WL#7280: WKB geometry container

Status: Complete

Implement wkb containers which conforms to boost.range concept, so as to be used
as adapters between existing wkb geometry data and boost geometry algorhtms.

The aim is to avoid conversions between wkb enconded byte string and boost
geometry objects, which is how existing #7220/#7221/#7236 work logs handle the
interactions between bg geometries and mysql geometries now. Such conversions
can be expensive, especially considering the amount of geometry objects can be 

We can achieve this by implementing STL-like containers using the wkb encoded
byte string as container data, and implementing iterators which can iterate in
the wkb encoded byte string. Then we can use these containers to implement our
version of point/linestring/polygon/multipoint/multilinestring/multipolygon
classes, and objects of these classes take a wkb pointer to obtain its data. And
then via standard iterator interface, they can be used by boost geometry
algorithms to do gis calculation.

Because the boost.range needs random access iterators, and boost geometry by
default inherit from std::vector, I decided to implement a simplified vector
(my_wkb_vector) which has an iterator type of random access concept, the
container object is created using wkb pointer, and then caller can create
iterators with begin/end/rbegin/rend and do random iterator access.

The iterators can be readable and writable, the vector has a minimal set of
required methods.

User Documentation

None required.
I-1: New files: 
       Added two code files: gis_wkb_vector.h and gis_bg_traits.h
I-2: No new syntax
I-3: No new commands
I-4: No new tools.
I-5: No impact on existing functionality.
I-6: Interface change:
     The Geometry class and its children classes in spatial.h now has another
set of member functions, which are to be called by Boost Geometry indirectly via
the traits class templates defined in gis_bg_traits.h
We can achieve this by implementing STL-like containers using the wkb encoded
byte string as container data, and implementing iterators which can iterate in
the wkb encoded byte string. Then we can use these containers to implement our
version of point/linestring/polygon/multipoint/multilinestring/multipolygon
classes, and objects of these classes take a wkb pointer to obtain its data. And
then via standard iterator interface, they can be used by boost geometry
algorithms to do gis calculation.

Because the boost.range needs random access iterators, and boost geometry by
default inherit from std::vector, I decided to implement a simplified vector
(gis_wkb_vector) which has an iterator type of random access concept, the
container object is created using wkb pointer, and then caller can create
iterators with begin/end/rbegin/rend and do random iterator access.

The iterators can be readable and writable, the vector has a minimal set of
required methods.

Gis_wkb_vector derives from Geometry, it represents a geometry composed of
multiple Geometry objects of the component type, so it is the base class for
linestring, multilinestring, multipolygon, multipoint, and the component for
them are respectively point, linestring, polygon and point. And the
Gis_line_string, Gis_multi_line_string, Gis_multi_polygon and Gis_multi_point
classes now derive from Gis_wkb_vector instead of Geometry. Gis_polygon derives
from Geometry as before because BG requires accessing the outer ring and inner
rings separately, thus a polygon can't be seen as a sequence of rings, rather,
it's seen as an outer ring and a sequence of inner rings.
Gis_geometry_collection can't derive from Gis_wkb_vector because its component
can be of any of the 7 types of geometry, there is no proper 'component type'
for it, and fortunately BG doesn't use geometry collection type at all.
When creating a Gis_wkb_vector object, the WKB byte string is parsed and its
internal components is stored into the created Gis_wkb_vector object,
recursively if possible, and the WKB memory is used as is, no copy or conversion
is done. For example, when the wkb is a multilinestring, after parsing, the
Gis_multi_line_string object stores a vector of Gis_line_string objects, each of
which also stores a vector of Gis_point objects, all the Geometry objects refer
to its own WKB memory, the pointers are all various parts of the input WKB
buffer. Since the geometry structure is clear after the Gis_multi_line_string
object is created, following access of components is quite fast. BG does a lot
of such accesses in its algorithms.

When the WKB is a polygon, the polygon is parsed so that the Gis_polygon object
holds an outer ring (Gis_polygon_ring) object and a Gis_polygon_inner_rings
object, the former holds a vector of Gis_point components, the latter has a
vector of Gis_polygon_ring object each of which has a vector of Gis_point
objects. BG uses the outer ring and inner rings separately in different ways.
The Gis_polygon_ring and Gis_polygon_inner_rings are only used as BG adapter
code, never used in other ways. We can't simply use Gis_line_string or
Gis_multi_line_string for this, there would be type conflicts, and WKB strcuture
isn't the same either(for inner rings).

Update support
We suppose updating a geometry can happen in the following ways:
1. create an empty geo, then append components into it, the geo must
be a topmost one; a complex geometry such as a multilinestring can be
seen as a tree of geometry components, and the mlstr is the topmost
geometry, i.e. the root of the tree, its lstrs are next layer of nodes,
their points are the 3rd layer of tree nodes. Only the root owns the
wkb buffer, other components point somewhere into the buffer, and can 
only read the data.
Polygons are only used by getting its exterior ring or inner rings and
then work on that/those rings, never used as a whole.

2. *itr=value, each geo::m_owner can be used to track the topmost
memory owner, and do reallocation to accormodate the value. This is
for now not supported, will be if needed.                

So far geometry assignment are only used for point objects in boost
geometry, thus only Geometry and Gis_point have operator=, no other
classes need so, and thus there is no need for reallocation.

3. call resize() to append some objects at the end, then assign/append 
values to the added objects using push_back. Objects added this way
are out of line(unless the object is a point), and user need to call       
reassemble() to make them inline, i.e. stored in its owner's memory.

Use sql_alloc to allocate memory for WKB data as well as the component vector(an
std::vector), including the vector's inner allocator. When the Geometry object
is created with existing WKB data, the WKB data is directly used without any
copy/conversion; when it's created by updating in one of the 3 ways above, the
object holds its own memory and such memory is freed when the object is destroyed.