_stmt_prepare() Prepare statement for execution
mysql_stmt_reset() Reset statement buffers on server side
mysql_stmt_result_metadata() Return prepared statement metadata as result set
mysql_stmt_row_seek() Seek to row offset in prepared statement result set
mysql_stmt_row_tell() Current position within prepared statement result set row
mysql_stmt_send_long_data() Send long data in chunks to server
mysql_stmt_sqlstate() SQLSTATE value for most recently invoked MySQL prepared-statement function
mysql_stmt_store_result() Retrieve and store entire result set
Name Description Deprecated