WL#9502: Migrate few "engine/funcs" tests to suite "parts"

Affects: Server-8.0   —   Status: Complete

It is noticed that there are few tests in the engines/funcs suite which are 
intended to test Native partitioning . MySQL 8.0 supports only native
partitioning  and hence it does not make sense to have partitioning tests in
engine independent suite.

Currently the test runs with Innodb and skips with MyISAM. The test runs on PB2 

# Engine independent tests
perl mysql-test-run.pl --timer --force   --parallel=auto  --comment=eits-tests-
myisam-engine --experimental=collections/default.experimental --vardir=var-stmt    
-eits-tests-myisam-engine --suite=engines/iuds,engines/funcs --max-test-fail=0 -
-retry-failure=0 --mysqld=--default-storage-engine=myisam --mysqld=--default-t    
mp-storage-engine=myisam --skip-test-list=collections/disabled-daily.list

perl mysql-test-run.pl --timer --force  --parallel=auto --comment=eits-tests-
innodb-engine --experimental=collections/default.experimental --vardir=var-stmt-
eits-tests-innodb-engine --suite=engines/iuds,engines/funcs  --max-test-fail=0 -
-retry-failure=0 --mysqld=--default-storage-engine=innodb --skip-test-list=coll    

The objective of this Work-log is to move these test to parts suite.

User Documentation

Work was done for test suite. No user docs required.
FR1: The engine dependent tests, it's corresponding result files, configuration 
and option files (if any) must be successfully moved from engines/funcs suite to 

FR2: Engine independent tests under "collections/mysql-trunk-stage.push" which are 
currently NOT run with no-skip option will be run WITH no-skip option
The below list of MTR tests have a dependency on the Storage engine and should not 
be a part of engines suite where tests that are Engine independent are kept.

1. tc_partition_analyze.test
2. tc_partition_change_from_range_to_hash_key.test
3. tc_partition_check.test
4. tc_partition_hash_date_function.test
5. tc_partition_hash.test
6. tc_partition_key.test
7. tc_partition_linear_key.test
8. tc_partition_list_directory.test
9. tc_partition_list_error.test
10. tc_partition_optimize.test
11. tc_partition_rebuild.test
12. tc_partition_remove.test
13. tc_partition_reorg_divide.test
14. tc_partition_reorg_hash_key.test
15. tc_partition_reorg_merge.test
17. tc_partition_sub1.test
18. tc_partition_sub2.test
19. tc_partition_value_error.test
20. tc_partition_value_specific.test
21. tc_partition_value.test